Out-of-Character Chat

Hokay, small news, small issue, but I seem to have somehow fucked up my mobile data, and as you should already know, I only use tapatalk/mobile to post everything ever #swagcheck.

In any case, I think my presence will be even further minimised due to this stuff. That means the new character I'm working on will be also delayed because I, being the 1337 pr0 that I am, saved everything on Drive, and no mobile data = no Drive.

Ehhh, yeah, that's about it.
CelticHero37 said:
What is the function of 'a very' in this sentence?
What does this mean?
1337 is also used as a rule of measure for the standardized length of ones interwebs masculinity. I.E. Their E-penis.
Kaine said:
So, got my computer back. Sorry for spamming the tags but im just trying to figure stuffs out. So i caught up somewhat but im a little confused. I assume the first post in information as to what happened. And if i get it right is Sara trying to currently instakill malda? I could see an interesting part to jump in if i reading the scenario correctly but i dont want to post till im for sure im actually in Rancour, as well as you guys actually want me to jump in.
No worries. I don't mind you jumping in at all. I doubt Pica would either. There are actually two other people he's waiting on, but that won't be for long.

Maybe your charrie can lighten things up? Everyone on Team "Catch Erland" is super tense
Is sara behind Malda? i could see him attempting to stop an assassination attempt. and also taking it lightly type of thing.
@White Masquerade

Question. So im making sure before i post. Malda wants the purple samurai who i assume is Erland correct? Sara and the other character want to kill malda to stop her, and novus and jamke are unsure of what to do. If this is right ima ask you for a little metagame. What are Malda's reasons for such extremism. Ken is a person who would try to feel for her, but Malda is family and he would do anything for her, so im curious as to your reasonings so maybe they can play into kens reasonings and how he would confront this situation.
simj22 said:
With the theory of an infinite amount of spatial dimensions, time travel is BOUND to be crazy weird shit. The rules of time travel are humongously strict as well, if the chaos theory is regarded.
To quote the Web comic "Bob and George": I hate time travel.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Because it gets very confusing to me, and tends to (in my experience) be full of paradoxes that make my brain hurt.

That is no reason to hate the idea. It is understandable why you wouldn't want to be involved in such a conversation though.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Because it gets very confusing to me, and tends to (in my experience) be full of paradoxes that make my brain hurt.

While I think I have at least a general understanding of it, I choose not to think too heavily on time travel and the theories associated with it. There's really no effect on me that results from it, so I mostly ignore it altogether.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]While I think I have at least a general understanding of it, I choose not to think too heavily on time travel and the theories associated with it. There's really no effect on me that results from it, so I mostly ignore it altogether.

I don't think on the topic unless there is a conversation. I love conceptualizing with others about many topics though, so that is why I have so much formulated knowledge on these topics.
Kaine said:
@White Masquerade
Question. So im making sure before i post. Malda wants the purple samurai who i assume is Erland correct? Sara and the other character want to kill malda to stop her, and novus and jamke are unsure of what to do. If this is right ima ask you for a little metagame. What are Malda's reasons for such extremism. Ken is a person who would try to feel for her, but Malda is family and he would do anything for her, so im curious as to your reasonings so maybe they can play into kens reasonings and how he would confront this situation.
She sees herself in Erland. Though she is pretty depressed herself, she wants to save him from his own unhappiness. She is willing to do anything for it because she has little self-esteem. Whether she gets jailed for killing so many people, loses the respect of others, or gets nightmares from this, she doesn't care cause' she deserves the short end of the stick anyway
CelticHero37 said:
That is no rain to hate the idea. It is understandable why you wouldn't want to be involved in such a conversation though.
Oh no no. I don't mean to reason on the parade of those who enjoyed it. Was an attempt (horrible and failed, evidently) to toss in a bit of humor. Sorry, Celtic.
OK cool and just last thing to confirm. Malda is on the ground, but Sara and them are in the sky? @White Masquerade

Nevermind i read the post pretty sure malda is ground ill work on a post. should be interesting.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Was an attempt (horrible and failed, evidently) to toss in a bit of humor.

I think this sums up almost every time I attempt to use humor.
Kaine said:
OK cool and just last thing to confirm. Malda is on the ground, but Sara and them are in the sky? @White Masquerade
Malda on ground. Sara on ground. Novus & Jamke on ground. Erland and lightning somewhere hiding like pathetic people. Only the portal is in the sky.

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