Out-of-Character Chat

Da'aawww! Neko we love you too!

Nekoni said:
I don't think of any of you as strangers ^u^ You all are still people on the other side of my screen! I greatly appreciate anyone who would take the time to even type a word to me >o>
Hey, I would be appalled if someone didn't write a word when someone else needed help. Too often, people are selfish and don't lend a hand to others who need it. For the record, if anyone here ever needs someone to talk to about anything, I would always do my best to help.
I'm pretty sure he could get into major trouble for throwing things at his students. That's just wrong. Regardless definitely apologize and if that doesn't help talk to the administration, explain the circumstances, and hopefully they'll switch you into a different class so that he doesn't attack your grades. 
On another note, I will also be busy this week. Calculus midterm on friday, even though it's just the second week of school
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Oh god, it's a female swimsuit episode, YES!
Or G rated panties as I like to call them.

You guys are so sweet ;u;! This is why I think RPN is such a great place, so many kind people gather together in one place... @BLUR He's the disciplinary model of the teachers for the school, all the admins know him quite well ^^; But I wouldn't ever ask to be switched to another class! He's helping me get over shyness at school...and gaining confidence in my art...that's why I feel so bad for ruining his commission... *Begins writing apology*

Night Archi! 
Oh Oh Oh Ref! Hiya :D
x3 lol

Drowning in History homework that I need to semi finish so I can ask one of my guy friends for theirs so I can finish 
I like how SOMETIMES I can see the adorable Gerbil/Hamster in Neko's signature
I hate History too. Many dislike my teacher. She's okay at times but me and most of my friends got the short stick with her. x3

BUT I have to live with it because she's also the NHS teacher and....well....I'm in NHS.
Oooooh...the NHS teacher at my school is my last science teacher, and the only problem she had with me is that I read my book throughout her lessons. x3

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