Out of Soul Chat

I've officially started a post for Xander and Lexie and I'll also be including more Jessyka in this one. I don't know for sure when I'll have it up, but it does exist in some preliminary form.
I honestly have no idea on how Jason would react to this. Like, part of him would be angry that Xander isn't down for the count. That part would likely be screaming out "hax! Hax i s4y" in leet speak for all I care to imagine. Then there's the part of him that's curious about what would happen in a sickly morbid manner. Then there's the part that wants to help. Suffice to say, a reaction will be hard with all these conflicting ideas.

On that note, @Stickdom what are we gonna do now my goon? The ball is in your court in terms of decision making, so make me proud.
Exanis said:
I don't think I ever specified whether he had Soul Perception or not in the CS. Granted I didn't specify much about his soul.
Well, for a meister, I tend to assume Soul Perception unless otherwise expressed. Not sure if that helps you or not, but most meisters are supposed to have some amount of soul perception.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Well, for a meister, I tend to assume Soul Perception unless otherwise expressed. Not sure if that helps you or not, but most meisters are supposed to have some amount of soul perception.
I was going under that assumption as well, otherwise I would have stated that he was capable of Soul Perception.

So I suppose the answer would be yes.
Exanis said:
So I suppose the answer would be yes.
Given that, then, it is very likely that Jason would know that Xander is not going to be getting back up... His soul is fading, I guess you could say. He's losing his hold on his body's physical form.

It's in a spoiler because if someone doesn't have soul perception, they would not be capable of knowing the information in the spoiler.
DaughterofAthena said:
Given that, then, it is very likely that Jason would know that Xander is not going to be getting back up... His soul is fading, I guess you could say. He's losing his hold on his body's physical form.

It's in a spoiler because if someone doesn't have soul perception, they would not be capable of knowing the information in the spoiler.

What that is likely going to change the way Jason is to react to what's happening.

I like it.

So about my sheet, do I decide on Soul Resonance or unique Soul Wavelengths/Soul Force attacks? My character is a 2-year 1-star meister, so I was wondering if I would have any freedom in what combat techniques she already has.
Genon said:
Soul Resonance
I personally like to think that what soul resonance looks like really depends on the partner and is thus not particular to any individual character; rather, specific to a pairing. Therefore I don't think it's really something you would include on a character sheet.

Genon said:
unique Soul Wavelengths/Soul Force attacks?
A character can typically only have one kind of unique wavelength and it's not something you learn. It's something you are born with. As far as Soul Force attacks, Soul Menace (very powerful soul force) is reserved for three stars and thus anything that you would see Professor Stein doing in the show is going to be highly questioned should you claim to have it.

I hope that helps some. Specific questions I might be able to answer a bit better.
DaughterofAthena said:
I personally like to think that what soul resonance looks like really depends on the partner and is thus not particular to any individual character; rather, specific to a pairing. Therefore I don't think it's really something you would include on a character sheet.
A character can typically only have one kind of unique wavelength and it's not something you learn. It's something you are born with. As far as Soul Force attacks, Soul Menace (very powerful soul force) is reserved for three stars and thus anything that you would see Professor Stein doing in the show is going to be highly questioned should you claim to have it.

I hope that helps some. Specific questions I might be able to answer a bit better.
My character's original wavelength was called "Formless Wavelength," or just "Formless." Basically, it manifests as a non-Newtonian fluid she can telekinetically manipulate and change the hardness or softness of at will. She can use it to make hard barriers, subdue an opponent by binding their limbs, bludgeon someone with a large mass of the stuff, send a tendril to stab someone with, etc.

The only resonances I can think of so far are a) A large, powerful vortex coming out of the weapon, fueled by rapid-fire peristalsis-like contractions within the wavelength that displaces air at such a rate that it sucks in the air in fast enough to send enemies hurtling inwards, automatically eating their soul and body alike once inside, and b) A gigantic blob-like mount that eats anything in its path.

