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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"teach? i dont teach others." elissia smiles, "i do admire your bravery for asking the girl who can kill anyone without any problems."
(Sorry, I was eating dinner)

"Brave? I-I'm not brave." She went bright red, but it faded to a light pink. "Y-You should smile more, you're prettier that way." She smiled lightly, before diving under the covers of her bed to hide from anymore embarrassment.
elissia stoped smiling and rolled her eyes, "umm thanks but i dont want to look pretty, im a cold blooded killer and everyone knows it." elissia remembered the screams of the people she killed.
She peeked from underneath her covers. "What if you want to make people think you're sweet and innocent, so you can kill them as soon as they let their guard down?" She was chewing on the inside of her cheek.
"That's the reason I make myself look suducing." Given her clothes this was true. She turned and walked out the room again.
Europa walked slowly with Avril on her side who was in her usual black leather outfit. They've decided to take a break from school by walking around but Avril have proved that school was better and they returned, hearing a ruckus. The first person they saw was.... Elissia. Avril smirked slightly at this encounter. "Hello Elissia. I see that your killer self is still there" Avril said, greeting Elissia, unafraid as she was one of the few people who could occasionally win a duel against Elissia. "Did you hurt any other poor innocents?"

@elissia gem
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Dakota arrives at the campus as she travels towards the school she let's out a small sigh and reads her book, pushes her hair away from her face. She didn't have high hopes about joining this school, she had just gotten used to her old school.
The sound of two sets of footsteps echoed down one of the nearly empty paths outside, accompanied by an exchanging of words that were only barely coherent to those around the two males.

Do you think we will meet new people?" Mai looked up at his brother and asked as he spun on his heels to walk backwards

Obviously, Mai, we are new," Damon responded, icy irises only glancing at the small boy for a moment when he spun. Mai looked at him with a half-frown curving his lips," I meant friends."

I know what you meant," Damon replied almost instantly," whether or not you make friends is up to you, twerp." Mai's growing glare subsided with a huff, and he stepped directly infront of him, boot-covered feet in synch with Damon's despite traveling backwards," what about you?"

I came here to finish getting an education, not to make friends. If it happens, it happens." The huskily-voiced teen said, tighting slender fingers around the grips of the two suitcases in his hand.

You're such a downer sometimes," the mismatched colored optics of Mai's rolled with a pout. "Do you think we'll have separate dorms?"

I don't know," Damon shrugged carelessly, gesturing for him to be quiet with his free hand whilst they got to the dormitory. He whispered to his younger brother as they walked past a crowd of students,"I guess we'll see."

Mai dodged running into anyone pretty easily as he walked backwards, nervously careful not to get pulled into the flow current of the moving people like a river. Damon didn't focus much on Mai as where they were headed, running a hand through his silver hair and growling beneath his breath. They hated crowds.
Holly sat on her bed waiting for her new roommate to walk through the door. She grew impatient after waiting a half an hour while no one came in. She got up from her bed and started walking to her first class. She snapped her fingers and used her magic to carry her books and pencils. As she skipped across the halls she noticed people were staring at her probably because of the flying school supplies next to her. She smiled and entered her classroom. Students were already inside so she quietly went to a desk that was open. She snapped her fingers again and her books and supplies were neatly set in her desk. She smiled and looked at the teacher ready to start a brand new school year.
"Hm. I would guess so" Avril replied nonchalantly. "Any other hurt students and you might be facing me, again. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to substitute" she said, striding away confidently and entering her class, the dark aura surrounding her dimmed as to not scare away the students. She smiled proudly, "Welcome back to returning students and welcome to the Witch Club" she said, giving a gesture of warm welcome. "I'm Avril, your young substitute" she introduced herself and waited for them to acknowledge her.
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I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by instruments "Huh..." I said rubbing my eyes "Oh you fell asleep. |You're a great violinist but I strongly recommend you don't play for hours straight." the music teacher said "Oh I'm sorry." I said feeling particularly embarrassed. She smiled "It's fine just go before the group of rockers come in here." She said "Okay." I said grabbing the music stand and my violin then waked into the hallway. I put the objects in my dorm then walked down to the cafeteria and at down at one of the tables that wasn't already occupied.
Dakota entered the front door of the school glancing down the hallways. She began to feel uncomfortable with the large amount of people walking up and down the halls. She tried to find a path through them to find somewhere a little less frantic.
"Looks like everyone's here except for...." Avril paused. "Ah, forget it" she murmured loudly. Putting away the current sheets she was holding, clapping her hand. "Alright, returned students," she said, addressing the much experienced looking students. "You know the drill, pick a partner, preferably the newer guys," she said, gesturing to the other side of the class where a nervous looking group sat, huddled together. "And we can then begin!" Avril exclaimed, watching the students as the assign themselves.
Dakota arrives to a classroom and peaks in, glancing around then looking at a piece of paper with her class on it. She fixes her hair again and tucks her book into her bag.
(Well shes not in the classroom but she is peaking in~)
(Okay, thanks! Just checking)

Most of the new kids actually participated which made Avril relieved to not have any problems with communication between students. Europa walked in and everyone was suddenly silent, petrified that the snow leopard might pounce on someone but Avril assured them, "Ah, don't worry. She won't bite. Just don't touch her" she warned and no one had to be told twice as they continue their pairings. Avril noticed someone peeking in. She walked out to meet with the girl. "Hi. Is this your class? If so, come on in." Avril spoke coolly.
"Uhm, I think so...?" She shows you the piece of paper with the class name on it.
Avril took a look at the piece of paper and smiled at the girl, "Great, you've come to the right door. Come on." Avril encouraged the girl to come inside, placing her hand on the girl's back. "Your name please?" Avril inquired, checking the list of students, taking off her leather jacket.
"Forgive my tardiness, but I believe I'm in this class as well." Cavan said calmly when he arrived at his class, only to see a girl standing at the door talking to the teacher.

"My name is Dakota" she said standing just inside the door, staring at the other students briefly to then look at the ground clutching her bag.
Avril tied her jacket around her waist and placed a casual hand on the door. "Okay Dakota, go ahead and find a partner, I'll be with you shortly" she said, instructing Dakota softly. "Hm, there sure is a lot of Witches this year" she mused before turning to the sound of a male, "Ah, hello, alright, name please?" Avril inquired the same question at the boy looking at some of her folders.
"Cavan Baisley, ma'am." He replied respectfully this time, his eyes studying everything in the class, from the students to the desks to the walls.

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