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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

elissia opens her eyes and looks out the window, "boring, just trees and no death i might pick a fight on someone." for elissia this was a common thing.
I walked over to the teacher ( @GiannaCoco ) "Um... Hi. The secretary didn't make me a class list they kind of forgot me so can I participate in this class until everything is sorted" I asked scared that I wouldn't get a class at all.
elissia walks out her dorm and rests against a wall 'someone hurry up.' she thought as she closed her eyes. she knew someone would come along and waiting was a good point about her.
Noticing the teacher was too busy to notice him, Lowan began to get more annoyed at the constant bickering of the other students around him, considering he would have left anyway by this point he decided to do as much, and quickly exited the room without a moments notice, figuring all the activities were likely boring and mundane he decided to make his way towards his dorm, not in the mood for any more annoyances, huh, typical. Of course he had a roommate, unfortunately. Oh, it was also an older girl called Holly, that was awkward... He was already anti-social as it was, great the school was now punishing him before he had done anything wrong!

Sighing he made his way to said dorm room, hoping for at least an hour or so of solitude, time to relax, and adapt to this awful new environment... At least he wasn't locked in a room... Heh... just a building, with more people, come to think of it. Maybe the room was better for him, at least he had Kitty there... He hoped it was ok... He never actually found out the gender of his furry companion, now he never would. Unfortunately.

@EarbudsOnMute (Hope you don't mind me as your roommate!)
elissia watched lowan pass and smiled as she trailed after him "wait." she said as she started to jog towards him. she catched up "you still have a while before class ends what are you doing here?"
Avril looked at the voice of the girl as she inquired to join the class. "Go on ahead, I won't mind" Avril replied, slightly happy that her class wasn't panicking. "Alright" Avril began, glancing at her watch. "Everybody time up except for Dakota and her partner" she said, but failed to get anyone's attention. With a quick snap of her fingers, Europa growled noticeably, her ruff stood up and everyone stopped talking, silent. "Okay, who's up first?" Avril asked, giving everyone a quick look in the eye.
Lowan turned to the girl speaking to him, astonished that she had noticed, he really didn't want to talk, all he wanted to do was relax, but he had never spoken to anyone before, not really, so he couldn't lie. Averting his eyes back to the floor he looked around for an exit before muffling under his breath. "Nothing." @elissia gem
Dakota still looked puzzled, she hadnt misbehaved or spoken out of turn her table did move but not enough for disruption, at least in her opinion anyways.
"nothing? same here but you seem embarrised, normally i would say i dont bite but ive bit people before." elissia smiled and tried to look into his eyes.
Lowan was bewildered by her words, considering he had never had a conversation before, and never spoken to a real person in 9 years he didn't really understand what she meant, was she threatening him? Or had she actually bit people? He didn't really care if anything, but he also wasn't really embarassed, he just wanted to be alone. Since... Well, he hated being near another human, but at the same time didn't know how to escape. Well, ok, maybe he was slightly embarassed. Lowan averted his gaze once more when she tried to meet it, he wasn't comfortable at all. And had no idea of how to respond. Instead he simply said a barely audible "Oh".
"not much of a talker? like my sis before she died, she was beging to die." elissia smiled and noticed he felt threatened or what she thought. "i only bite if i need to." she giggled before finally looking into his eyes. "whats wrong?"
Lowan was incredibly confused, was she threatening him? Or merely teasing him? All he knew was he wanted to go, but the girl asked him what was wrong. How should he respond to that? Everything was wrong! Yet at the same time, nothing was. When she looked into his eyes he felt strange. Now he really wanted to leave... "Nothings wrong..." He whispered sheepishly. Ugh, what an awful start to school life he thought to himself.
"opening up to a murderer can be hard but strangly i dont want to hurt you." elissia kept the eye contact going until he looked away. she sighed, "you are acting like you hate me." elissia just walks away slightly angry but somehow she did not want to go.
Lowan tensed up at the now obvious threat. He felt his arm shake slightly as he struggled to keep it from changing, but before anything further happened she began walking away in an angry huff. Had he upset her? It wasn't intentional if he had, he just disliked everyone, not hated, and not specifically her. However he did not like her threat at all, perhaps she was a bully? Against his better judgement, he decided to test her. Being genuinely curious as to how she would hurt him. "How, and why would you hurt me?" He called after her.
"i did not want to hurt you. i must be going soft." called back elissia in shame as she picked up her pace and reached her dorm, she then noticed someone had locked it "i did not lock that." she felt angry build up in her.
Avril was now upset, everyone was too afraid to try to even volunteer which made her upset. "No one? Or should I start picking?" Avril asked the class and a few people actually did raised their hands and she nodded, "Come on up here" she said, beckoning to the student. The student nervously breathed in and out. Avril hated how people are terrified of her but she couldn't blame them. "Okay Defend!" Avril said before actually ordering one of her whips of shadow to attack him. A wave of sound attacked at the shadow and both dissipated. Avril tilted her head and smiled, thrusting her out and a dozen more shadows attacked but more sound waves intercepted before it reached the victim. "Good job at the mirroring technique there!" Avril said, praising the student. She smiled and the bell rang, "Dismissed!" Avril yelled and everyone lunged for the door. Once empty, she looked over at the girl who claimed she didn't have a schedule. "Here's a schedule for an average student. Have fun, I have to patrol the halls" she said, handing over a piece of paper and mounted her leopard, walking along the halls for any troublemakers.
Lowan was even more confused at her response, it answered nothing. But did she enjoy hurting others? That wasn't good, If that was the case he suspected they may come to blows, bu she said she didn't want to hurt him? Although she probably couldn't since his power was quite unique, but the point still stood. Why would she hurt others but not him? Utterly baffled, Lowan made his way towards his dormroom.
elissia ramed the door with her body breaking the lock, she fell into the room, "ouch that really hurt, oh my, there is nothing in here." she checked the dorm number, it was correct, "someone has taken everything, even the beds." she kicked the wall to get rid of some anger build in her.
Damon huffed and pulled Mai out of the doorway and into the hall with a cold hand. "Come on," he said deeply, letting go of his little brothers wrist and gesturing for him to follow as he stalked out of the buildings. Mai obediently followed, curious as to what Damon was doing. "Where are we going?" The little one whispered whilst attempting to walk past him. Damon grabbed Mai's thin braid and pulled him back beside him to walk," candy mountain," he said sarcastically,"where does it look like we're going?"

