Out-of-Character Chat

Well, Qrow also uses chains. If I had known, I probably would've chosen something else. I thought it made sense at the time, since he was a slave.

Carrie Ulstream
'I wonder where he is..I hope he's okay...'


One of Myla spears, hit her square in the face.

"Pay attention."

"Yes master," she sighed. Thinking about him, would be of no use now. She had to focus.

Since there are many Dragon Slayers, would dual element attacks be allowed or would they be considered overpowered?
Archdemon said:
I've been thinking and I've said this type of question in the past but if Drake would fight someone who would you guys like to see him fight? Same thing for Aiden.
Anyone else?
I do believe that sometime in the future, Dusty will look to the Dragon Slayers to fight. Though, Ryos is at the top of his list of people to defeat. :P

And Jacob...well, he's Jacob. x3

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