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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

CERBERUS177 said:
Hello, can you give me specific problems you are having?
Well, I'm not sure where to fill it out. I know that it is in the Character Sign-up tab, but do I copy and paste it somewhere on my profile or do I just make a separate document and send it to one of you?
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Well, I'm not sure where to fill it out. I know that it is in the Character Sign-up tab, but do I copy and paste it somewhere on my profile or do I just make a separate document and send it to one of you?

Copy and paste it, go to the bottom and post it there, fill it out, and post it. I hope I explained that well enough. So, just post your CS in the Character sign up area.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Well, I'm not sure where to fill it out. I know that it is in the Character Sign-up tab, but do I copy and paste it somewhere on my profile or do I just make a separate document and send it to one of you?

Oh, and, sorry to bum you down a bit, but I'm not a mod for this thread, I was just being helpful, sorry! You should be accepted either tomorrow, or the day after that.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Oh, what should be in the bio?

What ever fits your characters history or backstory. That's what I went with.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]I'm so nervous right now. I'm afraid that I didn't do good enough...

Btw, if you don't want to repost's someones art, you can try using a doll maker, look at artist's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for if they allow reposts, or request art of your character to artists doing it.
Alright, so I read the Overview page and I am wondering how to go about rping. Because, I don't know any of the plot and I don't want to mess it up for the rest of you guys.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Alright, so I read the Overview page and I am wondering how to go about rping. Because, I don't know any of the plot and I don't want to mess it up for the rest of you guys.

I'm open for rp atm with two of my ocs. I don't have any particular plots going on for myself, and there's not really an actual plot happening in the rp atm (from my knowledge), but there may be one soon.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]I'm open for rp atm with two of my ocs. I don't have any particular plots going on for myself, and there's not really an actual plot happening in the rp atm (from my knowledge), but there may be one soon.

Oh, so how will this work if I was going to rp with you?
Moonstone[/URL] and Avatia, I prefer Moonstone really but I don't want Avatia to be killed off because of inactivity, so I'm sort of just self-rping with her until I find someone that would be interesting to interact with her. Once you pick I can make a post, but it'd probably be best for you to make a post in the main rping area so I can know how to get my character to meet yours.
The Royal Keen]Well my two ocs open are [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/fantasy-highschool-grand-reopening.115287/page-116#post-6403809 said:
Moonstone[/URL] and Avatia, I prefer Moonstone really but I don't want Avatia to be killed off because of inactivity, so I'm sort of just self-rping with her until I find someone that would be interesting to interact with her. Once you pick I can make a post, but it'd probably be best for you to make a post in the main rping area so I can know how to get my character to meet yours.
Oh, so rps won't clash in the main rp area? Also, I'm not sure how to go about starting the rp. Would it be better to have my character in his dorm or something or outside somewhere?
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]Oh, so rps won't clash in the main rp area? Also, I'm not sure how to go about starting the rp. Would it be better to have my character in his dorm or something or outside somewhere?

Rps shouldn't clash unless you're ignoring other's rp posts, so you don't notice when you're somewhere you shouldn't be. Anyways, you could introduce him by having him enter the school, or at him dorm or something. My character Moonstone is walking towards their dorm to relax, so maybe you could meet them there?
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Rps shouldn't clash unless you're ignoring other's rp posts, so you don't notice when you're somewhere you shouldn't be. Anyways, you could introduce him by having him enter the school, or at him dorm or something. My character Moonstone is walking towards their dorm to relax, so maybe you could meet them there?

I guess that could work. ^So nervous^ Also, will the posts be like everyone taking turns or is it different?
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]I guess that could work. ^So nervous^ Also, will the posts be like everyone taking turns or is it different?

Usually it's people taking turns. It can get confusing if your partner posts two posts and you got to respond to both before they send another one in.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Usually it's people taking turns. It can get confusing if your partner posts two posts and you got to respond to both before they send another one in.

Alright, I'm gonna try it out, if I did something wrong please tell me.
How do years work here? If you're a first year student does it mean you're first year in terms of high school, or in terms of being in Fantasy High School? If someone is 2nd year would that imply they've been in this school for two years?
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]How do years work here? If you're a first year student does it mean you're first year in terms of high school, or in terms of being in Fantasy High School? If someone is 2nd year would that imply they've been in this school for two years?

Shhh... just dont think about it xD
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]How do years work here? If you're a first year student does it mean you're first year in terms of high school, or in terms of being in Fantasy High School? If someone is 2nd year would that imply they've been in this school for two years?

The reason why I put third year in my CS, it is because that is the year he would be in normal high school. Just so you know.
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]The reason why I put third year in my CS, it is because that is the year he would be in normal high school. Just so you know.

That's what I did with my characters, but if years imply how long you've been in Fantasy High School that implies my other two characters I have have been in this school for multiple years, yet don't know their way around.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]That's what I did with my characters, but if years imply how long you've been in Fantasy High School that implies my other two characters I have have been in this school for multiple years, yet don't know their way around.

^Shrug^ I don't know what to say..
[QUOTE="Zakary Hugo Foress]^Shrug^ I don't know what to say..

Also, are we going to keep interacting or nah? If not I'm going to put Moonstone open for interaction.
[QUOTE="The Royal Keen]Also, are we going to keep interacting or nah? If not I'm going to put Moonstone open for interaction.

I don't think they are really gonna be doing anything much.

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