Out-of-Character Chat

CelticHero37 said:
What does 'doing shiny' mean?
I would guess "feeling special" or "doing great".


[QUOTE="Red Thunder]'Shiny' is from Firefly. It means 'good'.

I think I was pretty close. Well, aside from Firefly.
CelticHero37 said:
I have been meaning to watch firefly. However, I have not found time for it yet.
There's a lot of things I've wanted to watch, but I get distracted. Mostly by other shows.
CelticHero37 said:
Are they pretty easy to walk in then? I can understand poking fun. I happen to be a troll after all.
They are for me. While I don't wear heels often, when I do, I've never had problems walking in them for long periods of time
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]There's a lot of things I've wanted to watch, but I get distracted. Mostly by other shows.

I don't know how, but I seem to have missed most of pop culture in my lifetime.

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]They are for me. While I don't wear heels often, when I do, I've never had problems walking in them for long periods of time

That's good to hear.


CelticHero37 said:
I don't know how, but I seem to have missed most of pop culture in my lifetime.
I don't pay attention to it very much. The majority of my free time is spent watching anime and participating in this roleplay. I haven't played video games very much since joining RpNation. I've stopped watching television altogether, so I miss a lot of pop culture.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I don't pay attention to it very much. The majority of my free time is spent watching anime and participating in this roleplay. I haven't played video games very much since joining RpNation.

I never seem to have enough time in a day to accomplish what I need to. I understand why people are so fascinated with time travel.
Time travel is some real weird shit

If you changed something in the past, would it be creating a time paradox, or are you creating an entirely new dimension, where at that point of time the path of humanity diverges from the current timeline you existed in?
With the theory of an infinite amount of spatial dimensions, time travel is BOUND to be crazy weird shit. The rules of time travel are humongously strict as well, if the chaos theory is regarded.
I've always thought of it as a new dimension, since the past or future you intend to visit no longer exists due to your presence. In theory, even the most minuscule change will create a new universe. If this is accepted, time travel does not exist, rather being travel through dimensions.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I ever had the ability to travel through time, I'd most likely procrastinate until I reach the present again.

I would catch myself up on all the needed procrastination and research to become a mastermind and contribute greatly to the world.

simj22 said:
Time travel is some real weird shit
If you changed something in the past, would it be creating a time paradox, or are you creating an entirely new dimension, where at that point of time the path of humanity diverges from the current timeline you existed in?
Warning, initiating a time travel discussion with me is hazardous to your sanity.

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I've always thought of it as a new dimension, since the past or future you intend to visit no longer exists due to your presence. In theory, even the most minuscule change will create a new universe. If this is accepted, time travel does not exist, rather being travel through dimensions.

This is my current understanding as well. Time travel is a little like dividing by zero. Mathematicians say it can't be done. However, if you divide something by zero, the whole technically exists, yet it ceases to exist on the current plane of reality. Does that make sense?
CelticHero37 said:
This is my current understanding as well. Time travel is a little like dividing by zero. Mathematicians say it can't be done. However, if you divide something by zero, the whole technically exists, yet it ceases to exist on the current plane of reality. Does that make sense?
It makes sense from my perspective. Although it is said that dividing by zero is impossible, I feel that it is merely a failure for humans to comprehend it, rather than it being it being nonexistent. The world (and all other possible worlds) is entirely based on perspective. Something may exist for one person and it may not for another, but what's to say that either is wrong? If you think about it like one-way glass, both perspectives are correct, making it possible for something to exist and not exist at the same time.
CelticHero37 said:
What is the function of 'a very' in this sentence?
What does this mean?
"The term leet is derived from the word elite. The leet alphabet is a specialized form of symbolic writing. Leet may also be considered a substitution cipher, although many dialects or linguistic varieties exist in different online communities. The term leet is also used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and in its original usage – computer hacking."

EDIT: Flip 1337 around, using the 1 with a line underneath it
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]It makes sense from my perspective. Although it is said that dividing by zero is impossible, I feel that it is merely a failure for humans to comprehend it, rather than it being it being nonexistent. The world (and all other possible worlds) is entirely based on perspective. Something may exist for one person and it may not for another, but what's to say that either is wrong? If you think about it like one-way glass, both perspectives are correct, making it possible for something to exist and not exist at the same time.


simj22 said:
"The term leet is derived from the word elite. The leet alphabet is a specialized form of symbolic writing. Leet may also be considered a substitution cipher, although many dialects or linguistic varieties exist in different online communities. The term leet is also used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and in its original usage – computer hacking."
EDIT: Flip 1337 around, using the 1 with a line underneath it
I understand now. Thank you.

So, got my computer back. Sorry for spamming the tags but im just trying to figure stuffs out. So i caught up somewhat but im a little confused. I assume the first post in information as to what happened. And if i get it right is Sara trying to currently instakill malda? I could see an interesting part to jump in if i reading the scenario correctly but i dont want to post till im for sure im actually in Rancour, as well as you guys actually want me to jump in.

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