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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]I don't think they are really gonna be doing anything much.

Ah okay, then I'll put them up as open for interaction.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]I have a free character if anyone is interested in rp.

Want to continue the roleplay with Moonstone?
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Want to continue the roleplay with Moonstone?

Yea, maybe they can take a walk around campus or just simply talk about one another. ^Bondin'^
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Yea, maybe they can take a walk around campus or just simply talk about one another. ^Bondin'^

Yeah, sounds great. Want me to start?
I really have a feeling you guys are mtg players. I mean, that angel was clearly evilcyn.
TylerrCarterrr said:
I apologize for that, so how do you want this go about?
Right now at Alejandro is at the nurse's office being treated for an injury with another character, so I would suggest having your character meet a few others and familiarizing himself with the some people. Then later when my character is done interacting with the person he is with now, they could meet at the dorm. Just my opinion.
Going off your suggestion, maybe he wound up there only because he was lost trying to find the housing and made his way into the nurses office. That way I can enter the fray in a less direct and in my opinion jarring way and still introduce myself indirectly and get a feel for everyone you want me to know about.
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TylerrCarterrr said:
Going off your suggestion, maybe he wound up there only because he was lost trying to find the housing and made his way into the nurses office. That way I can enter the fray in a less direct and in my opinion jarring way and still introduce myself indirectly and get a feel for everyone you want me to know about.
Everyone is worth being met in my opinion. I wouldn't mind a three person interaction either, but the person who uses said character isn't online at the moment, and I don't want you to be bored waiting for me.
Roman said:
Everyone is worth being met in my opinion. I wouldn't mind a three person interaction either, but the person who uses said character isn't online at the moment, and I don't want you to be bored waiting for me.
That's alright, I'll just leave myself open to anyone who is on. Just let me know when you get the chance to interact.
TylerrCarterrr said:
That sounds painful.
I dont care im excited<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Screenshot_20160721-231630.png.1966adf711f5ed0e907de362d3380b96.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144648" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Screenshot_20160721-231630.png.1966adf711f5ed0e907de362d3380b96.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Just to make something clear...Since Cody will be getting a new power and weapon, I NEED to post how he get's it correct? I'm typing out parts to post 1 aday, just making sure before I post the second part.
@Fukushima Akira @Roman @Lumina I have two questions:

1) For my character Moonstone, since they're the grandchild of one of the Gods of Creation, yet has mentifery and pathifery as abilities, would they still technically be a deity, labeled as the grandchild of a deity, or something else? Cause they're still powerful but they're fourteen so it's not like they rule over people in their own religion. Also, their mother doesn't really have as much power as her parent or Moonstone because she wasn't designed to, so I wouldn't really call her God level either.

2) When you put down your character as a freshman, sophomore, etc, is that based on the years of actual high school they've completed or years of high school they completed in Fantasy High School, since this school seems to work differently than normal high school.

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