Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Screw it; I'll read later >->

Apparently all the posts equal a huge meme fest
TheWeirdPhilosopher said:
Welp, I'll catch up at one point hehe
The present story is almost done so at this point, I would honestly recommend waiting. I'm hoping sometime in June we will be starting up new missions and more classes and lessons at the DWMA.
DaughterofAthena said:
The present story is almost done so at this point, I would honestly recommend waiting. I'm hoping sometime in June we will be starting up new missions and more classes and lessons at the DWMA.
Okie, that sounds good to me.
You know, @DaughterofAthena .

I like Kassana and Miyoko's RP. But I dislike using a slingshot because I dislike ranged combat. Hrm....

Although- a thought I had is that if the slingshot mostly functions based on gathering energy and releasing it, why not try shaping an energy sword out of their soul wavelength between the two prongs of the slingshot. But that's just getting silly.

How can I help you understand the overflowing fountain of memes that this has become?
You just had to go there. You just HAD to. Look what you're going to make me do. I'm going to have to meme at you. No one wants that. No one likes being meme'd at. It's worse than being cried at.

You just had to.
DaughterofAthena said:
In their defense, this one kind of earned it...
Am I weird for wanting to save Xander more than Lexie?

DaughterofAthena said:
I would say that depends on what you're intending on doing. If you're going to charge in and try to snatch Lexie out of Xander's hands, I'd recommend giving @QuirkyAngel and @Deadeyelee a bit of a heads up that that's something you'd like to do because I know Kalin wanted another shot at pulling Lexie out of the black.
I'll get a post up soon...probably. Just gonna have Jack touch Kalin to Lexie. The rest is up to @Deadeyelee
Considering Xander is basically responsible for having borderline raped his sisters soul?


I 'unno. I mean, he has issues and is clearly fucked in the head in what led to this. But the fact remains that what he did is violating someone elses very soul on a deep, deep level. His own sister, at that.
I think the fact that I'm kinda looking forward to the both of them dying makes me weirder. Like, I think on principle alone that makes me weirder.

Looking at my character, I'm actually torn about sticking to the plan of making her a ghost. On the one hand, given that ghosts exist in Soul Eater, it begs the question of why there aren't more people shown that don't pass on when killed. When a Meister dies, for example, if their soul is still around, then it makes sense that more than a few of them wouldn't want to go to the next world. It's one thing if a ghost was stuck on a ship in the middle of nowhere like the Flying Dutchman's captives in the show, but it's another for a person who had an active life to just give up and move on. There should logically be way more ghosts in the Soul Eater universe, and considering that a zombie is one of the teachers I wouldn't be surprised if there was a paranormal creature among the student body. In effect, a ghost character could be a way to explore overlooked areas of the Soul Eater universe.

On the other hand, I could understand how making my character a ghost instead of a normal meister, and gaining special powers no other player has in the process, just screams "I'M SPECIAL AND UNIQUE AND OVERPOWERED. AREN'T I AWESOME?" Furthermore, there's the problem of balancing out her powers in the late-game once she learns how to use them properly. I'm really wondering if it's necessary or wise to make her a ghost at all.

What do you think?
@Genon I am studying for an exam right now so my response will be brief and I apologize for that.

I personally would prefer not to have a ghost character simply because it makes my life a heck of a lot easier. However, you could argue that if I wanted it easy, I wouldn't be running two giant rps in the first place so I kind of screwed myself out of the easy route already. I am more than willing to work with you to make a ghost character work although I can tell you already all your ideas of special powers are not going to pass. There are very few things that you have mentioned so far that I actually do approve of (one of them being the Crusader's Soul - keep that, I think it's awesome!).

Honestly, if there is a concept within the lore that you think ought to be explored more, make a mission about it. I think it would be cool to make a mission revolving around the existence of ghosts similar to the one encountered on The Flying Dutchman. And the awesome thing with making missions as opposed to characters as a way of exploring lore is that you get to make villains. And villains have leeway to be overpowered because its so much more fun when they can't be easily beaten by one character all by themselves. Plus, I much more enjoy making stories with players rather than making characters with them.

That being said, I feel like this might be pertinent. We
do have a student who is a zombie.
DaughterofAthena said:
@Genon I am studying for an exam right now so my response will be brief and I apologize for that.
I personally would prefer not to have a ghost character simply because it makes my life a heck of a lot easier. However, you could argue that if I wanted it easy, I wouldn't be running two giant rps in the first place so I kind of screwed myself out of the easy route already. I am more than willing to work with you to make a ghost character work although I can tell you already all your ideas of special powers are not going to pass. There are very few things that you have mentioned so far that I actually do approve of (one of them being the Crusader's Soul - keep that, I think it's awesome!).

Honestly, if there is a concept within the lore that you think ought to be explored more, make a mission about it. I think it would be cool to make a mission revolving around the existence of ghosts similar to the one encountered on The Flying Dutchman. And the awesome thing with making missions as opposed to characters as a way of exploring lore is that you get to make villains. And villains have leeway to be overpowered because its so much more fun when they can't be easily beaten by one character all by themselves. Plus, I much more enjoy making stories with players rather than making characters with them.

That being said, I feel like this might be pertinent. We
do have a student who is a zombie.
Alright, I won't make a ghost. Anyway, what's the zombie's name? I'd like to check out his CS.
Exanis said:
I think the fact that I'm kinda looking forward to the both of them dying makes me weirder. Like, I think on principle alone that makes me weirder.
Deadeyelee said:
When I stare at this, it looks like the Os are all different sizes...
Deadeyelee said:

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