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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

As she wondered who the mystery person was she paced around the room looking around as she did so, she happened to see a notebook which see assumed was for school work. She examined the cover looking at the name on it. She knew this name, shed heard it before. It was the guy from earlier. "Great.." she mumbled to herself. Her plan was to avoid this situation but once again karma screwed her over

@Tearlach the Fade
"Smart, walking away." Avril mused, loud enough for the whole crowd to hear. "Back to your business people" she said to the crowd before turning to the boy with bulging arms. "Except for you....Name?" Avril inquired.
She let the healer tend to her wounded wing, hissing as they did so. "I seriously need to watch what I think around people." She muttered this under her breath and kicked her legs as the healer finished with her wing. She thought aloud as she was left alone. "I really hope Avril doesn't find what I did kinda weird..."
Lowan felt himself sink on the inside, he had never heard of a Vath... He had never heard of anything inside his previous confinement... But how does someone live with no feelings? It seemed awful, and understanding her mindset a little better he felt himself feel guilty over the whole ordeal, his skin slowly turned back into its normal shade and he simply looked around at everyone staring at him. At him! He wanted the ground to just swallow him up... Maybe her blank threats were a means of hiding actual emotions? Twice she had implied harm to him, and twice she 'chose' to not harm him? It seemed awfully conveniant, perhaps she wasn't as heartless as she wanted to appear, and the violence was a way to mask that weakness.

His thoughts were interrupted when the teacher dispersed the crowd, when everyone stopped staring he reverted his arms back into their human form, no longer twisted and... Disgusting. He was about to go lock himself away inside his dorm bathroom when the teacher asked him for his name. In no place to refuse or escape he complied. "I'm L-Lowan..." He whispered his voice barely audible, he almost wanted to go back to his room-cell, it seemed a kinder fate than this school so far.
"im a vath, the most deadly family that ever existed, left hundreds homeless, thousends injured and killed millions, i will finish what my family started, even if i am diffrent." she whispered angrily, she kicked the wall and headbutted the wall.
Avril gave a smile to not scare the boy, taking off her leather jacket once more. "Lowan eh?" she repeated, "It was brave of you to stand up to a Vath. A rare student that is." Avril complimented him, her black hair was covering her left eye. "Anyway, I'm a senior, Avril" she spoke happy that the boy had taken care of the situation for her. Europa walked up next to Avril before looking at the boy, approaching him and purred.
(Eating dinner. Gimme 20 or so minutes.)


Emilia continued to wait for Avril to get back, hoping that she could explain her actions. She started to drift to asleep, and soon, soft snores filled the infirmary.
"I'll see you later then Lowan" Avril said, giving him a salute of some sort before shadow travelling again, appearing at the infirmary, giving out a wind of dark energy, seeing Emilia sleeping soundly.
She made slightly scared noises in her sleep, clearly having a nightmare. She curled up into a ball and hid her face, trying to protect herself from the harsh attacks of the people in said nightmare. She was sobbing as she did so, terrified of what might happen in her horrible dream. "Avril!" She cries out the name of the girl she was slowly falling for.
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elissia choose to never show her true feelings for anyone. inside she wanted to show she was sorry for hurting others, she looked at the door. "i cant show i am sorry for attacking others, they will spread rumours and my family will hate me." she whispered as she kicked the wall once more.
Avril was shocked to see the sudden change in Emilia's expression as she sobbed uncontrollably. Avril sighed, *Nightmares* she thought. Avril, being one of the many dark practitioners was very familiar with this and could bend at her will, which she did, ordering the nightmares to leave her alone and they did as soon as Avril touched Emilia's forehead.
She sighed in relief as they left, but upon feeling the hand on her forehead, she awoke. "A-Avril?" She looked up with still watery eyes. "Thank you..." She wanted to sit up and hug the girl, but decided against it.

(I ship them! *fangirl squeal*)
"deaths daughter? such a nickname for a soft girl, i killed thousends i should gave earned that." she kicked the wall again. "i cant leave a job undone." she had choose to say sorry but she expected some attack against her.
"Ah...you're awake" Avril spoke awkwardly, unused to people looking at her with watery eyes as people would usually look at her with much respect as she was both a senior and a teacher but she didn't mind Emilia looking at her that way. "You're welcome..." Avril said, smiling softly when she heard her title spoken. A title would always be bound to the given user and anyone who speaks of the title would notify the person given. *I'll settled this later*

((I agree!!!))
elissia walked towards the room where her roommate was, knocking softly she spoke "may i come in, dont worry i have no weapons." she waited for the responce she thought would be no.
She sat up and gave a gentle smile. "Back when I was younger, when I first had the nightmares, my grandmother would beat me and tell me to go back to sleep...that's the first time anybody actually helped them go away." She waited for Avril's response, hoping it wouldn't be that bad.
Avril merely gave a shrug with one shoulder which was intentionally meant to be: 'think nothing of it' and the door was knocked. Avril stood and listened through the door outside, hearing the abnormally soft voice of Elissia. She opened the door gracefully, "Hello name mocker" she greeted her, a smirk on Avril's face.
Willowmina stopped immediately and squeaked not knowing who was in front of her which made her fluffy black cat ears and tail come out that happens when she is startled her ears laid back and she held her tail

(@Odin4Life4Life Sorry I just saw the post)
She looked over Avril's shoulder and her fists gripped the sheets beneath her. Elissia had been the one to hurt her, to break her wing. She was understandably angered by her presence. "What do you want?"
Zi tilted her head in confusion, usually she would not scare someone when she greeted them, let alone scare them this badly. She gently smiled though, trying to make a new friend, "It's alright, I won't hurt you" stated Zi in a warm and gentle manner.
"i did not expect you to be here and where is my more then likely ex-roommate?" she then caught sight of here "im, s- im so- cmon vath spit it out." she sighed as she tried to speak, after a minute she just stopped trying "im not used to saying im sorry." she turned and walked out ashamed.
Willowmina relaxed a little and blinked then said softly " Sorry I can't see you " she let go of her tail and it swished behind her ears perked up swiveling around at all the sounds

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"Sorry? You damaged my wing, you tried to kill me!" She hurled the words at her, unused to the anger that boiled through her veins. "A simple sorry isn't going to fix this!" She stood up on shaky legs and walked over to stand next to Avril. "When my stuff is found, I will be your ex-roommate." Her eyes were cold and harsh, but they still had a large blaze within them.
"i have a way or healing them and a vath cant control her anger." she keeps walking when she notices another way, "i will turn on this school." she thought.

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