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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

Avril only smiled and have her eyes a roll at the teachers answer. "Obviously, but what kind? Some of this students have magic, some are only abilities." Avril said, gesturing a fragile white hand to the class, "Ah, I almost forgot. I'm Death's Daughter, Avril." she said, giving a friendly nod at the students, offering her hand at the man (I'm confused. What's this guy's name?)
(Okay! I get it now)

Avril looked at Anos expectantly, lightly waving her offered hand, "You're not going to leave me hanging are ya? And Europa, stop sniffing the man will you?". Europa stopped and gave some sort of whimper before going off to see Emilia at the back of the room, one of the snow leopard's favourite people.

(( I apologize for confusing you guys. ))

Anos nodded lightly, a hand coming up to rub his chin,"and?"

"Sorry," Pangur took her hand and shook it, letting go a moment afterwards. He watched the other animal walk off and he blinked behind the mask that covered his eyes."...nice to meet you." He finished and turned his attention back to Avril.

"Hmm....he can't be human, or even normal. Cats, no matter the species are always more intuitive than most people. So it must be magic, disguising him...but why as the teacher?" She leaned against her fist and tapped the other hand. "The real teacher has to be in the room, hiding as one of the students. Am I right, sir?" She smirks and looks at the man beside her.
(It's fine)

Avril shoved her hand in her jacket, looking where Europa had run off to which was beside Emilia and she smiled, knowing the snow leopard has developed an attachment to her. "Like I said, what kind of magic?" Avril asked coolly and if he wasn't sure, she'll take the chance to teach the class Noir magic.

((Sorry that update got me into a bit of a mash and I had to redo my post.))

Anos focused his attention on Pangur when she said that, exhaling a heavy breath,"there's no doubting that he isn't human, but saying that he isn't simply because an animal sniffed him more than usual is hardly solid evidence for that fact. What if he owned an animal and the scent lingered? What if he is an animal with the ability to teach? What if he is a hybrid? If he isn't humanoid than what is he?

Details, Dearie, Details are what matter.

Anyone with a trained eye could tell that he is a subject of transmutation; there are slight, but just barely noticeable, differences in proportions to each side of his body. You can't tell much by how he is standing, but his right leg is taller than his left, only one of his ears are pointed, and his left hand is missing a finger. There are also markings rising beneath the collar that suggest magical influence. Now, the question of what he really is can be argued, but just barely. He could be an animal, which is most likely judging by the amount of white fur that is scattered around his clothes. However, many people owns pets, so to back that up all you have to do is listen. Animals who are transmutated often can't speak unless trained, or if they possess a magically quality. Couldn't possibly-" he stopped when he realized he was babbling at an alarmingly high speed and huffed.

Pangur brushed a finger beneath his color with an itch and glanced at Anos when the man started babbling. He huffed as well and looked back to avril," transmutation magic."

((( What time of day would you guys happen to be in?)))

Tsuki sat on the roof of the school he was to now be a staff member of. "I'm the teacher for class 4 it seems." He said while holding a piece of paper with his schedule, pay, and classroom number. "I guess I should have a sign up sheet..." Tsuki arose and entered the building via stairwell. As he reached the bottom floor he walked to the entrance and took pinned a sheet to the wall which read:

4th Block: Astronomy/Ghoul Science










Lily jumps out of bed with a squeal and quickly pulls on a hoody and a pair of sweatpants. How could she have been sleeping so late when there's an exciting new place to explore! She happily sprints out the door and down the hall.
Serenity walked down the hall way and noticed a sign up sheet. "Oh" she looked though her bag and took a pen out and signed the sheet. Science happened to be her favorite subject. She smiled then put the pen back in her bag.

Mai stood still in the hall a moment before he realized what time it was. He bounced on his toes a moment as he tried to remember exactly where his class was, before turning on the tips of his boots and running down the hallway. causing the thin silver braid that fell down past his back to sway like a tail. A quiet groan escaped as the thought about being too late for a class hit him, his speed increasing whilst he sped around a corner and almost ran into someone. The small boy took agile steps around the girl, almost spinning, and continued to run. He came to an abrupt stop when he got outside of Class 1 and huffed a breath of relief, only to look inside the classroom and find it empty. Mai grumbled confusingly and scratched his head," you've gotta' be kidding me."

Mismatched eyes looked around for one of the other classes, and made his way to class 2. They may know where class 1 went, he figured, and stepped in to see his teacher there. "
Oh," he blinked and rubbed the back of his neck. Guessing the classes would be together today, he stuffed his hands into his pockets like his brother would and didn't disturb the teachers. He froze for a second when he walked past the man, glancing at him when he started getting the faint scent of a cat wafted towards him with the movement. Mai scratched his head and continued to a seat, plopping down quietly. "Finally made it.."
As another student walked into the class Dakota looked up from her book for a second, again she couldn't recognise this person either.. she wasn't sure of he was in class 1 or not, she should have paid attention bin her last class she told herself again.
Mai looked around the room at the different students. They all looked unique, though he couldn't guess their powers even if he tried. He bit his lip in thought, placing the drawing that was given to him earlier onto the desktop and wondered if he would get along with any of them.

An inaudible grunt escaped as he sat there, the heat of the room stifling his nervousness. He was used to the cold, not so much body heat in a small space, and discreetly let out a vague wave of cool air. It calmed him, and made the room chilly compared to its previous temperature.
She sat in her class trying to learn who was who. She accidently froze the doorknob of her dorm yesterday so she spent her time in the library.

