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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"i remember looking into his eyes and seeing fear, same way here its him." elissia smiled at the beast who seemed to be lovan.

(seeeeee u later)
Lowan was still very much staring at the two still bickering, he wasn't sure what exactly this was leading up to, he did what he had done for the last... How long had it been... Whatever, he would watch them until they finally decided to either attack or flee. Then he would wait where he was, no matter what they did, until his little spurt of beasthood finally wore off.

Elissia stopped talking to the winged girl for a moment and seemed to look into his monstrous eyes for a moment, did she recognize him? He knew she had seen his eyes after that first meeting in the corridor, but he couldn't be sure. He assumed she did as they both relaxed and sheathed their weapons, he knew Elissia was saying something... He had no idea what, despite his heightened hearing he seemed to lose knowledge of language unfortunately. Elissia smiled though, so he assumed she recognized him. that didn't change much though, he still had no idea of what he should be doing at this point, so he continued to stare at the duo as he had done previously, at a complete loss of what to do.
elissia dropped her knife and slowly walked towards him "can you understand me? what happened to you?" she was scared and happy as she kept eye contact "please turn back." she was almost begging him but she was almost fearless at the moment.
He continued to blankly stare at her, he had absolutely no idea what he was saying, his lack of hostility should have been enough to make it so it was definitely him but what was she saying? He still didn't want to attempt speaking for fear of scaring the duo even more, the last thing he wanted was them to believe him a mindless beast because he tried to speak.
A scream echoed from his memory and Damon woke, looking up at the sky as the air went frigid around him. He slowly got up from the grass in a dizzy state, rubbing his eyes as a trail of ice unknowingly followed him inside. Narrow eyes looked around, their color matching the chilling path that followed him, whilst he looked for Mai who was roaming the halls. Damon was still in a sleeping state, incoherent nonsense rolling from his lips in mumbles when he tried to find his little brother and put a sentence together in this groggy condition. "Why would.....toaster..eat rabbit..MAI"

Mai trailed through the hallways boredly, looking around like a child in a bookstore. There was a since of happiness in his aura as he sauntered about carelessly, not looking for anything specific but rather trying to memorize the corridors.
Holly watched as Lowan walked out the dorm. She grabbed her sketch book and ran out the room looking for a nice place to draw. She flipped through the pages trying to find a blank one. Suddenly with her distracted she smashed into someone and they both fell to the ground.

" Oh geese I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going!" Holly apologized to the silver haired boy with a blue and red eye. Holly grabbed the boy by the hand and helped him up. She smiled at him in a "I'm sorry way". https://www.rpnation.com/members/kyuuketsuki.29229/
Zi smiled as she followed the girl, she wondering how Willow knew her way around the school if she was blind... Most likely memorized the map thought Zi to herself as they entered the cafeteria. "So do we just take the food?" asked Zi in a confused manner, she had never been to a school herself.
Mai shifted on his feet when he was helped up, a bit taken back in surprise. He blinked at her as his mind analyzed what happened and smiled kindly back." It's ok~ I wasn't paying much attention to where I was going, so it's kinda my fault too" a small hand came up to rub the back of his neck as he laughed slightly. "Are you alright?"

" Yeah, I bump into people a lot. I was just looking for a place to draw , but I was in a hurry for some apparent reason. Oh I'm Holly by the way nice to meet you!" Holly replied to the boy. She looked at his eyes in amazement , they were two individual works of art. "Your eyes are amazing! Do you mind if I draw a quick sketch of your face?" Holly asked in astonishment as she let out a big smile. https://www.rpnation.com/members/kyuuketsuki.29229/
"Umm..." Mai hesitated, he wasn't sure if Damon would approve, but he had no quarrels with the offer. So he shrugged his shoulders and smiled,"Sure, why not, and I'm Mai by the way."

Holly picked her sketch book off the ground and flipped it to a blank page. She snapped her fingers and her favorite drawing pencil appeared into her hand. She looked at Mai and started her artwork. Withing two minutes she looked at the drawing then to Mai and then back to the drawing. She ripped the page off her sketch book and handed it to Mai. It looked just like him. " Here I want you to have it." She said brightly. Holly started walking down the hall leaving Mai with the drawing. She turned to him and exclaimed through the halls, " I hope we can be friends!" https://www.rpnation.com/members/kyuuketsuki.29229/
I walked back to my dorm and ignored the people. I had locked my door since I had some valuable instruments in there so I leaned down to unlock the door then I-I froze it "Crap!" Okay locked out of my dorms. Great.
"Huh? Oh, um, thanks! Hey this is really good.." Mai looked at the drawing just as she started walking away and looked up when she moved. He waved, calling out his response with a happy smile,"of course we can!" Before he went back to studying the drawing,"she's really good.."


