Out of Character Chat

EchoNightwish said:
Thank you. That would be really kind, but I am looking and cant find anything good. You see its hard to find an unrecognizable, stylized strongman
Like a bodybuildier kind of a guy with something covering his face?
Not quit that, I like the mask idea and while not entirely ripped, built buff. Most in the stylized cartoon style that is commonly used are all stocky showoff types with doofy hair.
EchoNightwish said:
I did it, thank you. I hope it meets your expectations.
It looks great man.

So you thinking of taking the Steel Mega spot, or you feeling just staying a Metagross is more ya character's style?
EchoNightwish said:
I did it, thank you. I hope it meets your expectations.
I'll let you know now that you're missing a couple of things:

A) Make sure you've read the rules very thoroughly

B) Add a personality section from your character's POV

C) Not really a missing thing, but double check the code on your picture, it's not popping up for me.

And you can be a mega, if you send @KageYuuki a writing sample
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EchoNightwish said:
Umm... I have the personality written. I have read the rules. And I can't draw nor find any pictures that would fit him so I'm at a loss there. A writing sample of what?
You are missing something from your Character Sheet that is only told to you in the rules section.

It's not bold, but it is in there.

Don't worry I had trouble finding it for a bit too. It's in the Basic Rules tab in Overview.
EchoNightwish said:
Umm... I have the personality written. I have read the rules. And I can't draw nor find any pictures that would fit him so I'm at a loss there. A writing sample of what?
You also need a personality section from your character's point of view- how does your character see themselves?

For example, my character Kali sees herself as honest and fun, but objectively, she's just kind of a bully.

There's something your CS is missing that's written in the rules- it's a bit hidden, but it's in there.

Just a sample of how you write, sent to Yuuki in a conversation- it can be for this character, from another roleplay- just a few paragraphs showcasing your style so they'll know how you write.
I'm sorry if I'm a tad difficult to deal with, and I'm a tad new to doing things the way expressed in this rp and relatively inexperienced with computers, but I looked in character sign up and my post there is clear. I don't know what else you would like me to do. I am of course speaking out of sincere confusion, not aggravation.
EchoNightwish said:
I'm sorry if I'm a tad difficult to deal with, and I'm a tad new to doing things the way expressed in this rp and relatively inexperienced with computers, but I looked in character sign up and my post there is clear. I don't know what else you would like me to do. I am of course speaking out of sincere confusion, not aggravation.
I was the exact same when I tried joining this RP.

It's in the Basic rules, you can't skim it.

It took me about an hour to find it xD , but the GM wouldn't back down on having it.

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