Out-of-Character Chat

Ike has no Sympathy but yet he fights for his friends. Who would not want to use him?

I use him sometimes, since I am a Fire Emblem fan :P .
Max defense Lucario is a monster. *Puts of sunglasses* A pocket monster, if you will. (YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!)

And yeah, Ike's a beast too. Almost beat 9.0 master core with him.
I just stick vehemently to the opinion that Great Ether is the most badass final smash ever.

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Archdemon said:
@Kinesthetics it's a habit that my school started. It's not that easy for me to just drop it. Besides that I'm really starting to control it. I'll probably ask @Nekoni once more and if she doesn't reply then I'll stop asking for another week. Also does anyone here play civilization?
This @Nekoni also how's your day going?
Infi snuck online ^.^

It was very difficult. I'm on a bus, heading towards another school while listening to music from Mulan.
So Japan already has a tier list


Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I'll get yours done, I will message you when I am done but I appreciate the common alerts from you :3 I have many things to focus on like commissions, illustration contracts, SATs ACT AP tests, college applications, U.S citizenship registration, not to mention all the organizations I'm staffing in @.@ oh, and daily homework for 9 advanced classes. So just give me time to find free time.
Well the A class make sense, they are ridic atm

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Because we CAN so fuck off. ^.^

Welp. I need to preserve my phone battery, so I'm gone! See ya later!
I don't know what my girl Palutena is doing at the bottom. Then the rest of my girls are in the D position.

Maybe that is why I am loosing. Bah, whatevs :3.
A good Gren and Rosa and Yoshi eat you for breakfast though.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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