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Fantasy Out Of Character Chat.

Apex said:
Anyone up for an interaction?
You could ask in the RP. A lot of people don't follow this tab for some reason.
hi guys omg this rp looks so cool i wanna join too

guys can i make a teacher character? can i do that? asking for a friend of mine~!
[QUOTE="Count Alto]hi guys omg this rp looks so cool i wanna join too
guys can i make a teacher character? can i do that? asking for a friend of mine~!

Sure, we could use more teachers! ^°^
Demon said:
so how do i jump in?
You could ask if someone is free. A lot of people always have characters that are around
Jesters Court] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11585-fukushima-akira/ said:
@Fukushima Akira[/URL] why do I get the feeling that Akira would think this song was about him?

((( Nah, I'd say if Akira had a song that he'd think was about him, it would be:


[/media] )))
[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]((( Nah, I'd say if Akira had a song that he'd think was about him, it would be:

[/media] )))[/QUOTE]
You do realize that song is from the perspective of an insane person going through his own personal hell right... That wouldbasically be saying Akira feels like he's going through hell
[QUOTE="Jesters Court]You do realize that song is from the perspective of an insane person going through his own personal hell right... That wouldbasically be saying Akira feels like he's going through hell

((( It's not about the meaning. It's about the words. "I'm your fucking nightmare". Akira is saying the song to his opponent. )))
Apoptosis said:
Hello yes hi I am here
I am friend who wants to be teacher
Yeah, you can make a teacher character. It's perfectly fine.
This looks like it could be fun, if you guys would have me. ouo @Roman, I was just wondering one thing really quick. Is it pretty standard for characters here to just have a human form be a character's "default" form and then just go from there?
Roman said:
Yeah, it's normal. A lot of characters have a human form then maybe a demon form. You just have to make sure no one else is using the appearance if those forms.
Alright, thanks for the clarification! I'm hoping I can get a CS up soon. *u*
Apoptosis said:
There's 102 page of character profiles... TT_TT How am I gonna go through all those pictures?!
@Fukushima Akira or myself will tell you if it's alright or not. Also, it's not hard to find a good pic, unless you wanna use someone from a anime show lol

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