Out-of-Character Chat

simj22 said:
Yo, sup, Viola.
God DAMN. Guys, all of you are headed to the library right now, but I'm stuck with static characters. Neither Red nor Hellkite are responding and it would be in bad form to leave them like that. However, given the circumstances, can I just bail?
Light kinda bailed on Alicia by teleporting off with Soren and now we are waiting on the team skittles giant post because Light and Soren wound up with that group...

Sorry about that @Hellkite

Team Skittles is getting ready to post!
So just to make sure since i seem to make a lot of mistakes in reading those longer posts, everyone in Team Skittles has abandoned the fight and is headed toward the library?
BLUR said:
So just to make sure since i seem to make a lot of mistakes in reading those longer posts, everyone in Team Skittles has abandoned the fight and is headed toward the library?
shadowdude505 said:
@Kyra @Dogmatic99 @DaughterofAthena Did you guys have any questions concerning Mine of Doom that I missed in the out of character chat or have you all just been busy? If you did have questions I'd recommend tagging me since I don't always read all of the out of character chat when I get behind.
I am working on a combined post with Kyra. It should be up tomorrow. It is just getting hard for her to post regularly because she is in school and track and field and she has homework after that, plus she is not a night owl. It is the weekend now so we have time and it should be up tomorrow night at the latest.
Drinking milk and playing Tales of the Abyss while watching Paul Blart Mall Cop
It is. I get to enjoy it for two more hours before I'm busy again.
Don't give up, Infi. Be the winner. Just do it.

For me, being a winner is sleeping...or something like that....I'll work on a post around 3...

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