Out of Soul Chat

DaughterofAthena said:
Uhm... I'd recommend at least staying out of the way until after Keziah strikes or Felix will get zapped as well. Akahana, Jayce and Axel are all currently on the strike path and will get electrocuted if things pan out. I'm hoping Akahana gets out of the way and that would then give Jayce a moment to roll out of the way. We'll see.
Hell yeah she's moving! She's determined but she doesnt have a freaking DEATHWISH.
I'm just excited because win or lose Kalin will be majorly changed by this fight. In a different way depending on the result.

And Akahana is not getting away with bullying Felix's temporary weapon unscathed. She might of earned her self a slight bit of mercy, and it's not likely he'll waste much time being angry, but, that was so not cool.
Deadeyelee said:
I'm just excited because win or lose Kalin will be majorly changed by this fight. In a different way depending on the result.
And Akahana is not getting away with bullying Felix's temporary weapon unscathed. She might of earned her self a slight bit of mercy, and it's not likely he'll waste much time being angry, but, that was so not cool.
Just a note: the student roster is now up to date. We have 8 meisters who don't have weapons and we have four weapons who don't have meisters.
DaughterofAthena said:
Not entirely. Just out of the line of attack for the moment...
Malakai won't be able to handle this on his own and @Stormborn Targaryen knows that. He was merely preventing Jack from getting hit.
Okeh doke. Sorry if I came off a little rude. I was about to be really crestfallen if I was getting sidelined just as we were going to put the plan in action. The problem is going to be communicating the plan to Malakai without telling Xander.

Edit: A three star meister should know enough about souls to see the plan.
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Deadeyelee said:
I'm just excited because win or lose Kalin will be majorly changed by this fight. In a different way depending on the result.
And Akahana is not getting away with bullying Felix's temporary weapon unscathed. She might of earned her self a slight bit of mercy, and it's not likely he'll waste much time being angry, but, that was so not cool.
Mmm hmm. First real fight is a perfect area for character development :)

As for Felix, lol. Nicely done. The drama. The intensity. It's great.

DaughterofAthena said:
Not entirely. Just out of the line of attack for the moment...
Malakai won't be able to handle this on his own and @Stormborn Targaryen knows that. He was merely preventing Jack from getting hit.
Yay! Tag team with a 3-star meister! Jack's chances of surviving the fight, without having to realistically end up in the hospital, has increased dramatically xD

Deadeyelee said:
Okeh doke. Sorry if I came off a little rude. I was about to be really crestfallen if I was getting sidelined just as we were going to put the plan in action. The problem is going to be communicating the plan to Malakai without telling Xander.
Edit: A three star meister should know enough about souls to see the plan.
Shouldn't be a problem.

But, even if Xander did know the plan, I doubt anything would substantially change given his character.
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DaughterofAthena said:
@Hanarei The little boy you are referring to is not there anymore. He went with Keane and Sarah and Lauren.
Bleh. T.T Editing my post. I had a feeling someone mentioned that particular boy but I couldn't for the life of me find where I had thought I seen that. Spent like 30 minutes too desperately trying to find the bit and me being blind and derpy not really putting 2 and 2 together. Its what I get for taking so long to get a post in. >.<
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Hanarei said:
Bleh. T.T Editing my post. I had a feeling someone mentioned that particular boy but I couldn't for the life of me find where I had thought I seen that. Spent like 30 minutes too desperately trying to find the bit and me being blind and derpy not really putting 2 and 2 together. Its what I get for taking so long to get a post in. >.<
*pats Hana duck comfortingly*
[QUOTE="Lilllysaurus Rex]Nope this week is finals it is not a good week do not lie to me.

Ahh... well, in that case, I would agree that it is not likely to be an easy week for you. I have finals in three weeks. Currently it is 8th week and finals are week 11. Last week was the end of midterms which meant it was stressful. For me, this week is a relief in comparison.
DaughterofAthena said:
*Quietly wonders what kind of mischief Hana Duck is up to*

Nuffin to see here!
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Sorry for my absence, I should get the post up later today. It's mostly done too, so hopefully nothing will mess it up.
Hey there, so, obviously I'm new around here, just got my first post up :) I'd like to thank @DaughterofAthena (I can just call you Athena, right? :3) for giving me the chance to join in what seems to be an awesome RP. I see a few familiar faces around here, but for anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Stick (^D^)/

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