Out-of-Character Chat

I'll need a clear, succinct description of its combat purposes (if any), utility (if any), and weaknesses, as well as an explanation of how to exploit and beat it. In proper grammar ;)
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Grammer Schmammer ;3

Sophia uses an archive magic (its more specialize but it’s pretty much the same thing)


(mana control)

She has the ability to break down magic into its purest form and store it in her body. Once the magic is stored it can be released to repel attacks, energized people and objects, or as a volatile force of energy through uncontrolled explosion or controlled energy blast...

In combat the magic allows the user to absorb the energy in the enemy’s attacks and manipulate it for the users benefit. The way it is absorbed is through direct contact with the user’s body, or through a medium like a shield or sword. The energy could also be channeled through a medium like a sword or a gun however these mediums must be treated to properly react with the user’s magic. The user can store this magic over a great timespan but the body will slowly reject it through mana leaks if it is not actively being used. Also, even though the user could potentially store an infinite amount of magic, there bodies and mental health will suffer if they store more than they could handle. Over storing, also known as Overclocking severely reduces the control of output the user has over the magic as the user’s body has trouble maintaining the excess energy. Also once a user Overclocks, they most release all of the magic before they can return to normal. Overclocking as its benefits too. If a user Overclocks, there body become energized with magic, increasing their strength, endurance, and magic resistances. All there attacks become more powerful and the body repels magic attacks easier in order to prevent absorbing more excess magic. The Mindset of the user changes person to person, but tends to lean towards the hidden feelings of that person. (So if the person was scared but hiding it, they will go into a panic, while if the person was upset but hiding it, they will go into a deep depression). How extreme this change is depends on the mental strength of the user, but all users tend to fall to the effects of overclocking eventually.

Utility of this magic is that through repeated interaction with volatile magic, the user gains a high resistance to magic attacks. Their bodies can survive high level of magic attacks and suffer only minor wounds. Although the user’s bodies can survive the magic, they themselves are not immune to the physical effects of the elements. For example, if the user is shot with fire magic, they can reduce the damage but they still feel the full effects of the burning cause by the flames.


Overclocking is very painful for the user.

Overclocking is a very extreme mode to jump back and forth to and the user will eventually wear out if they do it a few times within a short time span.

Overclocking reduces the user’s ability to think clearly.

Users can not create their own magic. All magic they build up must come from an external source through means of physical contact or specialized items which can transfer magic. Also the more resistant the user is to the magic's damage the less magic they absorb. This means they have to take damage to really fight back. (The exception is if the magic is absorbed through a medium in which they can safely absorb the magic at some set rate)


Using magic that has physical effects, like burning or poison (although the magic is absorbed the physical damage still takes place)

Using magic that manipulates physical objects.

Purposefully Overclocking the user severely limits there control of their magic and wears them out.

Demoralizing the user into an easy to manipulate mind state before overclocking them.

Sophia uses an archive magic (its more specialize but it’s pretty much the same thing)


She has the ability to break down magic into its purest form and store it in her body. Once the magic is stored it can be released to repel attacks, energized people and objects, or as a volatile force of energy through uncontrolled explosion or controlled energy blast. The user can store magic pass their bodies limit to send them into an extreme state. This process is called Overclocking. Overclocking tolls the users mental and bodies health but gives them a boost in strength and defense.

Magic is absorbed through physical contact with other magic, and the user cannot create their own magic. This gives the user a high magic resistance, thus allowing them to survive some of the deadliest of magic attacks.


