Out of Soul Chat

I just learned the coding. is it going to change. Because i might literally flip my shit. 

It will change, sadly. :(  I think it's supposed to become easier and simpler to use. However, the change was a necessary one with the coding, for reasons along the lines of things getting outdated and the parser not working within this new site. Something like that. 
I don't think everything's updated for the BBCode as of yet... It's working on it in background or something... Dwiz did say that was a whole other section of the update or something. I don't remember exactly, it's kind of an overload right now.

Fonts aren't in there yet as far as I can tell... ... only size and color.... subscripts....Superscripts....
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  • Just testing


  • While we're here


  • Because why not


EDIT: Is it just me or do the slides not open?

EDIT TO THE EDIT: Nevermind. They open now.
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[SIZE=14.6667px]HEY HEY [/SIZE] [SIZE=14.6667px]HEY [/SIZE]

In other words, that was a test test test of Fonts fonts fonts
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@SpicyLickiTung I'm curious as to if the formatting will continue to stay the same when pulling stuff over from a Google Doc. That's what I did with the font test above. If your up for it, want to help me experiment with it? 

@Deadeyelee Your welcome to join in as well if you like. I figure it'd be something to pass time and move away from the direct confusion of everything. Maybe?

Heck anyone from this rp are welcome to join in.
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@Zenaida How would this procedure work?

Well, what I was thinking was that one of us could make a doc and then set it to publicly shared via link, or something along the lines. Then said link could be given to anyone who wants to join in. From there, we'd be able to toy with different formatting options on docs, then figure out what might carry over and what doesn't. The testing could either be done here, or one of us could make a new discussion thread for it. The shared document would allow all of us to see what the others are trying so that things don't get repeated too many times.
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Well, what I was thinking was that one of us could make a doc and then set it to publicly shared via link, or something along the lines. Then said link could be given to anyone who wants to join in. From there, we'd be able to toy with different formatting options on docs, then figure out what might carry over and what doesn't. The testing could either be done here, or one of us could make a new discussion thread for it. 

HMMMM. Interesting...sure. But can we do it tomorrow. Kinda want to reply to something and go to bed after processing all this new update stuff.
So... We are half moved into our new home. I need to get my butt out of bed and then I will send out invites to all the old members and see who we are able to bring back. I am not going to be surprised  if we lose people in the update but maybe we can pick up some new ones too. 
So... We are half moved into our new home. I need to get my butt out of bed and then I will send out invites to all the old members and see who we are able to bring back. I am not going to be surprised  if we lose people in the update but maybe we can pick up some new ones too. 

Everything'll go smoothly, I'm sure of it. In the words of the philosophical god known as Dory: ~Just keep swimming!
Rawr! Yeah the update is a bit painful. Hopefully things fix up, but I honestly am desperately missing the old BBC code a lot now with the format goofed and the new features not seeming to work right and lack any bit of customization. T.T HIYA BTW!

Oh and posted was working on a post when you sent that. :P
Rawr! Yeah the update is a bit painful. Hopefully things fix up, but I honestly am desperately missing the old BBC code a lot now with the format goofed and the new features not seeming to work right and lack any bit of customization. T.T HIYA BTW!

Oh and posted was working on a post when you sent that. :P

Haha! You are Hana Duck now! It's in your title... teeheehee!

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