Out of Soul Chat

QuirkyAngel said:
I'm interested in this, but I have a questions about how posting is going to work.
Do we have to label each post with a date of the week, if we have to rp out an entire week? Or can we time skip in posts? Also, I see there are different locations. Assuming an entire week isn't spent in one location, do we hop posts from one thread to the next?
QUIRKY!!!! (<3)(<3)(<3)
@QuirkyAngel regarding your questions as of now, dating of posts isn't our concern seeing as we're still moving everything over. We should be opening up the HP for rp-ing this weekend with Missions which will have their own threads run by a Mod, so the dating of posts is not required. More explanation on those will be provided once they are open if needed.

Currently people are posting one-shots or so by themselves or with their partner, having their characters interact and possibly have some character development in between the move, so we haven't cared for dating posts here either. This is all happening in our old thread which I can give you a link to if desired, but it's not required.

Eventually we might require it, but as of now, no.
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I see...

My character will probably be a NOT character since he's new, so he's not taking missions. If anything he'll be looking for weapon partner ;)
NOT members will be able to take missions. Not all, but some. I don't remember the specifics, but Missions will be ranked 1-5 and that ranking determines what type of Weapon and Meister pair will be allowed to take the mission.
QuirkyAngel said:
I see...
My character will probably be a NOT character since he's new, so he's not taking missions. If anything he'll be looking for weapon partner ;)
Considering im pretty sure backlash isnt going to join, >.>;;
Well, i told him i didnt want to force him to join, i simply thought he wanted something fresh that would last, and actually he hasnt been on rpn in months so i told him no hard feelings if you dont want to join, then dont, not like it'll be hard to get a meister eventually. xP So im pretty sure hes not going to. I figure to start the girls are prolly going to be Bond Meisters, at least for training. Not sure how the rp works so we will see and go with the flow.
Awwww okay :<

Oh btw Kaine. You should be hearing from me tomorrow night.
Arkytior said:
Awwww okay :<
Oh btw Kaine. You should be hearing from me tomorrow night.
No rush, i read the form. Life and stuffs. I may n ot have them done this weekend anyways. Division beta starts tomorrow, imma be up at 4a.m. to play it at launch ;-;

Hanarei said:
Beeboop beep. I am a robot!
Kokkuri-san! Kokurri-san!! hehe is your name Kohina? Koooooohina-chaaaaan~
Kaine said:
No rush, i read the form. Life and stuffs. I may n ot have them done this weekend anyways. Division beta starts tomorrow, imma be up at 4a.m. to play it at launch ;-;
Have what finished????
Arkytior said:
Have what finished????
anything you need me to fix, plus with HP starting this weekend. I've been waiting three years for this beta ;o; and the game itself comes out in a month after. xD im a dweeb i know.

@Hanarei It's a cute anime by the same name. Little girl considers herself a doll. Reminded me of that. xP
Kaine said:
anything you need me to fix, plus with HP starting this weekend. I've been waiting three years for this beta ;o; and the game itself comes out in a month after. xD im a dweeb i know.
Ohhh lol

Nah you should be fine. Most of the time it's just small fix its that people need to make.
QuirkyAngel said:
Do we have to label each post with a date of the week if we have to rp out an entire week?
There will be a first day that everyone is required to start at although beyond that first day, you may skip days. However, if you skip a day, you would be unable to go back to it without approval from a moderator - most likely myself. We don't want people to get in a habit of getting really far ahead and then having to retcon a whole bunch of things.

QuirkyAngel said:
Assuming an entire week isn't spent in one location, do we hop posts from one thread to the next?
If an entire week is all spent in one location, then something isn't working right because that implies your character never leaves that spot. You post for your character in whichever thread your character happens to be at. If you are going to include multiple locations in a single post, then you would do one of two things. If the post is long enough, you would break it up for each location. If the post is shorter and just includes traveling from one spot to another, then you would post that post in whichever thread you end in.
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Damn, Kaine beat me to the idea of siblings that were swords >~<

Time to return to the six-hour search that consumes all my sleep time and messes up my schedule xD
@Kaine[/URL], how'd you like to have two pairs of sword twins? They'd be great for working together, doin' some crazy sword juggling shtuff? xD
Youd have to explain what you mean? I think to start they will be bond meisters at least till they get a user, dont see why they couldnt work with you assuming personalities dont clash. I am gonna try to make them hardasses, but still nice. I play whimpy cry babies too much and really im tired of rping those personalities. The rest bight be left up to the mods. I'm here for like few more hours if you wanna discuss:P
Kaine said:
Youd have to explain what you mean? I think to start they will be bond meisters at least till they get a user, dont see why they couldnt work with you assuming personalities dont clash. I am gonna try to make them hardasses, but still nice. I play whimpy cry babies too much and really im tired of rping those personalities. The rest bight be left up to the mods. I'm here for like few more hours if you wanna discuss:P
Well, they're all swords, and are pairs of Bond Meister weapons, soo... I'd think they'd all have skills in using swords, thus could probably all use one another (with the exception to that bit of one-way usage between your characters), and so could be a group of four weapons working together as one another's meisters.

As for personality... I'm not too sure whether or not they would. My characters are very mistrusting of others, although they're basically there to regain the ability to trust, as well as can be pretty serious and stubborn people. They'd probably be able to at least tolerate one another, the group of four.

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