Out-of-Character Chat


Hey man I really need to know if I can use your character that was interacting with Alicia and BlackKnifeVanes character. I'm tryna get the poor guy outta the dark zone. I know you and Hellkite are busy. I got her permission for using Alicia. If I can get yours I can keep things moving while your gone. Whaddya say?
Hey guys, I'm gonna put out a plot post tomorrow. Sorry to whoever is upset by this decision, but I'm going to skip to the ball without waiting for anyone to tie up their loose ends. Complain if you want, but that's simply the best way to speed up the plot arc and move on to the sequel. To be honest I'm mentally exhausted with this role-play, and I'm loathing this arc because of how much work it puts on me, so i don't really care if the quality of this arc goes to crap in my efforts to finish it up. Sorry for the little rant, and again I'm sorry if anyone is upset by this decision.
Jaibless said:
On 1-10 how active is this place and on 1-10 should I join this rp?
Hello there!

I feel like I've seen you in One Piece! Good to see you in all the fun places!

This rp is not
currently accepting I don't believe although I do think @BLUR plans to open it up after we finish the current story arc. You'd have to ask him for sure.

As far as activity goes, it's honestly been kind of slow lately. I'm not good at assigning numbers.
@AllHailDago hey man, I think it would be a hell of a lot easier if we skip the post all together and just start up again at the ball. It's not a really important post anyway, and what's more important is that I can get back into the story. So if it's all the same to you, let's just say Bailey, Yuura, and Alicia hit a dead end, Bailey's grandpa didn't know anything, and they returned to town to attend the ball where Sora will likely strike. That alright?
BlackknifeVane said:
@AllHailDago hey man, I think it would be a hell of a lot easier if we skip the post all together and just start up again at the ball. It's not a really important post anyway, and what's more important is that I can get back into the story. So if it's all the same to you, let's just say Bailey, Yuura, and Alicia hit a dead end, Bailey's grandpa didn't know anything, and they returned to town to attend the ball where Sora will likely strike. That alright?
Yeah man. That's fine. Sorry it had to be like that.
I apologize for my lack of activity this past week or so. My internet connection just got messed up real bad and I was caught up in testing and other school things. It was easier to just not try and log on. But it's done! I'm all done! I graduated yesterday so I owe that building nothing else. So other than occasional personal family matters, I should be here without problem for the next two or three months depending on when I start college in the fall.

Hopefully we can get this up and moving again =)

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