Out of Soul Chat

[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Well, they're all swords, and are pairs of Bond Meister weapons, soo... I'd think they'd all have skills in using swords, thus could probably all use one another (with the exception to that bit of one-way usage between your characters), and so could be a group of four weapons working together as one another's meisters.
As for personality... I'm not too sure whether or not they would. My characters are very mistrusting of others, although they're basically there to regain the ability to trust, as well as can be pretty serious and stubborn people. They'd probably be able to at least tolerate one another, the group of four.

seems like an interesting idea, but the mods were pretty hardset on weapons not being able to use other weapons. But as for being a sword dual, until they find real meisters, or maybe if they never do, that would be interesting.

As for mistrusting, i think my characters would be ok with that. theirs discrepancies in their back stories for a reason. fue fue fue.
Kaine said:
seems like an interesting idea, but the mods were pretty hardset on weapons not being able to use other weapons.
Well, if it's because they just don't want it for some reason of their own, it's a bit unfortunate. However, if it's by lore and whatnot that it's not allowed, then I say nope. After all, we have the Thompson sisters who used one another for a while prior to the anime events :x

That's all I'll respond to for now though. I'm tired after all, and would rather be able to function tomorrow when I greet my boyfriend now that he's back from Italy :x
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[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Well, if it's because they just don't want it for some reason of their own, it's a bit unfortunate. However, if it's by lore and whatnot that it's not allowed, then I say nope. After all, we have the Thompson sisters who used one another for a while prior to the anime events :x
That's all I'll respond to for now though. I'm tired after all, and would rather be able to function tomorrow when I greet my boyfriend now that he's back from Italy :x

Nono, you had it right. i must of confused you on accident. Bond Meister is realted weapons using one another. Thompson sisters were sisters. MY characters are twins, so even as a weapon they can use one another as a weapon. I thought you meant my characters using yours, or visa versa. They seem very strict on that. Then on that without a meister, i could see our twins, being a duo. If they all learned to fight hand to hand, 4 > 2. If needed they could use their own siblings as weapons. I like that idea, its just the fact that they would be weaponer until they found a meister.

As much as it would be hoarding. would be interesting if one meister used both our sibling pairs. Just depends what kinda weapon you are and what you do. seems like each weapon always has special traits or features. Good times. :3 look forward to seeing your characters.
Kaine said:
seems like an interesting idea, but the mods were pretty hardset on weapons not being able to use other weapons.
Weapons CAN use other weapons if the two characters in question are biologically related. This means they would be bond meisters. I'm not quite sure if this clarification was made within your discussion or not, but it exists. @Kiyoko Tomoe as well...
@Kiyoko Tomoe

If you're looking for unique dual swords for your twins, might I suggest 2 parts of a scissor blade? Then they can combine if they ever find a meister :)

Or dual daggers/knives. Dual whips are cool. Dual anything is cool really...
QuirkyAngel said:
Who's that (:3)?
Aeryn is one of Pariah Stark's characters. There's still a few people posting in the old thread although we will be opening up IC here sometime within the next few hours if not sooner.
DaughterofAthena said:
Aeryn is one of Pariah Stark's characters. There's still a few people posting in the old thread although we will be opening up IC here sometime within the next few hours if not sooner.
Mmmm, I see...

*flies off to check out accepted students*
Hello Everyone! The HP is now open and ready for business!! Everyone has been tagged somewhere to give them a starting point and if you can’t think of what else to do, lunch sounds like a very good place to start. You can post in the classroom or you can skip right to wherever you’re going. That is up to you.

We also currently have two open missions that you can choose to take on with one or two more on the way within the week. You can check out all the information on missions within @Chara Angel of Death @Chibii @Kaine [/size]
[QUOTE="Pariah Stark]At the rate I do collabs, you could have bet on me being included. lol

That's two for you today...
QuirkyAngel said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe
If you're looking for unique dual swords for your twins, might I suggest 2 parts of a scissor blade? Then they can combine if they ever find a meister :)
I think I might actually do that. Keeps me as swords, but different than others in some way ^~^

Thank you Quirky, love you almost as much as I do Suki X3
I've put them up! Probably could've done some BBCode to spruce them up and stuff, but guess not. Also hoping that the bio being isolated doesn't harm the character sheet itself, as I honestly didn't see it looking good visually on the presented sheet having all that much more text... Then again, they'll be going separate anyway so I'm probably just stupid by doing that >///<

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