The ice that followed Damon started to shrink in amount as he started to wake more. A huff of air caused a small cloud to form the moment it broke through his lips and he rubbed his eyes. He thought he had heard Mai, but wasn't sure if it was simply sleep weighing on his brain or not so he continued to walk- unaware of his own ice.
Elissia looked around "I need to get back to my dorm but I will not, I made myself a promise." She sighed as she looked around "oh I'm bleeding."
I jiggled the door knob I accidently froze "Unfreeze!" I slumped back against the door and shook my head.

Noelle Kudo

Noelle sat outside of school, on a surprisingly comfy bench, reading one her favorite books of all time. Unlike, most people at this school. They ended up deciding to talk to people and have a social life instead of reading like Noelle. A expected breeze had came in making the tree's leaves and some loose tree branches sway to the right. Sighing in content, Noelle had returned to her book before she felt a signal in her body signaling danger was near and coming for her. Eyes widening, Noelle quickly jumped up from the bench to see a medium branch fall to the spot she was once in.

" It would probably be best to go back inside. " She had muttered, eyeing the bench with tree branch in it before starting to make her way inside. As Noelle had roamed the halls of her High School, she had noticed a guy that had ice following his footsteps making her eyes widening. Quickly going up behind him, she had gotten up on her tippy toes and tapped his shoulder. " Er, do you know you have ice following your footsteps. " Noelle had asked, pure confusion shown on her face.


"Eh?" Damon stopped walking when he felt someone tap him and looked over his shoulder with a cold glare. It was a reaction to his sleep, though He also didn't want one of the schools rough-housing students to bother him. He blinked, breaking the glare when he noticed it was just someone pointing out his ice and turned slightly to look at the trail,"oops..." A puff of cold air rushed from his lungs as he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck,"..again."


Admin Update


It seems apparent that this RP has revived, how amazing!

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*I'm always ready, Vath. I'm always ready* she mused in her head at Elissia's words, although aware that the Vath couldn't hear her at all. "Done" she spoke softly, depositing the report into its respectful box. She walked to the gardens and found no sign of Em. Sighing, she appeared in the wind of darkness. "Ah there you are. And what do we have here? Lowan and Ms. Threaten-to-destroy-the-school..... How nice, is he the boy you mentioned?" Avril said, greeting Emilia before looking at Elissia and the boy from earlier, familiar with his distinctive bulging arms. "And never ever, Elissia, say that you deserve my title. I earned fairly" speaking rather calmly, her singlet exposing her broad shoulders as she gazed over at the duo.

@elissia gem

Lowan had only just reverted back to his human appearance, and his gut nearly exploded at how sick he felt... It wasn't until the teacher mysteriously appeared out of the shadows that he forced himself to stand upright and appear as if nothing was wrong, oh he had a lot to answer. Turning to Emilia and Elissia he offered them both apologetic looks about the whole beast event, and made a mental not to explain to them what what his power actually was. However, he also silently pleaded for them to keep his secret to themselves, the last thing he needed was a teacher finding out about it... Unfortunately his mind was still a slight bit hazy from the tranformation, and he didn't catch what the teacher actually said. Something about destroying the school and 'boy' and a title...
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Avril gave a smirk like she always do when looking at Elissia as the shadows danced at their feet, slowing creeping to the trees and some back to where they come from. She then reverted her attention to the boy, hands on her hips, her leather boot slightly tapping. "Why does this always happens? A boy outnumbered by the opposite gender" she mused, slightly enjoying the moment outdoors. Crossing her arms, she spoke firmly but in a kind way, shooting Lowan a question, "I believe you have some explaining to do, Lowan. What happened?"
Lowan stuttered slightly before his eyes darted around. Looking for something to appear out of nothing and save him, nothing did. Although he did see the large path of destroyed trees leading up to the trio, ah. The evidence was there... That wasn't including the rather unearthly screeches the school heard, the teacher was probably smart enough to put the pieces of the jigsaw together, she had to be, right? That's why she was a teacher. The joke-or what he thought was a joke, flew right over his head. All he could think about was what to say... Resigning himself to the inavoidable fate of the truth, Lowan stared at the floor, now noticing the huge footprints which stopped right where he was standing. Great. Any halfwit would know he was responsible now. "My... M-my power... Happened..." He whispered, his voice worn and dry from the previous experience, before staring more intensely at the ground, just wishing it would open up and swallow him from his fear.

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