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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

The Royal Keen] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] @Roman @Lumina I have two questions:
1) For my character Moonstone, since they're the grandchild of one of the Gods of Creation, yet has mentifery and pathifery as abilities, would they still technically be a deity, labeled as the grandchild of a deity, or something else? Cause they're still powerful but they're fourteen so it's not like they rule over people in their own religion. Also, their mother doesn't really have as much power as her parent or Moonstone because she wasn't designed to, so I wouldn't really call her God level either.

2) When you put down your character as a freshman, sophomore, etc, is that based on the years of actual high school they've completed or years of high school they completed in Fantasy High School, since this school seems to work differently than normal high school.
You may have to wait for Akira.
The Royal Keen] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] @Roman @Lumina I have two questions:
1) For my character Moonstone, since they're the grandchild of one of the Gods of Creation, yet has mentifery and pathifery as abilities, would they still technically be a deity, labeled as the grandchild of a deity, or something else? Cause they're still powerful but they're fourteen so it's not like they rule over people in their own religion. Also, their mother doesn't really have as much power as her parent or Moonstone because she wasn't designed to, so I wouldn't really call her God level either.

2) When you put down your character as a freshman, sophomore, etc, is that based on the years of actual high school they've completed or years of high school they completed in Fantasy High School, since this school seems to work differently than normal high school.
Okay, so here's the answers to your questions, going from top to bottom;

1) If they're not born from two deities, then they are not a deity, and instead a Demi-God.

2) Regardless of their experiences in the real world, they'll start off as a freshman or a Junior if they can't control their powers. If the character(s) have some control over their power, they'll be immediately inducted into the sophomore classes. No one within this RP, other than those who've already graduated, has full control over their powers.
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]Okay, so here's the answers to your questions, going from top to bottom;
1) If they're not born from two deities, then they are not a deity, and instead a Demi-God.

2) Regardless of their experiences in the real world, they'll start off as a freshman or a Junior if they can't control their powers. If the character(s) have some control over their power, they'll be immediately inducted into the sophomore classes. No one within this RP, other than those who've already graduated, has full control over their powers.

Thank you for the response. I'd assume a Demi-God would be weaker than a God though, even if they aren't technically human, correct?
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Thank you for the response. I'd assume a Demi-God would be weaker than a God though, even if they aren't technically human, correct?

A Demi-God is the result of a God(dess) and a Human providing offspring with one another. Demi-Gods generally have God-levels of Strength, Speed etc. They do not, however, inherit the powers of their God parent. Just take a look at the legends of Heracles or Perseus as an example, both being the sons of Zeus.
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]A Demi-God is the result of a God(dess) and a Human providing offspring with one another. Demi-Gods generally have God-levels of Strength, Speed etc. They do not, however, inherit the powers of their God parent. Just take a look at the legends of Heracles or Perseus as an example, both being the sons of Zeus.

Ah, then I'd have to slightly rewrite Moonstone then, because they aren't supposed to be human, and were asexually reproduced, well, more like they were created almost like Wonder Woman in DC being created from clay. Any ideas on what I should remove/add without rewriting their whole character? I can always work it out by myself though.

Btw, isn't junior 11th grade and sophomore 10th grade? Wouldn't 9th (freshmen) and 10th (sophomores) be the newbies with powers, while 11th (juniors) and 12 (seniors) be the ones who are a little more experienced?
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Ah, then I'd have to slightly rewrite Moonstone then, because they aren't supposed to be human, and were asexually reproduced, well, more like they were created almost like Wonder Woman in DC being created from clay. Any ideas on what I should remove/add without rewriting their whole character? I can always work it out by myself though.
Btw, isn't junior 11th grade and sophomore 10th grade? Wouldn't 9th (freshmen) and 10th (sophomores) be the newbies with powers, while 11th (juniors) and 12 (seniors) be the ones who are a little more experienced?

1) That's entirely up to you, it's your character.

2) I was talking about new characters. They can only join through the freshman classes or the sophomore classes. This is how the hierarchy works:

Freshmen: Has absolutely no control of their powers.

Sophomores: Has some degree of power control.

Juniors: Has the basics of power control down, and is working on the adept stuff.

Seniors: Has the most control of their powers in the school, but still needs to finish the adept power control, as well as power conservation.

Graduate: Has complete control over their powers.

I will not allow characters to join as Juniors or above.
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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]1) That's entirely up to you, it's your character.
2) I was talking about new characters. They can only join through the freshman classes or the sophomore classes. This is how the hierarchy works:

Freshmen: Has absolutely no control of their powers.

Sophomores: Has some degree of power control.

Juniors: Has the basics of power control down, and is working on the adept stuff.

Seniors: Has the most control of their powers in the school, but still needs to finish the adept power control, as well as power conservation.

Graduate: Has complete control over their powers.

I will not allow characters to join as Juniors or above.

Okay then, thanks for the information.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Okay then, thanks for the information.

No worries :}
Hey, can I repost the character sheet for my character Daniel? Because I put Junior because of his age, so I'm probably gonna rewrite most of it to fit the personality that I've given him in the rp.
Kidroleplayer said:
How could i jump in.
Ask to see who's free, and if someone is, they'll let you know. Aside from that, the first day of school is coming to the last class of the day so place your character accordingly :)
Lumina said:
Ask to see who's free, and if someone is, they'll let you know. Aside from that, the first day of school is coming to the last class of the day so place your character accordingly :)
How much longer? I've been waiting about half a month for the day to finish ;)

Something doesn't sound right with my comment.
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[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]How much longer? I've been waiting about half a month for the day to finish ;)
Something doesn't sound right with my comment.

That's up to Akira. He's the one that controls how everything goes.
Roman said:
Han took the churros and handed on to both Celia and Mari, smiling at them both. He saw Celia mouth her words to him, and he mouthed back 'you're welcome'. He looked back at the Clerk, his eyes flashing their demonic red as if saying 'back off'. It was obvious he wasn't too fond of people giving him or anyone he cared about funny looks... Especially his daughter or wife.
((CHURROS FTW!!!!! Hans inner thoughts *Damn right you give me those churros! omnomnomnom!* XDDDDD ))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-26_9-38-52.png.22d13289fac9c612d95c8aabb60a0258.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145588" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-26_9-38-52.png.22d13289fac9c612d95c8aabb60a0258.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

All the cancer...



  • upload_2016-7-26_9-38-52.png
    16.2 KB · Views: 13
Wicked Jester]((CHURROS FTW!!!!! Hans inner thoughts *Damn right you give me those churros! omnomnomnom!* XDDDDD )) [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
@Roman[/URL] its the picture where you have to imagine it xD
Wicked Jester] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13581-roman/ said:
@Roman[/URL] its the picture where you have to imagine it xD
Yeah I know xD
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]View attachment 322519
All the cancer...

The characters that are eating the churros aren't affected by human sicknesses and diseases so that's a plus.
[QUOTE="Storm Guardian]Lucky them. (^.^)

TheDragoon said:
Celia nodded softly. "And that's what a hero does. He or she does what it takes to do the right thing, even when it's not clear 'what' is the right thing." She said to him. "The path is harsh, but regardless of what path you take you'll always be my hero Han."
Mari stretched lightly and was sneaking to try and take Han's churro.
This is how i see it:

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]This is how i see it:

That's just pure savage. xD

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