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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

He had been walking in the forest for a lenghy amount of time by this point, he just kept walking until the school was completely invisible. It was still likely that some students would have the power to spy on him or see him in his beast form but he couldn't care anymore, by the time the teacher dispersed the crowd from the hallway most of the school had seen him. And to think this was only the first day, what an exciting new life this would be...

Now convinced he was far enough away from most prying eyes he kneeled on the ground, entering his meditative state of mind, it only took him a few moments to empty his mind of all emotion, he had been doing this all his life, yet he had never tried to enter his beast form this way, but if it worked with individual limbs it would likely work for the whole form... And considering this would be his second time meant he wasn't experienced at transforming at all, even more concerning was how he laid waste to his whole town the first time. Although that was out of anger, this would be focused, and controlled. He wouldn't be going on any rampages... Hopefully-and even if he did, the worst he could do from here would be to obliterate the forest. The school would likely be fine.

Here goes nothing, he thought to himself. Before focusing intently on his inner energy, he felt his strength, speed and perception grow, then his arms morphed into the familiar twisted arms he was used to... Then he felt a sharp pain in his spine... That was new, definitely new. He hunched over in pain for a brief moment, as Lowan felt his bones stretching and twisting, and then, in an instant his form exploded, in mere moments he had turned gray and grown to huge heights, his right arm was enormous, enough to crush a handful of men alone, but his left was much skinnier, and wasn't covered in the strange beastly hair like his back and right arm. The first time this had happened he had no control, but this time? He had complete control... And it felt amazing! He felt amazing!

He wondered what his face looked like... Obviously nothing human, since the first time he had transformed he released sky-piercing shrieks in a mad rage whilst destroying his previous home... Maybe he had horns... Resting his huge right arm on the floor as weight support-sincer he couldn't stand upright since his legs were small and hunched over-he raised his skinnier arm and felt his head, he did have horns! No. They were more like... Antlers? Wow... He didn't know why but he felt a total peace of mind as he stood there, as tall as the trees, looking like a bloodthirsty monstrosity sent from the depths of hell... He guessed it was an all or nothing mindset. He was either an angry beast, or a peaceful beast...
elissia gasped "what is that, that came out of nowhere, real game about time." she slowly and carefully walked toward him in his strange beast form unaware of who he really was. she gasped again "f-what are you doing here l-i mean just tell me?" she was very confused. what was happening "im going nuts." was all she could think, she ran quietly hopeing he did not see her.
Willow blinked at the hug for a moment then hugged back she grabbed her bags " So where do you want to go first? "
It seemed his senses were also heightened in this monstrous form of his, as he heard a familiar voice mumble some unintelligable words... Turning he... Elissia?! W-why was she out here? And now she was running, he had no idea how running would feel in this slightly strange form, but, first time for everything right? He almost called after her but was afraid of how he would sound, maybe speaking would merely result in those bloodthirsty shrieks, and he didn't want to risk the whole school hearing that. So instead he gave chase knocking down trees trying to catch up with her. Stealth was certainly out of the options he had, his running alone caused slight tremors, luckily his huge size made catching up relatively easy, but when he did catch up... He had no idea of what to do, what did he do? His mind was stretched between peaceful beast and awkward human, instead he simply stared down at her. Half expecting the fearsome vath to run away screaming at his twisted, hideous appearance...
elissia looked behind her to see something chasing her "almost." she whispered as she suddenly slipped and fell over, after smashing into a rock she looked at him "this is really not my day." she said scared as her head was bleeding, she tried to get away but the pain stopped her. "what ever you are dont hurt me." she tried to make herself look small.
He looked down at Elissia who appeared frightened, that was not what he wanted, she had tripped and hurt her head as well... Curses! Too many thoughts were racing through his mind, what did he do? If he could just speak and tell her he meant her no harm, tell her he was Lowan! But what if it didn't work? And his attempt at speaking simply caused a shriek of evil nature? Then she would be convinced he was well and truly a monster trying to kill her...

But he was a monster... Instead he tried something different, instead of speaking he relaxed his back and his large arm, trying to appear docile, and slightly stretched out his smaller arm, just enough so it was near her, but not enough that he was threatening her. He didn't know how to willingly change back into his normal form either, he was fairly certain this transformation was time based... He just hoped the gesture he offered her as well as the non-threatening pose was enough to tell her he meant no harm.
elissia closed her eyes when she saw the thing stretch its arm towards her "this is really not good." she thought as she relaxed almost accepting her death as she thought was coming, after a few seconds she noticed she was alive, "maybe someone was near, i remember seeing Lowan." she thought before shouting his name out loud for help.
Zi just hugged Willow for a few more minutes before breaking the hug and shrugging, "How about the cafeteria? I'm a bit hungry" replied Zi with a small smile, as she was starting to feel a tad bit peckish.
After waiting for awhile, she eventually concluded that she wasn't going to be seeing Avril for awhile and left. She had heard tremors from before and walked in their direction. After she heard Elissia's voice calling for someone, she started sprinting. Her wings were out of order, so she had to make do with her small legs. "Elissia, don't worry!"
She seemed to close her eyes and percieve his movement as a threat, he retracted his arm and tried to think, think of something! If she shouted for help than the chances are he would end up being hunted by a mob of his own 'class mates' not that that worried him too much, if they tried chasing or attacking he would simply remain still, they would know he posed no threat. But he still didn't want Elissia to be frightened!

