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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

Kidroleplayer said:
Potions for what 0.0
I haven't been using Salvador ever since his last interactions, so I think combat grenades made out of potions. Really, I don't know.
NickTonCutter said:
Character Completion

Arturia Quinn

View attachment 322469

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: True Neutral

Where you live : House

What Year of highschool your in: 1 Year

What kind of being you are: Demonic Humans


-Healing ability

-Enhanced fighting style

-Enhanced speed : Time Alter,Double or Triple her normal human speed for a short time.

-Raias : Summon a shield around her,can be break.

-Fire : Can deal a fire explosion by clapping her fingers (Can't be spam though)

-Demonic Stance : Upgrade her current ability,allow her to unlock upgrade Time Alter : Four time normal speed for a short time.

Her personality drastically change during this.



-Listening to music

-Playing some Piano

-Watching series

-Upgrading her magic and studying Space,new animals



-Reading a simple book

-Cold people

Personality: Arturia is kind of easy to be friend with,along with her mother type personality.Arturia can get angry if one of her friends get hurt,or if you blame her,also if you disturb here too much when she listen to some music.

Bio: Arturia was born as a demonic human,which mean she was born with powers.Her Time Alter ability is something unusual for her race,it's a power coming from her Father after a lot of studying from some generation of the Quinn family.

During her childhood,Arturia was living happily with her family and meet some friends while learning her ability.Since she was a good student,her parents give her a lot of gift : book from space and new species,and some goodies coming from series,her passion along with the Piano.

After her parents give her a house at the age of 15,she already had start to train her powers and study the Space.



Extra : Get a cat and a bird.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]maybe? I have 3 characters i nicked from my nephew who never gets on anymore and they could interact. who you got?

She is actually reading at the library inside the school ^-^.
NickTonCutter said:
She is actually reading at the library inside the school ^-^.
Lets see... know anything about eldritch lore or lovecraftian horror? or feel like having a random philosophical debate?
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Lets see... know anything about eldritch lore or lovecraftian horror? or feel like having a random philosophical debate?

I can try the philosophical debate,but i can't assure you that i will do great !
Roman said:
Han winked and ate the last of his churro, "Good to hear, but are we staying or getting on anymore rides?" He asked Celia and Mari both. "It's completely up to you two on this one." Han said with a smile.
Wait!!!! I missed it! What happened with the churro thief?!?!?!?
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]Wait!!!! I missed it! What happened with the churro thief?!?!?!?

He gave her half.
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester].... -_-
fine xD

The churro thief was no one but his daughter xD
[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]stealing churros should be punishable by death!!!!!

Yeah.... No xD
Roman said:
Yeah.... No xD
They at least deserve punishment!!!

[QUOTE="Wicked Jester]They at least deserve punishment!!!

I don't think it does xD
(Hmmm... I'm thinking of making another character... a male one...)

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