Out-of-Character Chat

[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I'll have a salad...

Oh, of course. I forgot some people were either vegetarians, vegans, or on a diet. I will prepare you a fresh salad from my families garden we have in our backyard, from tomatoes to lettuce to carrots to peas. Do you have any specifics you would like in it? Any sort of dressing?
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Just give me one grape, I'll bet set for the week.

One grape? Luce, my good friend. Buddy. Comrade. Brother, even! Fresh vegetables grown home cannot be passed up so easily. You should at least try them. Me and my mom take fantastic care of them all spring and summer.
If you insist, I will indulge in these fresh greens. With careful planning, I can use them as meals for a long time to come.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]If you insist, I will indulge in these fresh greens. With careful planning, I can use them as meals for a long time to come.

Wonderful, wonderful. You can live off these greens longer than only a single grape. They fill you up more because joy and care were poured into them from my families hands.
I am grateful for your family's hard work and dedication. Please know that you have kept a teenage boy fed for many years with your efforts.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]I am grateful for your family's hard work and dedication. Please know that you have kept a teenage boy fed for many years with your efforts.

My mother and sisters will be proud of the work they have achieved with me.
Question; How have you guys been pronouncing Ryos? In my head I had always had a single way to pronounce it, but just now realized there was a different way
BLUR said:
Question; How have you guys been pronouncing Ryos? In my head I had always had a single way to pronounce it, but just now realized there was a different way
I can only see two conceivable ways to pronounc it:



I pronounced it as the second one.
BLUR said:
Question; How have you guys been pronouncing Ryos? In my head I had always had a single way to pronounce it, but just now realized there was a different way
I've always pronounced it like Rogue's old name.
I'm not quite sure what the library would look like, so I'd consult Blur. I'm not sure about the characters either, but Qrow should have been the first one there.
Hales said:
Question: does the library / safehouse look like a normal library and are any characters there yet or any other random people inside who Piper and Kyla might notice upon arriving?
Yeah, that's definitely something BLUR should answer. He is the sponsor of the mission, anyways.

[QUOTE="Red Thunder]So... Mssrs Shakes and Peare still await their actors.

Working on it, dude. I'm doing my best to make posts for them.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Cool cool. Wanted to make sure it wasn't dead.

Don't worry, it isn't. I'm still waiting on Infi's character to reply to my own, but that doesn't stop me from making posts for the two showrights.
Sorry! Had to finish Spanish. I'm going to a concert with my mom tonight so I'm going to try and respond before we leave, but I make no promises.
So is the safehouse under the library and have the characters been told that at any point if it is the case because I don't remember reading it?

I'm just trying to figure out where Piper and Kyla are actually going because we are working on their post. I don't want to describe something wrong, but if I end it simply with them arriving at the safehouse without going in, then it is awfully short...

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