Out of Soul Chat

Welp, Cynthia post coming in either late tonight or tomorrow morning. If you want a chance at saving the psycho duo, now's your chance to get it in, because there may or may not be a hail of arrows with a slight chance of raining death and destruction, clearing up into maniacal laughter later on. Full story tonight at 11. Back to you, Biff, for newer news!
@Deadeyelee I have come to the realization that we've been neglecting our duo of Jayce and Felix. Just so you know, I think after my last final tomorrow morning I'll be working on something for Jayce...


I don't know anymore...​
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Exanis said:
This is just asking for Jason to request one final arrow.
Do it. Do it for the Vine!

Actually, might want to wait for Cynthia's next post, she has something to say about it, though feel free to usurp my idea and make a post before hand if you want, I can work with/around it :3
Stickdom said:
Welp, Cynthia post coming in either late tonight or tomorrow morning. If you want a chance at saving the psycho duo, now's your chance to get it in, because there may or may not be a hail of arrows with a slight chance of raining death and destruction, clearing up into maniacal laughter later on. Full story tonight at 11. Back to you, Biff, for newer news!
HOLD THE HELL UP. Seriously. This is dumb. At least give someone else a chance to address the situation before you steam roll it
DaughterofAthena said:
@Deadeyelee I have come to the realization that we've been neglecting our duo of Jayce and Felix. Just so you know, I think after my last final tomorrow morning I'll be working on something for Jayce...
I've noticed. Things are about to get difficult for them, I think.
Deadeyelee said:
HOLD THE HELL UP. Seriously. This is dumb. At least give someone else a chance to address the situation before you steam roll it
Don't worry. Don't worry. Keziah hasn't done anything in a while... Maybe it is time I demonstrate that she does have some morals and she does care some small bit.

All will be fine Deadeye.
Deadeyelee said:
HOLD THE HELL UP. Seriously. This is dumb. At least give someone else a chance to address the situation before you steam roll it
First off, cool down a bit, there's no reason to get snappy or rude. It was meant to be a joke, though obviously not a good one if it makes you so upset. I may or may not be planning to kill off the two crazy ones, but I'm not ignorant to the fact that other players want a chance to post as well. I will hold off on posting if no one else has addressed the situation on their own terms, I believe in everyone getting a fair shot at their "turn", but I don't think you can tell me that there aren't others who are "steam rolling" the story in their own way and everyone is perfectly fine with it.
Stickdom said:
First off, cool down a bit, there's no reason to get snappy or rude. It was meant to be a joke, though obviously not a good one if it makes you so upset. I may or may not be planning to kill off the two crazy ones, but I'm not ignorant to the fact that other players want a chance to post as well. I will hold off on posting if no one else has addressed the situation on their own terms, I believe in everyone getting a fair shot at their "turn", but I don't think you can tell me that there aren't others who are "steam rolling" the story in their own way and everyone is perfectly fine with it.
I'm sorry. There was no change in tone from previous posts where you were sorting things out, and your meaning was mistaken. I apologize. I'm not normally a confrontational person.
Noivian said:
Hello! I'm new around here! Nice to meet all of you.


I noticed your application and I am glad you decided to join us! I will get back to you on your app when I have some free time and until then you are welcome to read up or not and stay and chat with some of our collected members... Or not.

Either way, welcome!

I wasn't sure what exactly was acceptable as far as characters go, and I was hitting a bit of writer's block when coming up with personality and all that, not to mention I changed her name at the last moment... I hope everything looks good!

I'm really looking forwards to this role play, but was wondering how pairings between Meisters and weapons are decided. Is it something we decide through role play, or something we decide OOC?
Ooh, okay... I guess that makes sense. Have to see how the characters interact, and then decide if we want them to pair up.
Noivian said:
Hello! I'm new around here! Nice to meet all of you.
Hello there! It's nice to meet you as well. Can't wait to have you join in the insanity fun that is our roleplay.
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Noivian said:
Hello! I'm new around here! Nice to meet all of you.
Hai there~ Nice to have a new face around here ^.^. I hope you enjoy your experience!
Now now, we're all friends here. And on top of that, we are all respectable RPers. It should not have to be said to wait and allow others to react to the situation, as that is something we have all come to understand over the years. I won't go further than that, and I'm glad the issue has resolved itself.

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