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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"Oh...that's strange, I wonder what made it fly so far then." Cavan pondered this for a few seconds, before turning towards the broken shards of the window and extending his right arm, then he concentrated for a short while and immediately a large solid blue light hand stretched from his palm and engulfed all the shards in one scoop.

Then the hand went up onto the broken window and turned into a glowing blue window which covered the broken one. Then he pulled the light back into his body and where the broken window was, was now a new fixed window without a single scratch.

"Well that was shocking, I've never fixed anything with my powers before." He said quietly to himself, then turning to face Dakota again.

"I think I could have a way to help you find your power if you want."
(*Smirks back*)

"My hair isn't a special feature of mine" she replied, a smile on her face, appreciating the compliment. "Your eyes, however, deserved greatly to be complimented on" she spoke, mounting Europa. Avril then spotted a boy, in the girls dorm area. *I'll deal with him later.* she thought, looking back at Emilia. "Now if you'll excuse me, my duty calls" she glared at Elissia. "but you can follow me if you want to" she said, offering a hand.
"for the mention its not my fault." she turns to her dormmate with anger fully built up. "if it was me i would have placed a bomb or some explosive there."
She stared at the now fixed window. At least I won't get in trouble now she thought. She accidentally thanked him for fixing the window she denied breaking. ACH what am I going to do now?! She thought. She looked rather flustered.

"I uhm.... no I'm okay."

She quickly picked up her things.

"I just remembered I better get back to my dorm..."

She turned on her heel to make a quick getaway.
Avril, with a heave, pulled Emilia up on Europa who doesn't seem to mind before they bounded towards Elissia's 'robbed room', the wind blowing at their hair, tousling it slightly, and came to a swift halt. She easily slid off and examined the room. "It's a surprise that you seem rather soft today Elissia" she commented coolly, looking at the empty room.
"soft? what do you mean, im just as violent as always." she kicked the wall but no cracks appeared, "im just looking for a reason to kill someone."
She joined the two girls and looked around. "When we find my stuff I am really gonna have to find a new roommate." The thought flicks through her mind as she realises that, even though it isn't Elissia's fault, she is the cause of the empty room. She exhales softly and chews on her lip.
"Okay...bye." Cavan sighed as he carrying on walking towards the grounds.

That day, when he fallen from the blue light place in the sky, he had flown(not that he knew how to fly now) to a small town where he requested to meet a psychic of somesought. The psychic told him that the best way for him to get his lost memories back, was by interacting with people. But how was he supposed to do that when they didn't want to interact with him?

Hell, he didn't even have any friends in that place, everyone there had famously labelled him as The Blue Fade, apparently the Fades were an immensely powerful mythical race, but they were also dangerous hence the reason that no one wanted to be with him because he was one of the Fades.

He didn't believe this though, if he was a Fade, then when the he'll was he here alone, where were the other powerful creatures?
elissia grabs her roommate by her neck and lifts her up not caring she was hurting her, "it could have been anyone YOU GOT THAT." she threw her across the hall.
She screams as she is hurled and as she crashes into the wall, she hears a crunching sound. One of her wings had been broken. (Dude, by the way that was a THOUGHT!!!!) She makes a pained noise as she draws said wings into her body and passed out.
(i know that.) "thing everyone should know, i can read minds when i need to." she spits in the direction of her roommate and walks away clearly angry.
Dakota made her way to her room, she kinda rushed there. This first day wasn't going well at all she let a sigh as she left her bags down and flopped on the couch her hands covering her face. She didn't want to seem mean, she just didn't want questions asked. She glanced over at the other room, she wondered who her roommate was, shed never seen him/her around yet. She kinda hoped they were the kind that didn't ask much questions.
(How? You didn't specify a power in your cs)

