Out-of-Character Chat

@Cadell Morde

(I'll never get over the name thing too.)

Hahaha. Let me hop on your profile page about it too!
Well I've posted the mission now too which will be how he will be inserted into the narrative.

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PicaPirate said:
Well I've posted the mission now too which will be how he will be inserted into the narrative.
Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
It's nice. Wish I had a character to go along in it =/
Collabing for this?

Also I'm sure you can timeskip seeing as it won't be on the main story thread, so can use a guild character if they are currently occupied (the glory of forum roleplays, separate RP'ing thread)

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Well, it's leading us to the big group of magicians and getting Sonicfreak in a guild, so it's somewhat important for the main RP.
I just beat classic mode on smash bros for the 3ds... on 9.0 difficulty. I feel as powerful as Bruce Lee if you removed Chuck Norris' level of power from him.
@Archdemon You're going to have to wait for a bit. First day back to academics and I got swamped with homework from each class I have. So It will be don either this weekend or sometime in the next few days. Keep patient. >.>

@Thesmashbro I finally convinced my dad to lend me some cash to buy the game, and I have to wait until Friday to get it. >n> I WANT IT
@OverlyIntricateLove I played the full game at GameStop for a bit, and I decided to just try and fight all Little Mac on level 9. Currently, I am sitting on my futon with my blanket wrapped around me and a heaping bowl of tomato soup to calm my nerves.
@Kinesthetics it's a habit that my school started. It's not that easy for me to just drop it. Besides that I'm really starting to control it. I'll probably ask @Nekoni once more and if she doesn't reply then I'll stop asking for another week. Also does anyone here play civilization?
@OverlyIntricateLove I understand completely. I mained Lucina as soon as I unlocked her, but I mained Greninja while I was unlocking her.
I play people online :P . They are always so good.

Greninja beats me everytime...

Lucina, Palutena and Robin are my babes :3.
Just curious since it didnt get posted till late last night. Did you guys see the FT shirt i found in Hot Topics?
When I get it I'll use my brawl fave of Ike.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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