Out of Soul Chat

I'm sorry that I have been gone all this time. This time of year isn't particularly kind to me. I've been dealing with quite a bit, but I am more than willing to read up and make a post ASAP.
Keanehandiam said:
I'm sorry that I have been gone all this time. This time of year isn't particularly kind to me. I've been dealing with quite a bit, but I am more than willing to read up and make a post ASAP.
No worries at all. I merely am trying to keep track of a fairly large group of people and that is a difficult thing to do sometimes. I understand that real life gets busy and all that fun jazz so don't feel the need to rush with posts if that is the case. I just seek to figure out if anyone's vanished permanently and it would seem to me that you have not. That is all I need to know.
Hi guys!

I'm just putting this here so no one has an excuse not to know. I will be around for most of the day today, but tomorrow and Sunday I do imagine I will be completely nonexistent. I'm going to Northern Invasion which happens to be a giant metal music festival and I'm sorry, but that's more fun than roleplaying. I will be peeking in, but after today, I personally won't be able to post until Monday - likely Monday evening.
It's cool, I'm not available saturdays anyway; I play or DM in a Tabletop DM group, depending on the week. Tommorow my Human Paladin and Fae Sorcerer join their companions in a valiant charge into undead infested hellscape-city!
SephirothSage said:
It's cool, I'm not available saturdays anyway; I play or DM in a Tabletop DM group, depending on the week. Tommorow my Human Paladin and Fae Sorcerer join their companions in a valiant charge into undead infested hellscape-city!
I envy you, I used to have friends period who would get together to do tabletop when we were all working out at a summer camp together all summer long. It was a freaking blast, I loved it, it's got so much more depth than simply writing out an RP campaign, no offense to present company, of course.
I'd say it varies from group to group. It can have a lot of depth- it can just be a fun romp. And I'd say these forum RP's are a bit less personal, but just as capable of producing deep, nuanced and interesting characters. In some ways, having more time to spend detailing things in writing helps a lot, y'know?

In other ways, the detachment is a bit hindering. I'd compare a forum RP to writing a book together, and a Tabletop to being in a play together.
Hey guys! I'm back and I have a post for Xander on my list of things to do! It should be up sometime tomorrow for sure although I do have a lot to catch up on so I can't guarantee tonight.
Yeah, I can't wait to see what he thinks of a giant arrow being launched at his head, if Jason is any good at aiming the dang thing xD
Well Jason targeted the shoulder holding the weapon so as to both detain Xander and release Alexis.

He was tempted to aim for a headshot however.

Very very tempted.
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Meanwhile, if Miyoko reaches Melee, literally every blow from her will either be a grapple, or a punch aimed to push a bit of bone into a bit of something fleshy.

But that's just how she fights when it's not a sparring match.

So it looks like my old Soul Eater RP may have died, and I'm considering joining this. Now, the character I employed in both Soul Eater RPs I've been in never got a chance to come into her own, because the roleplays never got past the first or second day of classes. This roleplay looks like it has a much better chance of surviving, so I would like to reuse my old character but with her abilities significantly toned-down, so that she gets a proper showing.

This character would be a ghost meister, with stereotypical ghostly abilities (possession, intangibility, invisibility, levitation, etc). However, these powers take a lot out of her to activate, and early on they are more likely to work against her than to be actually useful. For example, her levitation may trigger while trying to jump, resulting in her dramatically overshooting the ledge she was trying to reach, and then plummeting to the ground when she tries to deactivate it. She may lean against a wall and accidentally go through it, or phase through the bed she's sleeping in and the floor it's placed on, and freak out the person in the room below her. Or she might shake hands with someone and accidentally possess them.

What I'm saying is that on introduction, her powers will be mostly an obstacle or for comedy, and then they'll gradually become a useful asset in combat as she gets used to her physiology. The only real caveat is that I'm not sure how she'd be killed by typical enemies. After all, outside of eating her soul, you can't kill that which is already dead. Perhaps you can help me out?

Also tagging @Arkytior since I believe you work with character sheets.