A shadow tried to soften Emilia's fall as she was thrown to the hall. "Elissia, no violence whatsoever if you want me to help you" Avril said steely, turned to the girl. "I'll file a report. You will need a new room for now" she spoke uncaringly. "Since you've come to me, I must give you permission to temporarily have my quarters" she said grudgingly. "Now, I'll have to send your roommate to the infirmary" she said, walking out with the girl. She lifted Emilia up on Europa and mounted herself before making their way to the infirmary.
(will update in a sec) "she brought it on herself." elissia keeps walking angily, people was giving her room which she liked "FEAR ME." she shouted waiting for a reaction.
After uselessly walking around most of the school Lowan decided that privacy was out of reach at this school, so instead he decided to make his way back to his dorm room. It wasn't until he heard someone shouting outside the other dorms, curiously Lowan walked to where he heard the shouting to see the crazy girl from earlier violenty throw another girl, he approached her from behind as she attempted to walk away from the harm she just inflicted and placed his... Um... Arm...? It seemed the display had angered him and without even noticing his arm seemed to have changed on its own, he was now holding her shoulder with his claws...

Great! She was a bully, he had revealed his arm and he was making physical contact with her. Crap. Crap. And Crap. Despite how terrible this day had turned out to be he still didn't like bullies. The teacher had already carried the injured girl away, and his now orange eyes were now focused on Elissia. "You shouldn't do that to people weaker than yourself, nobody should have to fear you!." He said in a threateningly non-threatening manner. By this point he was putting a small amount of pressure on her shoulder, which was sure to leave some sort of bruise. It felt strange to hold another humans skin with his beast arm, it felt fragile, like he could just break it... What? No! He wasn't like that! Removing his arm from her shoulder he simpy glared at her, his monstrous arm still twitching slightly for the whole corridor to see.
"Getting you a doctor" she replied, focusing where to go. They made a sharp turn and once again, gracefully halted to a swift stop. "You can walk right?" Avril inquired as she heard Elissia causing havoc within the students, again. "I'll get you for making me work overtime, Vath" she muttered, helping Emilia get off.
"Yeah, it's just the wings that hurt..." She mumbled and leant on Avril. "Thanks." She looked up and placed a very innocent and gentle kiss on Avril's cheek.
"what the? you have some nerve threatening a vath, i could kill you and everyone you love and i will not get in any trouble." elissia did not want to say it but she had to, "i beg you to stay away from me if you want to live." elissia shoved past him and kept walking.
Lowan felt his insides churn at the most obvious threat. He didn't care for his family, he didn't care for her at all. But the fact that she believed she could kill so easily? Without remorse! Did she have no dignity? If she thought she could rule this school with an iron fist and intimidate him she would be unpleaseantly surprise. His eyes were glowing bright orange now, he was mere breaths away from transforming into the whole thing. And that would end with everybody losing, by now all his skin had turned slightly gray, and his arm was twitching incredibly violently. It took all his strength to stop himself from shoving her against the wall, but he knew if he did that then things would esclate, and that would end in the schools destruction. And the end of his 'new life' before it had begun. Instead he called after her, his voice was ethereal, carrying a dark beastly tone which sounded like a voice pulled from nightmares. "Nobody fears you! NOBODY! YOU SHOULD FEAR ME!" He wrathfully shouted after her, he could feel the bloodlust in this inner beast rising unhealthily. He needed to stop this... He wasn't really threatened by her, if anything her disregard for human life had greatly upset him. He had lived his life locked in his own room, if he had room for compassion why didn't she?
A kiss was planted softly at Avril's cheek and she flinched, shocked at this experience but quickly recovered from blushing. She helped her down on a bed and a healer approached her wing. "I'll be right back, I have duties" she spoke softly and smiled. "I'll see you again soon Emilia" she said and dissipated into darkness, reappearing at the hall where she saw two monsters. "Great" she mused marching between the two.
"fear you? you have some nerve threating a vath, ever heard that a vath has so feeling, they dont care about others, whats with your skin?" she looks around as students gather "you are not very smart but i will let you live." she just keeps walking and pushes past the group. "ive got soft." she thought almost crying. she walked into her robbed dorm, closed the door and sat down and ended up crying.

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