Out-of-Character Chat



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You see

I play this game (mmorpg)

And when ever I see a red (enemy player from the other faction)

I turn into Crazy Novus and kill them... It doesn't matter what I'm doing, sees red and chases them across map

I can never get anything done... And I'm so behind in gear

I think I'm addicted to PVP

Like all my friends only like 40, maybe 70 kills tops

While I have over 300

I need help... What would I do if Sao becomes real....
If SAO was real. my clan would murder you. When i play MMO's that have free roam PvP we often to patrols to help keep leveling areas clear for everyone and if we see someone PKing newbs, we often put out a KoS order and make your life a living hell. =x Nothing personal thou.
These days I dont play proper MMO's (stuff like Diablo is more a pseudo MMO), because I don't have the time to get good in them or the money some need for you to have decent gear.

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Nah, I would go with the Infinite Spear Unique Skill seeing as I use skills in combat reenactment.

Keep also in mind in SAO you can't have Kirito clones, because Nerve gear models you based on your actual appearance.

(I'm not talking outta my ass, that was one of the mentioned unique skills http://www.taptaptaptaptap.net/sao-qna-heathcliff-kunori/ )

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Kaine said:
If SAO was real. my clan would murder you. When i play MMO's that have free roam PvP we often to patrols to help keep leveling areas clear for everyone and if we see someone PKing newbs, we often put out a KoS order and make your life a living hell. =x Nothing personal thou.
But I don't kill newbies... Unless that take my resources or they are enemy faction

And why would you murder me me Kanie t-t I thought we where friends 

PicaPirate said:
Nah, I would go with the Infinite Spear Unique Skill seeing as I use skills in combat reenactment.
Keep also in mind in SAO you can't have Kirito clones, because Nerve gear models you based on your actual appearance.

(I'm not talking outta my ass, that was one of the mentioned unique skills http://www.taptaptaptaptap.net/sao-qna-heathcliff-kunori/ )

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
That's was a special case that the creator did. Normally u could change your appearance and even sex
Ummm, you couldn't change sex. Even in the beta you couldn't.

TO BE FAIR, this information is only in Chapter 16.5, a NSFW chapter that is only in the LN where Kirito and Asuna....consummate. I won't link it because I would be shot on the spot for it. That doesn't prohibit you from searching it yourself.

Spoilered is part of the chapter which explains this. Don't worry, nothing NSFW in that part, as Kirito goes off on a mental tangent with this.

There is a somewhat interesting story concerning all of this (I apologize for digressing, but)... When SAO was under development, the Argas company had an internal closed alpha test phase during which time they reasoned that since players would have no use for genitals, it would not be necessary to objectify it.

However, in reality they found that most of the male testers would experience a certain amount of severe anxiety. Even so, while there was no problem when playing for several hours. When they conducted consecutive tests over a 48 hour period, they found that most of the male testers who attended this trial period were unable to stand not having their genitals and gave up. So it was from the Beta testing phase that the genital parts were implemented out of a sense of necessity. It seems that this was also part of the reason why SAO players were not allowed to change their characters' genders.

However, even if you had your genital parts, the question that I had prior to the official start of the game (meaning, before the incident) was whether or not there would be anxiety over the lack of proper function. I myself had agonized repeatedly on multiple occasions over the inability to release my pent up energy, but now I saw that if the ethics code or whatever was disabled, then functionality, probably even ejaculation was possible.
The manga is on mangafox/batoto/everywhere, the visual novel where that is from is all over the internet.

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kirito1337 said:
@PicaPirate I have a copy of the first novel
Oh I've got 1-14 on my Google drive, reading through the second one atm. But im not about to do pirating by spreading it :P
It's pretty faithful to the novel, can't say about the anime as I haven't seen it. The first manga covers book one, while SAO Progressive/other SAO mangas cover the sidestories, like the ones in volume 2 and such.

Unless you are reading a different manga this is from my research



the anime allowed players to changed there looks and male players to be girls. But then the GM reverted everyone's sex and looks to how there where in real life.

The manga did the same thing


(this is first chapter so no spoiler alert)

i dont know how the novel does it, but that such a small detail that doesnt even affect the story, so i dont know why they would think about changing.
Hmmm, interesting. I suppose since 16.5 was a side chapter they didn't include it to the manga and anime plotlines.

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From chapter 3 "Distressingly, even the sex ratio changed greatly."

Congrats Reki, that'll be another plothole/retcon/idontevenknow to add to the story :P

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Tvtropes seems to have the most sensible answer to it, using the LN.

Some spoilers.

" Cross Player: VRMMORPGs using the Nerv Gear and Amusphere avert this, as the player's body is scanned into the system to form the avatar (degree of customization varies with each game). SAO's pre-alpha testing found that full immersion and genderswapping didn't really mix comfortably, and that after a significant amount of time logged in, male players began to experience anxiety over the lack of... essential equipment.

That said, as Episode 1, and a line in the light novel showed, it's still possible. It just doesn't have good longterm effects, hence why Kayaba disabled this option when kicking off the death game.

Played with in the Gun Gale Online arc: a glitch causes Kirito's avatar to appear as an incredibly rare avatar that is mistaken for female by most players. It's actually a male avatar, but Kirito nonetheless learns to play the confusion over his gender in-game to his advantage."
Looking into it, its a rule that's established throughout the series, that one line which affected also the manga and anime being a gag exception. Otherwise, you can't change gender.

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