Out-of-Character Chat

Come on now, it's barely spring up here in Illinois. I don't like blazing heat but SOME heat would be nice...

/has family in Texas
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]At least Illinois doesn't have to deal with Texas weather...

It's been crazy lately. It's like it wants to be summer but can't let go of spring just yet. :P

Stupid Texas Spring.
What are you guys talking about? I fucking live in Michigan! It's cold as shit up here! It's so cold that when its thirty degrees we come outside without our shirts on!
I remember that it was blazing hot outside and hail appeared for five minutes without warning. I don't think Texas understands what seasons are.
The other day it snowed here but three days before it had reached a high of 78 degrees so I'm not sure it's just Texas

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