Out-of-Character Chat

lol It really sucks. I passed out he first time trying to finish my Spanish homework. I almost didn't finish it. Thank God she got pissed and changed our seats again. Gave me an extra three or so minutes to write down the last of my answers.

That was a good thing to! I used to be in the back next to my short friend. We both couldn't see, but now I'm still next to my short friend and in the second row! :{D
It doesn't intrigue me either. I'd rather learn Japanese.

In 7th and 8th grade the group I was placed in was required to take Spanish I. So rather than starting over I just sucked it up and continued taking Spanish. Last year I was unable to take an elective because my schedule was filled with my extra English class, so after a year gap, I'm taking Spanish III

Not fun.
PicaPirate said:
I'll be the resident German, being fluent in it and half German.
Sorry Pirate. I'm fluent too, and am about three quarters German. I've been there too. 

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]It doesn't intrigue me either. I'd rather learn Japanese.
In 7th and 8th grade the group I was placed in was required to take Spanish I. So rather than starting over I just sucked it up and continued taking Spanish. Last year I was unable to take an elective because my schedule was filled with my extra English class, so after a year gap, I'm taking Spanish III

Not fun.

Yeah, I had to take spanish for two years. But then I got sick of it and took five years of German in four years of time. Then I just started learning Japanese after a short time learning some Gaelic.
I'm fairly sure I'm half German (and part Jewish!) but I'm not fluent.

All I want to do is learn Japanese! x3
I'm Dutch, that's where I was born (Holland), then I moved to Canada the next month :P . I only know a little bit though, :3.
Refaulted said:
Yup, it is. But I'm quite Irish, so I would like to visit there someday.
Yeah, me too. I'm a quarter Irish from my dad's side. If you follow the paternal lineage of my family all the way back, it's been Irish.
Irish I'd be interested in learning as well actually! On my dad's side I'm Irish, and my grandma's been there. It'd be pretty neat to go.
Yeah. Currently, my extent of knowledge of the top of my head is Dia duit (THough there are accent marks over the 'i' in 'dia' and 'duit')
Everyone! To Ireland! Fun fact, Irish is statistically the highest racial heritage in the US today. 

Refaulted said:
Yeah. Currently, my extent of knowledge of the top of my head is Dia duit (THough there are accent marks over the 'i' in 'dia' and 'duit')
I love accent marks when they have a distinct sound. Just to let the rest of you know how messed up the pronunciation is… duit is pronounced "rhit". If that makes sense.

And the rest of the day to you sir.
lol Celtic

Nice Ref! One cat is lying across my dads ankles and I'm not sure where the boy cat is.

He;s playing with some random string he found from a pillow on the couch near me x3

Good to know Lex

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