Overclocking is very painful for the user. Overclocking is a very exhausting mode to jump back and forth to and the user will eventually wear out if they do it a few times within a short time span.Overclocking reduces the user’s ability to think clearly. Users can not create their own magic. All magic they build up must come from an external. Also the more resistant the user is to the magic's damage the less magic they absorb. (The exception is if the magic is absorbed through a medium in which they can safely absorb the magic at some set rate)


Using magic that has physical effects, like burning or poison (although the magic is absorbed the physical damage still takes place). Using magic that manipulates physical objects. Purposefully Overclocking the user severely limits there control of their magic and wears them out.Demoralizing the user into an easy to manipulate mind state before overclocking them.


is this better
Mmmn, that Magic actually sounds similar to something that Hellkite created called Eternano Transfer. Not all the functions are the same, but your Magic fits into the more advanced capabilities of it:

Eternano Transfer Eternano Transfer – Holder Type Magic; allows the caster to siphon another’s supply of Eternano back into the atmosphere. By engaging in physical contact with an opponent directly or contact through another medium by which the caster channels his or her Magic through, such as a staff, the user can drain the opponent’s magical energy until they are depleted of it entirely. Some masters are capable of dissipating the Eternano in magical attacks and items into the atmosphere by engaging in contact with them, allowing for the limited negation of certain attacks. Eternano Transfer includes a forbidden absorption technique that allows the caster to siphon magical energy into their own magical reserve or transplant in into another’s, either by contact with a living being, magical item, magical construct, or magical energy. However, one mistake can lead to Eternano sickness at best, and a living Eternano bomb at worst. Eternano Transfer only drains magical energy, making the caster still vulnerable to physical attacks, and requires time and multiple hits to be fully effective in combat. Moreover it requires physical contact with the energy or being the caster wishes to use Eternano Transfer on, making them limited to close quarters and vulnerable to being struck by the energy they are attempting to dissipate.

[Known Users: Patrick Fanshawe]
>.> it seems similar, but what this sounds like is a draining technique of some energy called Eternano like a vampire...

Mine is base around the storage of magic energy, through being attacked. With that stored energy the user has to balance its useage in offense, defense, support, or risk overclocking.

But the main difference is this.

"She has the ability to break down magic into its purest form and store it in her body"

Sup Mines of doom people! Sorry for the delay from me, had a lot of work and personal stuff to handle recently but hopefully I should be able to get back into RP stuff more this week.
@Unyielding How much attention have you paid to Fairy Tail, Unyielding?

Let me counter with a quote that says the same thing yours does: Eternano Transfer includes a forbidden absorption technique that allows the caster to siphon magical energy into their own magical reserve

@Dogmatic99 Be here next week or be square :P
Lexielai said:
@Unyielding How much attention have you paid to Fairy Tail, Unyielding?
Let me counter with a quote that says the same thing yours does: Eternano Transfer includes a forbidden absorption technique that allows the caster to siphon magical energy into their own magical reserve

@Dogmatic99 Be here next week or be square :P
Clearly not enough...

let me do reseach on this
shadowdude505 said:
@Dogmatic99 Good to hear. I noticed your mood thingy said you were sick, so I was about to check up on ya to see if you were feeling better.
Thanks man, honestly it wasn't so much sickness as much as I'd been putting in so many extra hours over the week that I was just exhausted each evening. But things have quietened down now so I should be in the clear. *knock on wood*

fine you win my magic is not unique but it is still different from hellKites magic

Hellkites magic again is focused on draining and its a holder type magic. Rei's magic is not holder type. She can use her abilities without the use of Magic items or other people.

My would be more like this

Eternano Manipulation: they are capable of drawing in ambient eternano from the atmosphere, and instead of absorbing it into their magical origin, they are able to manipulate the eternano for offensive, defensive, and supportive purposes in any way that they wish; allowing to them harness their magic power more efficiently and utilize it in a variety of different ways; all of which incorporate the focusing of magic power into certain areas in order to achieve numerous and highly varied effects such as increased attack, defense, and speed, or feeding extra eternano into spells to give them an enormous boost in power. Generally, a magician has an easier time collecting this stray eternano in environments with higher concentrations of it such as the area where a vicious battle between others has progressed. To a master of eternano manipulation, there is no difference between simple eternano and their own magical energy as a source of power. At the absolutely highest level, a master magician's eternano prowess functions as a defense against illusions due to their sheer mastery over it, making them all but immune to everything except the strongest of fabrications.

This right gives true justice to my ability.

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