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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"Ah, speaking of your stuff, I haven't filed a report yet" Avril remembered and make her way to the door and before going out, she turned to look at Emilia, "And Emilia, try and be nice even though she's not. I've seen cases much worse than hers. And another piece of news...." Avril made an unnecessarily dramatic pause. "I won't be teaching you anymore" she spoke, a slight tone of disappointment in her voice, walking out to the administrator's office.
Her face dropped at the news and she flopped onto a nearby chair. "I need to tell her...I need to tell her that I....AVRIL!" She went sprinting after the girl, screaming her name at the top of her lungs. She hoped to catch her before she arrived at the administrator's office.
Zi blinked twice herself before tilting her head, "Oh I see" replied Zi as she figured out that she was blind, such a pitty to not be able to enjoy something so simple as eye sight, what a cruel world this is. "My names' Zi, its nice to meet you" smiled Zi, hoping to make friends with the blind girl she just met.
elissia tried to calm down and just ended up crying "i cant continue the vath life, im good at heart but i cant do it, im not allowed to be good." she ran to her dorm and layes on the bare floor, "deaths daughter try to make her understand because i so want to turn on this school." she thought wondering if she would hear her.
Willowmina smiled a little bit and said kindly " I'm Willowmina but you can call me Willow " she enjoyed someone to trust

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Avril twirled at the sound of her name being screamed, seeing Emilia running straight at her. She cocked her head, smiling softly. "Yes Emi?" she asked, and heard her title again, *Ah, how nice of you Elissia, we should have a talk later* she mused to herself.
She threw herself at the taller girl and tried to explain her feelings. "I really like you...not in a friend way..not that I don't like you as a friend...but..." She hung her head and exhaled. "I am really botching this brilliantly."
Zi smiled at the girl, "That's such a pretty name Willow" stated Zi in a warm comforting tone, she really did enjoy finding out peoples' names as usually they were way prettier then her name. That reminded her, has Ao found a spot to sleep yet? Probably taking a nap somewhere thought Zi, giggling a bit at her thought.
"Brilliantly yes" she repeated calmly, wondering what Em has to say. Not in a friend way? Well that explains the peck on the cheek that Em gave to her. A slight breeze blew softly upon them, cooling their face and playing with their hair. "Em, just give it straight to me. What is it?" Avril asked, slightly concerned.
"I am romantically interested in you, I want to be your g-girlfriend, I want to do silly couple things with you...is that enough?" She almost did the brazen thing of pulling the girl to her height and kissing her. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable was the only thing that stopped her.

(*loud fangirl squeal* First possible romance the roleplay, go us!)
"i miss someone, i dont know who it is but i feel so lonely." elissia falt shame as she kicked the wall again. she felt just about ready to cry, she choose to leave and attack later, she left the school along with preparing to attack and kill everyone except one boy.

((someone has to be evil))
(I could get a friend of mine to create an evil character... he is a genius when it comes to them... he scares me sometimes)

Zi giggled along with Willow for a little before proposing the question
"Have you been to the school before?" in a warm voice before pausing and adding "This is my first time myself"
(im evil in the rp)

"in the morning i attack this school, deaths daughter you lot better prepare, im only going to let one person live." she thinks as she picks up a knife, "im going to need a sword."
" This is my second year " Willowmina said and her tail swished into hands and she stroked the soft fur smiling
"Hm" Avril smiled slightly, amused and impressed of the bravery Emilia displayed. "Yes, that is enough....We could..." Avril paused, "...try." she finished, unsure how a relationship between student and teacher would work out. "Now, I'll get your stuff report before we can start your interest with me" she smirked and filled out the report form.

((Woop! Yeah!))
(welcome to the Salty spitoon, how evil are you? xD )

Zi smiled as Willow swished her tail, if only the girl could see how cute she was acting right now. "Do you think you could help me around school Willow? I haven't even got a dorm partner yet" asked Zi with a small frown.
(I may look like an angel in reality but if you piss me off...hee hee let's just say...the hospital won't be enough)
"Well, trying is the best we can do." She smiled, glad Avril returned her feelings. "Okay. I'll see you in the gardens." She waved to her partner and walked towards said gardens.
Willow nodded and said " I can help you around...and I don't mind if you want to be my dorm partner " she smiled

(Hey sorry if I have slow replys I've got work)
(I'm no angel, everyone knows not to piss me off xD )

Zi smiled when Willow agreed to show her around, and even more so when she volunteered to be her dorm partner,
Oh this is going to be so exciting! thought Zi to herself as she hugged Willow out of the blue, "Thanks Willow, your the best" smiled Zi.

(k, i don't mind)
Was he standing in the hallway? Ugh... He was! Why? He should have crawled back to his dorm ages ago! He briefly remembered the teacher complimenting him for... For... What? Something! Nevertheless, he had been in one of his usual meditive states, not even aware he could so it in public yet he had, he wasn't sure what it was but he couldn't wrap his head around Elissia, was she actually a cold killer? Or was that an act in order to cover her true feelings... Was she a cold killer because she had to be and not by choice? These were things he couldn't unravel, either way he decided he needed some real air. The nearby woods were a good start, maybe if he focused he could enter his true form for a feww minutes. Everyone knew he was a monster by now, who cared if they see him like that? Hiding himself away under hoods, gloves, and face masks once more, Lowan began to make his way outside the school towards the forest, to mull over the days events.
elissia had just walked into the forest and was resting against the trees "i must continue my family tradition, i must i have no choice." she whispered as she cut down a small tree using her knife. she hated the last name vath but it earned her fear, plenty off it, she remembered the words spoke by the boy, 'they should fear me.' what did he mean by that, no one compares to a deadly vath, even the military surendered to one of the vath members, her mother.
After making her way to the gardens, she found the most ideal spot and plonked her butt down. Her wings finally went back to their tattoo form and she sighed. She still wore the uncomfortable tank top and jeans, she undid her braid though, so her long hair fell over her delicate shoulder in waves. She hoped she looked pretty enough for Avril.

(Am I the only person doing something else while waiting for a response?)
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