Everyone was different and she wished she could just find a friend and make her boredom go away.
Dakota shivered. Did someone open a window? She thought as she pulled her jacket around herself. Then again it only got cold when that last student arrived. It was possible it was him but then again maybe the gust just rushed in the door. She didn't put much more thought into it and she picked up her book and continued to read again.
Tap. Tap. Tap. She tapped her pen against the desk as she tried not to freeze anything. She was good at it but sometimes her power got the better of her. With hand magic she was great, but her breath froze things which wasn't easy to control.

She noticed the sudden cool but didn't really care. It was nice. I looked out the window and the rain was pouring "Yep I am not taking a run today." She muttered.
Lily wrinkles her nose and studies at the school map she was provided. It was strange to say the least, the place appeared to be a giant maze. She groans, "I'm never going to make it to my first class in time. Or my third. Maybe the fourth." She starts smiling wildly, if she can't find her way on her own than all she'll need to do is find a student to show her around. "Will a teacher provide me one? Time to find out!" She bounces out of the hall and towards a classroom.
Casually rolling in through the school gates on ebony roller skates, Tora finds herself, as per usual, late. A day late in fact, also adding on however much of Today's school day she had skipped. She glances about cautiously, strange eyes darting about to capture every intricate detail as she rolls over the pathway and in through the large front doors. She wasn't all too anxious, she was sure there were still students joining and wandering in here and there, besides, this was the time to be excited! But how could she be excited when there is so many....People. Not one of the she-demon's favorite things...

Lifting her grey hood over her currently hornless head, she uses her thin fingers to fix her dirty blonde hair back into place, but this mass of silk seemed to fall however it wished despite the style that was meant to be kept neat. It fell raggedly and carelessly boyish with or without the hood that seemed to be more so to obscure her features which were naturally on the slightly more feminine yet still a little rough looking from her cold expression. After studying the faces of the few students she passes as she blades down the hall she decides she doesn't wish to socialize today, or any day really and therefore felt no need to show her features so clearly- that and she was secretly shy/self conscious and did not enjoy the many stares she was already gaining.

Flicking her tongue over a strawberry lollipop she slows to an office, lazily making walking motions with her legs to turn on the wheels beneath her feet and switch directions, entering the room to snatch her week's schedule before exiting once more. She then picks up the pace and blazes down the hall, her wheels leaving a faint yet careless and unthoughtful trail of black from their dyed rubber. The girl doesn't bother to cast her gaze upon the paper schedule just yet, she simply shoves it in the front pocket of her hoodie and allows her hands to remain there for the time being as she searches for her assigned dorm, which a staff member had told her or more so reminded her of (Multiple times) none too long ago.

Upon finding a familiar dorm number she guesses that belongs to her she curls her thin, clawed, feminine fingers around the knob and pushes it open, peeking inside lazily. Relieved to find it bland and to notice she doesn't have a room mate as of yet she swings and tosses her duffle bag- which happens to be bigger than her- onto the bed, wincing when it creaks and sinks under the newly added weight. She didn't have many important or comforting belongings, the weight merely consisted of mostly clothes which were basically just a collection of the same things- Hoodies, jeans, sneakers, plain t-shirts, etc. Lazy fashion would be one word to describe it, the only "Feminine" looking thing she owned was a roller derby uniform- but even then she throws a hoodie over that.

Satisfied, she chomps down on the stick in her mouth, rolling the candy bulb over to one of her cheeks before spinning on her wheels and exiting, closing the door behind her with ease after having her hand outstretched. Returning said hand to meet the other in the pocket of her hoodie she decides to start up a search for both her teacher and classroom. Lazily riding throughout the hallway which she happened to enjoy doing- it was a smooth and unfaltered surface- perfect for her wheels despite the human obstacles constantly strolling in her way. Practice for roller derby came into mind allowing a childish grin to make way on her face.
"Now, Now, Cheshire. Can't be getting in trouble just yet, can we? Not before the fun starts...Now...Class Four I believe I was told?" She mutters quietly to herself, faltering her grin to an emotionless look to keep her mind set upon her search.
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Elissia looked down "I don't need to say anything." She wanted to hug lovan but she did not. "Don't you think that, never mind." And with that she slowly walked away.
Mai shifted in his seat, pulling his legs up to sit lotus-style in the desk. He looked around boredly, wondering where Damon was. Surely he wouldn't miss a second class of he could help it...no, he would. A disappointed sigh left his lips with a hint of fog and he rested his elbows onto the desk. It was boring waiting for the teachers to finish talking. Teachers...no, there was a woman and there was a cat. His red eye glossed over an icy blue due to his winter activation as he stared at the man standing there. Perhaps he was one of those weird animal hybrids..Mai shrugged and wiggled a bit. It was so quiet in the room..
elissia was attacking trees with her knife training for her attack, her knife ended up stuck in a tree as she fell over, her head had fully healed as she attempted to get the knife out the tree, "im ready, i just need to get my knife sharpened then everyone will face what was brought to them." she smiled as she grabbed a stone and started to sharpen.
I peek into one of the classrooms and see a few students lounging before the start of class, "Hello. I'm Lily Marren! I'm a second year student," I wave my schedule in the air, " and can someone help me get to my classes? "
Mai looked up when someone else appeared in the door and blinked. She needed help? He thought for a moment, standing to his feet and walking over to her. "May I see it?" He asked, offering out a hand for her schedule if she said yes.
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