Out of Character Chat

Whoever said that dicking around and procrastinating didn't have its upsides?
laughs in Skylie's drenched jeans and Renzo getting a knife to the face

Skylie: Um. Wet jeans are nothing compared to having knife wounds ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE.

The avatars were cute; took me a while to figure out which was Skylie since I'm trash at remembering pictures XD

This is kind'a what I was thinking of with Renzo.

Ran through some different ideas with his faceclaim and using Guilmon, but let's face it...

Badass is badass.

:P Also found a way to use the eye-motif.
I'm still just proud of my theme picture. lol My photo-editing skills are sub-par, so that came together waaaay nicer than expected.
Skylie: Um. Wet jeans are nothing compared to having knife wounds ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE.

The avatars were cute; took me a while to figure out which was Skylie since I'm trash at remembering pictures XD

0 .0 How do you not remember what your own characters look like? xD

I thought about that too until I remembered the episode when he burned up Tai's pants....

That was another lolwut moment!
Cause he like...magically has his clothes back a few scenes later.

This is kind'a what I was thinking of with Renzo.

Ran through some different ideas with his faceclaim and using Guilmon, but let's face it...

Badass is badass.

:P Also found a way to use the eye-motif.

Should we be expecting him to go down a morally questionable path...? xD
Renzo for chaotic neutral aka chaotic evil

I believe the digivice plays music.

I'm still waiting for someone to start screwing around with the Digivice and realize it has 10 trillion functions
If only Otonashi wasn't technologically dumb...
Especially the one where it can track all the other Digivices. That seems useful as hell. Also might solve the "where is my brother? situation...?
0 .0 How do you not remember what your own characters look like? xD

Because I'm stoopid
You got a problem

Speaking of morally questionable character
Agumon panted as he jogged after Skylie, who set a brisk pace through the forest. “Skylie, you can’t be serious! Why would you want to turn on the others?”

She growled, “They all hated me anyway. What use am I to them? What use is this goddamn Crest and Spirit if I can’t even live up to what they mean?”

The little orange dinosaur stopped in his tracks and looked up at her with watery green eyes. “But Sky… I’ve never hated you.”

For a moment, she paused. The darkness that seemed to cling to her was suffocating, blinding, even painful. But it seemed to ease a bit as she turned to look at her partner, the only one in this world she cared about. The only one she was willing to let inside. Skylie crouched down beside him and wrapped her arms around his stocky form. “I know, Agumon. You’re the only one who never did.”

He warbled, “But Sky, we can’t just… I mean, are you really going to turn on all of them like this? What if they try to kill us?”

“I’ve faced worse.”

The mystery surrounding her even now finally caused Agumon to snap. “What happened to you, Skylie? You refuse to let anyone in, you refuse to go anywhere without those knives on you, and most of all, you refuse to accept the fact that there is more to life than just surviving! What happened to you?

Skylie stood up and faced a tree, taking out her precious daggers and driving them into the bark. “Long story short, I trusted people who decided hurting me was more entertaining than caring about me. So, yeah, I pushed the others away. Call it what you like, but I’d rather no one tries than have someone try and chicken out halfway once they find out what I’m really like.” She paused in her carving. Her voice took on a shaky quality as she added, “I’d rather be alone than with people who hate me.”


Her arms dropped to her sides, and she stepped away from the tree, ignoring the ache in her chest, ignoring the wetness on her cheeks, ignoring anything even remotely similar to emotion. “Good riddance.” With one slashing motion, she put a line through the words she had just carved into the tree.

Then she walked away, with Agumon tottering behind, more solemn than ever before.

Underneath the slash, Skylie’s dagger had carved a simple message: THANKS FOR HATING ME. FRIENDSHIP IS BULLSHIT ANYWAY.

This is what I do instead of writing an actual post T_T
Because I'm stoopid
You got a problem

Yea I got a problem.
I got a lotta problems.
Rent is due, just got fired from work, the wife wants a divorce, and now the kid's coming down with pnemonia.
What's it to you?

I'm sorry

And damn...I'm sure Skylie will find someone to connect with over the course of the RP-- ; e;
We...we have to stick together......and learn how to make friends.......and get along..........
I believe ittt!

Though I'm kind of curious how she would take everyone out on a genocide route...some like Jupiter and Ravyn might be easy, but she'd need to learn how to exploit a few weakness if she's to overcome a big softy like Lilly or Otonashi. Or get someone like Rin to give enough of a shit.
Well, Darya-Mon probably doesn't need much else to be pushed over the edge. You could start with her--
Yea I got a problem.
I got a lotta problems.
Rent is due, just got fired from work, the wife wants a divorce, and now the kid's coming down with pnemonia.
What's it to you?

I'm sorry

And damn...I'm sure Skylie will find someone to connect with over the course of the RP-- ; e;
We...we have to stick together......and learn how to make friends.......and get along..........
I believe ittt!

Though I'm kind of curious how she would take everyone out on a genocide route...some like Jupiter and Ravyn might be easy, but she'd need to learn how to exploit a few weakness if she's to overcome a big softy like Lilly or Otonashi. Or get someone like Rin to give enough of a shit.
Well, Darya-Mon probably doesn't need much else to be pushed over the edge. You could start with her--

See, I believe in the power of human relationships
Skylie, however, does not

So we'll see XD

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