Out of Soul Chat

Yeah, I'll work on a post this afternoon, just got home from work, need a bit to chill xD
Work is... work.. Nothing to complain about though. I'll have a post up tonight, I was going to write it last night, but internet went off before I could get around to it.
Hello everyone and anyone!

I'm trying to figure out who's still around and who still intends on sticking around. We've had a lot of sporadic posting and I'd like to get back to some small amount of consistency if at all possible. I'm tagging everyone who is currently listed as an active character within the Accepted Souls Forum unless I have been contacted and informed by you that player of a situation that may prevent activity for a brief time.

If you are still here and still intend to stick around, please like this post. It's as easy as that.

If you're not going to be able to post for a while due to final exams or whatnot, that's fine. I won't be bugging people about posts for a while yet because I know we are getting close if not already at that time of the year when everyone has final exams and graduation and things like that. I'd just like to know that you're still here if you are.

Also here, work's been a load on recently, so I haven't had much time between that and school. I'll get around to posting soon-to-later, I have no work tomorrow, so I'll be more available to get a post up then if I don't get to it tonight.
I'm currently lost entirely on this, just like the FT RP... I'll try to catch back up, but I've already enough difficulty doing that with a RP I joined way before all these big ones.

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