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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

Kisaki said:
Hey , can someone accept my character. (.-.) I'll just wait for right now.
Sorry about that. The GM and us helpers must have all been busy.
VenomSlayer said:
@Fukushima Akira @Roman Can one of you please help me here? I keep getting alerts saying "Your post in *THIS RP* Has been deleted for using Dice, and it won't stop.
That sounds like something you'd actually have to talk about with an admin, because from what I read, Akira hasn't deleted any post as of late about dice.
I know I just got one because I didn't know that was a rule, did you by any chance quote my post? If you did that might be it :3
Kisaki said:
(LOL. see why you would be confused. I keep forgetting your Jack is a terriost ._. )
moved to the OOC so akira cant yell at us xD well I mean he's not just a terrorist... he's also the founder of the worlds largest criminal organization! XDDD
Nona said:
I know I just got one because I didn't know that was a rule, did you by any chance quote my post? If you did that might be it :3
It's not. If you want to roll dice in Pms, you can, however rolling dice in the RP doesn't look nice, as it's a turn-based RP system, and not a dice-based :3
@Fukushima Akira @Lumina @Roman

I've seen some people timeskip to night or the next day and I'm wondering if that's allowed? It seems like we're all supposed to follow the same time, but at the same time it seems like everyone is all over in time, yet interacting with one another.
The Royal Keen] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] @Lumina @Roman
I've seen some people timeskip to night or the next day and I'm wondering if that's allowed? It seems like we're all supposed to follow the same time, but at the same time it seems like everyone is all over in time, yet interacting with one another.
@Fukushima Akira is your man for this.
@Sixxx I want to point out that originally Zac was threatening to kill you and now he's going on a date with you ((Amber)) in the space of about 20 minutes, *Slow Clap*
VenomSlayer said:
@Sixxx I want to point out that originally Zac was threatening to kill you and now he's going on a date with you ((Amber)) in the space of about 20 minutes, *Slow Clap*
Lets admit it she has Zac wraped around her finger cause

The Royal Keen] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] @Lumina @Roman
I've seen some people timeskip to night or the next day and I'm wondering if that's allowed? It seems like we're all supposed to follow the same time, but at the same time it seems like everyone is all over in time, yet interacting with one another.
Roman said:
@Fukushima Akira is your man for this.
My first instinct is to say no. Timeskipping isn't allowed during the school day. But, a lot of people are deciding to just do their own thing, so they don't seem to be listening to that fact. (I think Akira saw a timeskip post and said it wasn't allowed). But, like Roman said, I'm gonna defer you to @Fukushima Akira on this one, because it's up to him what happens and what is and isn't okay.
Lumina said:
My first instinct is to say no. Timeskipping isn't allowed during the school day. But, a lot of people are deciding to just do their own thing, so they don't seem to be listening to that fact. (I think Akira saw a timeskip post and said it wasn't allowed). But, like Roman said, I'm gonna defer you to @Fukushima Akira on this one, because it's up to him what happens and what is and isn't okay.
At this point I just pretend that the students are just taking classes whenever it doesn't matter if it's day or night so it doesn't matter when they're sleeping or not right? LOL no use for a Time skip in that case
Lumina said:
My first instinct is to say no. Timeskipping isn't allowed during the school day. But, a lot of people are deciding to just do their own thing, so they don't seem to be listening to that fact. (I think Akira saw a timeskip post and said it wasn't allowed). But, like Roman said, I'm gonna defer you to @Fukushima Akira on this one, because it's up to him what happens and what is and isn't okay.
This is correct. During school hours, there are no timeskips.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]This is correct. During school hours, there are no timeskips.

Luckily for them, we have one clsss left and then they can go timeskip crazy, huh?

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