Out-of-Character Chat

It's kinda embarrassing >n> I dropped a dumpling on floor during art class then he threw it at me. After that I drop everything else and spilled rice and milk all over his $700 art commission for the Lousiana Hall of Fame exhibition. Mr. Brown won't talk to me...I feel so bad...I'm not sure how to make it up.... 
He gave me the death stare at our meeting ;n; How do you calm angry teachers
Nekoni said:
It's kinda embarrassing >n> I dropped a dumpling on floor during art class then he threw it at me. After that I drop everything else and spilled rice and milk all over his $700 art commission for the Lousiana Hall of Fame exhibition. Mr. Brown won't talk to me...I feel so bad...I'm not sure how to make it up....
:'( Why were there dumplings and rice in the art class?
/gasps in awe

Perfect history notes on chapter 11 that will let me pass the quiz instantly!

Notecards fulfilled to completion!


Ahh. Well did he seem angry at you? Like did he seem like he thought you did it on purpose or did it seem like he knew it was an accident?
He kinda...paused...before turning red. I'm sure he knows it's an accident but he's been working hard on that piece and I just ruined it ;n;
Well first off Neko, I think you should either start eating lunch in the cafeteria or someplace OR if you can still eat in the art room then making sure the table is empty and far away from art.

Now give me a moment to think through my experiences of being a total failure and messing things up....
Well since he knows it was an accident he'll forgive you later but try to cheer him up and apologize then do whatever punishment he gives you. I'm not very good at this because I've never made a teacher mad at me before...
No I always eat in there, I'm not sure if I should stay quiet or try to apologize. I texted him earlier and he didn't respond...class is going to be scary tomorrow >n< His punishments are throwing erasers, highlighters and pens. And scaring people with rulers. I share my table with his since I don't have a proper seat...so it's kinda hard not to keep away from art. I'm glad it didn't get on his computer though.... ^^;
Well Neko, definitely go up to him and formally apologize. Cause like you said, he knows it was an accident most likely. I'd suggest asking him if he was fine with you still eating in there if he was okay with that, and maybe try and offer to help or do some things so that he doesn't have to.
I'm already his class helper and president of 3 of his sponsored clubs Dx I'm not sure how much more I can help him...I help out normally, so I might bring him cookies tomorrow ;n; 
He's like a bald little kid
Nekoni.... I'm usually a guy who gives advice in these situations but all I can say is good luck your going to need it..... I'm just kidding of course but I've never made a teacher mad before (Which is a lie because my dad is a teacher and I've made him mad a dozen times) even so I know the frustration of having a project you've been working on for so long be destroyed on you, but what you really need to do is to apologise talk it over with your teacher and come up with a solution that will make him happy and help earn back his respect for you and also to keep you from getting into too much trouble with him.
Nekoni said:
He kinda...paused...before turning red. I'm sure he knows it's an accident but he's been working hard on that piece and I just ruined it ;n;
*Pats back.* Just apologize for what you did. Don't fret over the rest. It was his fault for having a piece of art that was so important to him just sitting out. It was also his fault for throwing something, a teacher shouldn't do that. He's obviously been pushing himself too hard. Have confidence in yourself too. Know what you did and own up to it, but also know what he did and don't take the blame for that.
Like I said Neko, apologize and then I guess just say if there's anything you can do to even try and make it up to him or help him in some way you'll do it.

Something like that I guess.
He has a habit of throwing things. When the students first come into the room he has an arsenal of pens ready for fire. But he normally does it playfully...but the dumpling kinda surprised me :< He's a nice teacher though >n<!!

Ah ;u; thank you everyone, I'll do my best to make up to him tomorrow with apology! Thank you very much!
No worries Neko! What else is the internet for besides asking random strangers for advice on how to apologize to teachers?
[QUOTE="Black Masquerade]Remember Nekoni, he can replace any work of art, but he can never replace such a wonderful student.

I second this.

Also, yeah, try to be helpful. But don't let him push you around because of this. If you're head of three of his clubs, that means you're a very valuable art student. Stand up for yourself if it comes to something like that. But if he's genuinely a nice person, he'll look past that and understand. So I wouldn't worry if I were you.
I don't think of any of you as strangers ^u^ You all are still people on the other side of my screen! I greatly appreciate anyone who would take the time to even type a word to me >o> let alone people who give their time to give advice to clumsy F.O.B.

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