What do you think?
Genon said:
Basically, it manifests as a non-Newtonian fluid she can telekinetically manipulate and change the hardness or softness of at will. She can use it to make hard barriers, subdue an opponent by binding their limbs, bludgeon someone with a large mass of the stuff, send a tendril to stab someone with, etc.
This seems HIGHLY overpowered to me.
Genon said:
Huh...ok then, any way to make it work?
Well, first off, it seems like you're describing a weapon to me - not an actual wavelength. Wavelengths themselves are not weapons. They are appearances. The attack behind it - Soul Force, more often than not - is where you use the actual wavelength to do damage to something.

Furthermore, it seems to me like the fluid form essentially makes your character a multi-form weapon, something this rp has denied since the beginning. If I let one person have it, I have to let
everyone have it and it simply isn't realistic to let everyone be a multi-form weapon.
@Genon I know that doesn't quite answer your question but I guess I need more of an understanding of what you're actually trying to describe before I can tell you whether or not we could make it work.
DaughterofAthena said:
@Genon I know that doesn't quite answer your question but I guess I need more of an understanding of what you're actually trying to describe before I can tell you whether or not we could make it work.
If we're being honest, I don't really have a very good understanding of what Soul Wavelengths actually are. It seems like the vast majority of the ones we know about (Black Blood, Anti-Magic, Anti-Demon, and Madness Wavelength to name a few) are restricted to specific lore characters or otherwise extremely rare. I have found it extremely difficult to come up with an original Soul Wavelength as a result. The Soul Eater wiki only lists six wavelengths to boot, and since all of the ones listed are, as I said, one-of-a-kind or explicitly stated to be rare, I don't have a lot of options to base one of off.
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I have never considered black blood to be a wavelength. It is something that physically exists and is injected into a person. I don't know why you have it listed with wavelengths but I don't consider it to be one.

I would not consider a wavelength to be something that actually gives the user actual tangible physical abilities. Someone with an anti-magic wavelength is (as its name implies) immune to some forms of magic. That doesn't mean they can do weird things that would normally break the laws of physics. If some ability gives you the ability to break the laws of physics, I would outright say its not a wavelength as no canon wavelength creates such a thing.

Does that help at all?
We do also have one wavelength that was created for this rp called a "Survivor's Wavelength". You might want to go check that out.

I think it might be cool to have a wavelength that gives a person the ability to manipulate emotions to a minor extent or to channel their own emotions into attacks and/or contact.

A healing wavelength is an option. That is canon, so I'm not sure if its what you're looking for, but you didn't mention that one at all.
DaughterofAthena said:
We do also have one wavelength that was created for this rp called a "Survivor's Wavelength". You might want to go check that out.
I think it might be cool to have a wavelength that gives a person the ability to manipulate emotions to a minor extent or to channel their own emotions into attacks and/or contact.

A healing wavelength is an option. That is canon, so I'm not sure if its what you're looking for, but you didn't mention that one at all.
I didn't mention healing wavelength because I was listing the others as examples and I was under the assumption that it was also a "rare" wavelength (which seem to be a dime a dozen in the main cast for some reason).

Survivor's Wavelength looks really cool actually. Here's an original one I just came up with. What about "Crusader's Wavelength?" A wavelength that grows in power based on the user's own opinion of their actions. So if I was, say, battling the Kishin or fighting someone truly evil like a Witch, I would grow in power dramatically. But if I was fighting someone I cared for, or was using it for something I viewed as despicable, it would be nearly useless. What do you think?

EDIT: The "normal" power level would be a friendly fight or a competitive fight, where there really is no reason for using it. An "above average" power would be for taking on a bully. A "high" power would be for taking on a gang or otherwise awful faction, especially a soul-eating one. Max power would be reserved for Witches or Kishins, or otherwise the servants of Madness.
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Genon said:
What about "Crusader's Wavelength?" A wavelength that grows in power based on the user's own opinion of their actions. So if I was, say, battling the Kishin or fighting someone truly evil like a Witch, I would grow in power dramatically. But if I was fighting someone I cared for, or was using it for something I viewed as despicable, it would be nearly useless. What do you think?
That sounds like something I could very much work with!

Exanis said:
So reading this just made me remember that Cynthia has a Anti-Magic wavelength. Would that have had any affect on what is going on beyond what happened?
Nope. Everything is as is.

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