Out-of-Character Chat

lol Kirito

His name is Jazz, but sometimes we just call him the boy, the boy cat, etc.
lol Thanks

I named both our cats. Jazz and Tiger

At first we had their genders switched. We thought Tiger was a boy. And Jasmine was the girl x3

BUT once we figured out that wasn't right, Tiger remained Tiger and Jasmine became Jazz. lol 
Four's Problems

This story is just utterly brilliant. And it has my favorite pairing of Laven x3

But seriously, this is hilarious x3
Ah. I did that to my older cat. Thought he was a girl when we first got him and named him Cleo. Realized he was a boy and my mom thought that we should name him Gilbert.
Just waiting got something something to happen...... :( you what would be an interesting idea? Having our characters in the forms of fire emblem units! :)
I'd been wondering if I'd have to go find that post I made but that answers that, thanks Lex x3

LOLOL REF! I believe you! x3

I have a dog, Scooby, who we call Fat Boy. Just because he's so heavy. But it's not fat, he's pure muscle x3

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