Out of Character Chat

Newwww huuumooooòoon!!!

Let's not break this one! Or at least, not so soon!
@Kimiwriter V viska QuirkyAngel QuirkyAngel AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Juju Juju Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart AtlannianSpy AtlannianSpy

There anything you guys wanna wrap up before I move us to the next day and the start of the second arc? (Something Throne actually designed before dropping off the face of the planet)

I had part of a post written, but don't let that deter you from starting the second arc. My work schedule this week makes it so I can't guarantee when it'll be finished, if it gets finished. And Pretzel heart ended the scene nicely enough.
I had part of a post written, but don't let that deter you from starting the second arc. My work schedule this week makes it so I can't guarantee when it'll be finished, if it gets finished. And Pretzel heart ended the scene nicely enough.
I've got one more player working on a character right now, so going to let him finish that before moving.
I think I put my character to sleep at the end of my last post so I wasn't really planning to do anything else.
But I thought it was
The Penguin

Aaaa I am counting myself officially baaaaack!! Which means KageYuuki KageYuuki gets to put up with my 24/7 cringe all over again ;;;;;;-)
After 1 month of no RP I am really happy to return ; e;
But aaaah man I have so much to read lololol but I kept getting notes from here so kablammo

First off I can't believe we have two more peeps it's awesome. Welcome! Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha and Oswald_C_Cobblepot Oswald_C_Cobblepot apologizing for my existence beforehand

Though ah man as soon as I read Luka was ded my heart dropped...can you even understand how hard I've been fighting against the harem for all this time!? But imagine my joy when not 1, but 2 male characters came and Balance in the Force was finally achieved. We may have just saved this RP from having to suffer through literally the worst harem even conceived-- I'm so proud you guys. w e l c o m e i n t e n s i f i e s

But seriously I am pretty sad whenever someone drops. After all this time I can't help but get attached to people's characters, and how everyone has a really unique voice that fits them so well... :''') Well, we just have to make sure to murder Heinrich extra beautifully to make up. B)
Though I'm also always really happy to see more people joining. I mean, it feels great to watch my CS slowly drop in the list so I don't feel like such a n00b---

I just finished reading the new profs and re-reading everyone old ones xD I'm pretty curious about Arthur. His CS is rather cryptic. Though I feel like...
Arthur: Speaks
Otonashi: ????????AA@OEKAD??D
Gomamon might be able to carry a conversation with him tho...
Oh shit. Did I just give myself an idea for unnecessary drama...?

And yes, more Europeans and weebs. I'm happy Tentomon got picked cause I was worried he never would...poor guy... and with Rena gone and back again my character will continue down the righteous path towards becoming a True Furry damn this RP

While I was away I also managed the superhuman feat of finishing the first season of Digimon Adventure (only took me...8 months...). Even though it was the dub I still managed to tear up a few times because damnit humans are only human. Going to attempt S2 now so I can finally move on to Tri... Also desperately trying to run ideas for inevitable Pretzel Arc which I should probably ask Kage about.......

And finally since I just finished re-reading everyone's sheets I decided to update the Sqad List. If you thought I was joking about the squads then you sorely overestimated my ability to have a life. Well I thought it was a fun way to think about potential character interactions, so fkk it might as well share. Of course any suggestions are welcome lolol.
I have a lot of stupid jokes with myself and some of the characters on the list are ded now but I didn't have the heart to remove them so...yol0

Anti-Bully Squad:

Anti-Chore Squad:

Anti-Winter Squad:

Anti-Summer Squad:

Anti-Bug Squad:

Probably Shouldn't Cook Squad:

Cat Lovers Squad:

Dog Lovers Squad:

Honesty (Blunt) Squad:

Weeb Squad (aka The Only Squad That Matters Squad):
((also are we sure that Jupiter and Arthur aren't hiding their dating sims under the bed somewhere..?))

Nippon Danshi Squad:

Is He *** or European Squad:

Oceania Squad:

Amurica Fkk Yea Squad:

Secretly Likes Cute Things Squad:

Rags to Riches to Rags Squad:

Siblings Squad:

My Daddy's a Lawyer Squad:

Family Matters Squad:

Daddy Issues Squad:

Mommy Issues Squad:


Love Issues Squad:

Book Club Squad:

Weeb Speak Squad (aka Actually the Only Squad That Matters Squad):

Optimism Squad:



Stubborn Squad:

Adventure Squad:

Tattoo Squad:

We're Not Bad Friends We're Just Bums Squad:

One Friend Literally Just the One Squad:
-Jupiter (wishes she was on this list)


To Rin about Keiran XD
You can't just drop that on a man and not finish.
I demand to know what she was gonna say.

Pretzel Heart Pretzel Heart
Thank you for the effort. May your hiatus be a restful one ^_^

lmao, Iphone 7? xD
At the beginning the Digivices were what cell phones turned into. So it will forever be the iPhone 7 in Otonashi's (and now Gomamon's) eyes. Until something else comes along.

Well, Luka's pretty easy to just not mention considering he.... never did anything past scaring Jupiter. (And getting bitch slapped for it) Heinrich... think we agreed to kill the poor guy.

Corri's still with us since her player's on hiatus from the hurricanes causing family issues. So she's just silently in the background for the time being.

Mfw has also done nothing past setting off Jupiter

Tonight. I’ve given up on trying to write some fancy, grandiose post xD

Idk how some of you are able to write these massive posts, I envy you.

Meanwhile I'm on the opposite side where I wish I knew how to shut the fuck up :'''') collective cringe
Your posts will always have my love though ;>

Alright...now to actually catch up on the main thread.........

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