Out-of-Character Chat



No kidding, last day of work for the week and I may be slightly late since my nose has had all hell loose from a minor hayfever :L

Hey so

Yesterday I started working on getting a forum RP created for a big project me, Infinities, and pica are all working on.

But here's the relevant part, I was talking with miz and mentioned how the system here has inspired a bit if the things we're looking to implement if we get this and he said, "Well the Fairy Tale roleplay is an example of a Forum Roleplay that needs to be one and showcases how to use the forum to its greatest power, it has multiple threads and happening all at the same time."

Go everyone! :D
Hello everyone, I know that everyone is busy with finals and work but I thought that I would add some humor to the server. So here is what I purpose. I would like everyone to try out their best joke (don't hold out on me) I want to help brighten everyone's day (because who doesn't love a good joke). It will be a great stress reliever especially for those of us who have finals/ AP testing. So with that being said I'll start (the cheesier the better (^U^)).

What do you call a bear with no teeth?

Answer: A gummy bear!!!!
I've got ones you can print off.

Yes these are awesome!


What happens to a frog's car when it breaks down?

It gets toad away.

Alright I have one more, and then I'll be done (until tonight (^U^))

I went to the bank the other day and asked the banker to check my balance, so she pushed me!
@Atom Cool :)

Here's a joke for you physics nerds:

A man wanted to jump off the Empire State Building. Trying to convince him to not, a physicist told him, "Don't do it, you have so much potential!"
i honestly don't give a shit what score i get, all that matters is that it's over and i survived ap us history...

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