EDIT: Also @DaughterofAthena, how was Northern Invasion? The only metal concert I've been to is Paganfest, so I'm curious.
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Genon said:
This character would be a ghost meister, with stereotypical ghostly abilities (possession, intangibility, invisibility, levitation, etc). However, these powers take a lot out of her to activate, and early on they are more likely to work against her than to be actually useful. For example, her levitation may trigger while trying to jump, resulting in her dramatically overshooting the ledge she was trying to reach, and then plummeting to the ground when she tries to deactivate it. She may lean against a wall and accidentally go through it, or phase through the bed she's sleeping in and the floor it's placed on, and freak out the person in the room below her. Or she might shake hands with someone and accidentally possess them.
Though I am willing to work with you on stuff like this to possibly make some of it work, I am not quite comfortable with abilities that do not actually exist within the Soul Eater Lore so I do need A LOT more details on this in general as well as a lot more lore behind ghosts in general as the wiki doesn't list them to my memory. I go based on the wiki because I've only seen the anime and never read the manga.

On another note, I have finals next week so my ability to work with you on this at this particular moment is very minimal to practically nonexistent entirely. I am currently running two rps (this is one of them) and I do have to use what time I do have over the next week or so to keep them moving decently.

Northern Invasion was FANTASTIC! Parking was a bitch but that is to be expected. It was the first time I ever saw a mosh pit.

Edit: I get to go to Rock USA this summer and I'm starting to get excited for that as well.
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DaughterofAthena said:
Though I am willing to work with you on stuff like this to possibly make some of it work, I am not quite comfortable with abilities that do not actually exist within the Soul Eater Lore so I do need A LOT more details on this in general as well as a lot more lore behind ghosts in general as the wiki doesn't list them to my memory. I go based on the wiki because I've only seen the anime and never read the manga.
On another note, I have finals next week so my ability to work with you on this at this particular moment is very minimal to practically nonexistent entirely. I am currently running two rps (this is one of them) and I do have to use what time I do have over the next week or so to keep them moving decently.
According to the wiki's page on ghosts, under Abilities:

Evil ghosts seem to be able to possess locations and create a symbiotic bond with it so that the ghost can manipulate the possessed building/area in any way that they wish. It may also be possible that ghosts can curse others like that of a traditional ghost in the real world. In addition, Ghosts retain the ability of levitation and the ability to pass through solid objects.
The ghost girl from the Flying Dutchman episode has this in her Abilities section:

The ghost girl has the usual ghost abilities of floating, turning invisible, and being intangible.
Furthermore, ghosts are divided into spirits of good people and the Evil Spirits, which have a physical form and their own unique supernatural abilities. My character isn't an evil spirit, so she wouldn't have these kinds of powers, so I would be basing her stuff off of the Ghost Girl. We'll probably have to get rid of possession since the Ghost Girl didn't exhibit that power.

DaughterofAthena said:
Northern Invasion was FANTASTIC! Parking was a bitch but that is to be expected. It was the first time I ever saw a mosh pit.
I was actually in the mosh pit at Paganfest. But I was a scrawny 16-year old surrounded by people three times my size, so it wasn't the best idea. I got my glasses accidentally broken there. My dad was pissed.
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Genon said:
According to the wiki's page on ghosts, under Abilities:
The ghost girl from the Flying Dutchman episode has this in her Abilities section:

Furthermore, ghosts are divided into spirits of good people and the Evil Spirits, which have a physical form and their own unique supernatural abilities. My character isn't an evil spirit, so she wouldn't have these kinds of powers, so I would be basing her stuff off of the Ghost Girl. We'll probably have to get rid of possession since the Ghost Girl didn't exhibit that power.
I have no class tomorrow so I will look this information over in depth then (or tonight, whichever is less of a relax time). You're welcome to work on a CS in the meantime and post it. I will PM you after I've read through the material and after I've seen the CS to discuss any problems I might have. I just like to make sure I understand new lore if it is added into the rp and ghosts were not previously within the lore of the rp.

Genon said:
I was actually in the mosh pit at Paganfest. But I was a scrawny 16-year old surrounded by people three times my size, so it wasn't the best idea. I got my glasses accidentally broken there. My dad was pissed.
I probably would've wandered in if I hadn't been with my mom. Even though I'm technically an adult, she still would've flipped if she thought I could get hurt.
Finally posted! Sorry that took so long everyone. I got distracted with schoolwork and with other roleplays and I... I'm not going to make up excuses.

Anyway, we're trying to wrap up the concert and then move back into normal school stuff and back into mission requests soonish, just so everyone is aware.
Victory through arrows! VICTORY THROUGH ARROWS! Arrows! Arrows! OI OI OI!

Cheering chant aside, I do believe Jason has completed his job once again, with the help of the lovely Cynthia this time around.

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