Out-of-Character Chat

We'll see. He's not overly picky. It's just when things get really bad, it turns on his fashion awareness. 
But thanks, that gives me a few other ideas of how I could add to our next post.
Thank you. I had a few character ideas, but I wasn't sure how many of them I could actually use.
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris]Thank you. I had a few character ideas, but I wasn't sure how many of them I could actually use.

I feel ya. There are so many options. It's so hard to choose with only two. But in the end, I find it the most fun when I just concentrate all of my creativity into one character.
In almost every roleplay I've been in so far, I've used a minimum of three characters, so it feels a bit weird with just one. I guess I can just keep the other ideas in storage until a villain is needed or something along those lines.
Hey everyone. If you guys can, try to come back (or just come) to the Kandosii manor. We're getting close to the finish line of this arc, but we need everyone back at the manor before we continue.
BLUR said:
Hey everyone. If you guys can, try to come back (or just come) to the Kandosii manor. We're getting close to the finish line of this arc, but we need everyone back at the manor before we continue.
I'm doing my best to find a logical way for Aedon and Fermata to get there. (Which will probably just be them wandering in and being like, "Hey, what's up guys.")
OverlyIntricateLove said:
What are you doing Infinity?
My best friend and I only had one competition to do and it was in the last round, which was from 7:20 to 7:40. We had no homework. I was so fucking bored. >.>
I suppose I'll give Qrow a break from stalking people and have him actually participate in what's going on. I think I'll just have him...smell his way there. It's the only way I can think of that explains why he would go there.

So happy~
The character suddenly got a calling, as if from an ultimate being that was writing his destiny, to go to a mansion. It just so happened to be where all of the action was taking place.
Did you know Donny Osmond sung the songs for Captain Li Shang?

I learned that this morning before 7:30 AM. I was proud of myself for that! x3
I'm going to have to spend a large amount of time trying to figure out what happened at the mansion and who's there...
sonicfreak101 said:
I could maybe whistle a tune in a frequency that only dogs can hear that gets Ammy's attention?
Amaterasu is barking at you guys to get your attention. Actually now that I think about it, Aiden's gonna be super interested in Amaterasu since he absolutely loves dogs and cats

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