His mind went black... She was shouting his name! Did she know he was him? But... She seemed to be crying for help more than asking for confirmation... Wait, had she seen him enter the forest? Was she shouting him for help from himself?! Despite the strange and twisted situation Lowan nearly let out a monstrous laugh at the irony behind the current ordeal, no matter how dark it was in reality. He was about to say something when he heard something nearby... He focused his hearing, prepared to defend Elissia from what sounded like fast paced running of legs, the person may have heard Elissia call for help, and her reputation around school would warrant many people to try and harm her in a vulnerable position.
elissia heard the laugh, "did he hurt him? ohh thats it." she stood up and pointed her knife at him using new bravery and anger. "what ever you are you will find defeat for hurting the one i....im just going to make this quick." she circled him waiting for a attack.
(Dude, my wings are broken)

She made her way to the two, her purple orbs widened at the sight of the creature. It was hideous, but it was rather interesting. She threw herself in front of Elissia and grimaced as she did so. Fear was rushing through her veins, but she stood her ground. "Leave her alone."
"out my way this is my fight." elissia demands clearly angry at something, she knew a fight against her is going to be hard but she will do it if needed. "out my way he hurt my c-just move."
She drew a sword from her many tattoos and smiled. "You need help with him. You're injured." She made her own movements, waiting to attack. "You can thank me later, by the way."
(I fixed that mistake ages ago xD )

His mind went into a stage of pure worry, she was suspicious that he had hurt... Lowan? What? But... He was Lowan! And w-why did she care? If he could portray emotions on this monstrous face he was sure it would be plastered with worry and confusion, yet at the suspicion of monster Lowan hurting normal Lowan-God that soundes strange-she was now poised to attack! But... Why? If he was a monster wouldn't this be the same as throwing away her life for him? His mind was very much a pile of mush at the moment, nothing seemed to make sense. Everything seemed to register as though he was mentally inept.

However, it wasn't until another girl appeared beside her that he was snapped back to reality, the same girl who Lowan had thrown across the hall! As violent and cruel as that may have been, he'd guess she was here for vengeance against Elissia, if he was a monster... If was an evil monster, he half suspected her to try and trip Elissia into her death. He knew they were talking, but for whatever reason, he couldn't seem to understand English properly whilst in this form... Assuming she had the worst intentions for Elissia when she drew her sword, beast Lowan straightened and looked directly at the other girl, ignoring Elissia, and let out a ear-piercing shriek of pure terror that he was certain the whole school would hear, he was trying to scare the girl away from Elissia... Aftermath be damned!
"i suspect this thing hurt or even killed loven im fighting this alone." she had tears in her eyes as she circled him even more. "i dont care if im hurt, ive faught in worse conditions and what is this thing?"
"I am trying to protect your stubborn ass! Good lord..." She gripped her skull as the beast screeched and turned on it. She let out a scream of her own, it would not make her back down that easily. She got in a protective stance in front of Elissia. "Run while you still can. I'll find Lowan and if I find him....less than alive, I'll tell you. NOW RUN!"
"i said IM FIGHTING." she jumps against a tree and lands in front of her stubbon ex-roommate, "chances are you have better eyesight from flying and yes i know about your wings, just go if i die its in name of lovan now go." she slowly walks towards the thing.
"You are going to get yourself killed. I am helping you. Even if I don't get to do anything with Alvira, I die protecting someone, no matter how evil." She approached with her, an apologetic look on her face. "I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"i yelled back right? pardon, alvira? is something going on? all the more to make sure you live now go." she smiles as she keeps walking, she shouts at the thing, "SURRENDER OR FEEL TRUE PAIN BEAST!" she loved shouting.
"you dont know who loven is to me." elissia looks down almost in tears, she then notices the hand on her shoulder. "go she would want you to live, im just a murderer with no live ahead of her, go." elissia thought what she said was true.
Lowan stood there, completely bewildered by what was happening... Where they arguing? Now? They didn't know he was Lowan, that much was obvious, so why, oh why were they arguing in front of a large beast like him right now? That in itself was utterly foolish, he half assumed the winged girl was trying to get Elissia killed in the fight they expect to have with him. Of course that wasn't going to happen, he wasn't going to fight them! Obviously he had no idea what to do should they attack him, he would likely heal faster than they could inflict damage but it would still be painful, which he most definitely didn't want.

Elissia shouted something at him... He could just about make out the words. Surrender or feel true pain... Beast? He'd love to surrender if he knew how, what was he supposed to do to surrender? That went straight over his head, and he certainly admired her bravery, although he didn't doubt she could inflict 'true pain' maybe not damage but he certainly didn't want any pain. This was a relatively awkward situation, he still had suspicions that the winged girl meant harm to Elissia, she then placed her hand on Elissia's shoulder, if Lowan attacked she'd probably shove Elissia down as bait. But of course, he didn't want to attack... He wouldn't attack, but they looked like they would.

(Lowan :P )
"Before I go into battle and probably get killed. I want to do this." She pulled her into a hug. "You may be a murderer, but you are human. You deserve to live." She turned back to the beast. "I'm going to kill you if you have harmed Lowan."
(elissia in rp is saying it wrong :) )

"i never deserved life, im a murderer, i take lifes for my own to remain, its not right, go while you can." she looks into the beasts eyes, "his eyes, rovon? ahhh its rovon what the?" elissia walked towards the beast forgetting she was still bleeding. "what happened to you?"

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