Outside?" Mai pulled his hair out of his brothers grasp and let it rest on his shoulder farthest from Damon.

Yes, I forgot something, and the teachers aren't exactly paying attention," he replied as they stepped outside. It was rather cloudy today to his surprise, but he liked it.

Ok then," Mai followed him outside, his hands clasped behind his back. He trailed after Damon as his brother looked around, finding a place to sit where they weren't noticeable by anyone inside.

Mai watched him sit down, a confused look sewn into his visage,"
what did you lose here?"

Nothing, I just didn't want you whining about skipping class while inside." Damon said as he rested his head against the ground tiredly, closing stormy optics behind their lids.

Mai huffed, and spun on his heels, walking off. He went back inside, soon realizing he had no idea where to go. "
Geeze.." Small feet patted against the floor as he chose a random direction, walking off confusingly down the corridor.

Damon stayed outside, his hands coming to fold behind his head with a heavy sigh.
I walked up to the teacher "Um I'm not sure how to say this without sounding stupid but I have no Idea how to use my magic." I said quietly "Could you show me or tell me how?..." I said embarrassed I didn't know how.
Dakota got up and left the class, even though dakota was told to stay Avril continued out of the classroom so Dakota assumed it must be safe enough for her to leave. She proceeded to go outside, she assumed this would probably be the best place to be for some peace and quiet. She found spot on the grass, took out her book and began to read, fixing her dark hair away from her face again.
elissia walked out the robbed dorm with pure anger built up, she waited for someone to start running, unkown to her there was a fairly large splinter inside her side, "who did it?" she looked around.
Damon rustled in his spot on the grass as he started to doze off, trying to prevent it by opening his eyes with a grunt and watching the clouds roll across the sky in dark gray waves. It only lasted a moment however, his eyes eventually closing again only this time in sleep.
Lowan walked into his new dorm room, and his face dropped, a whole side of the room, his roommates side, was plastered in pink dainty wallpaper, with a rather well sketched picture of a schoolgirl hanging on bars, oh god no... That whole side of the room was filled with artistic gear. This was rather... Unfortunate, it would be hard to meditate with this environment, the only thing worse than an artist was a musician. But in his mind he still get the second worse thing...

Sighing, Lowan lazily paced over to his bed and dumped his bag on the floor before shoving it under the bed, all he had packed was the essentials, toothbrushes, water, change of clothes, albeit the same style of clothes he was already wearing, just slightly different shades of black and gray, a pair for each day of the week. Even if they all looked the same. Wait, they had to have changing rooms then? Right? They certainly wouldn't expect people of opposite genders to change infront of each other would they? He was already dead against letting anyone see him. Let alone a girl! Did this cursed school hate him or something?! Ugh! With an angry huff Lowan collapsed onto his bed, unwilling to move for the rest of the day-or ever, for that matter.

Once Holly finished class she walked back to her dorm to see if someone had arrived. She opened the door to the room and saw a boy sitting on his bed on the other side of the dorm. Her eyebrows raised a bit to find her roommate was the opposite gender , but she wouldn't let it bother her.

"Hi I'm Holly nice to meet you." She exclaimed brightly as she smiled.

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