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Fantasy Our School [Rebooted] (Always Accepts New Characters)

"I'm Mai," Mai gave a small smile from her giddiness and spoke as he read the paper,"it looks like you're in class 2, this class.." He glanced at the classroom a moment,"Right now class 2 and class 1 are together." He recited what Damon had told him in case Lily didn't know,"I believe we only have one class that teaches different subjects throughout the day."
( all I did is read the overview. ~0~ It's not that confusing..
"Great! My schedule only has times and classroom numbers. What is this class actually about?" Lily scans the room, the majority of the her classmates don't seem to be particularly pecuilar. But that's only appearances a cursory glance at that. Surely there will be others such as herself.
"That's odd...We're only supposed to have one class and one teacher who teaches us the different subjects.." Mai looked at her paper in bewilderment, a puff of fog escaping his lips with a sigh. He didn't realize the temperature in the room dropped further when he let out the breath and scratched his head, handing her the paper back with a smile. His eyes settled on to the two talking teachers for a moment before shrugging and looking back at her," they teach us all the subjects. I guess sometimes, like today, they pair classes together when the amount of students are small enough."
Lily shivers and rubs her shoulders, "They probably just gave me the wrong schedule. Maybe an old one. So Mai, how does this place work? I mean, this is a place for people like us. At least I assume people like us. I don't actually know who you are. What you are I mean. Sorry, this is all just so new to me! It's strange, not being able to know for certain. What was it like for you?" She smile brightly at the end of her ramble.
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Mai blinked,"I just got here earlier this morning. It's alright so far, the people I've met are rather nice." He rubbed his hands together, finding the temperature rather comfortable.
Lily laughs, "That's great! So what are you anyways?" She pauses sits on the edge of a desk, "Did I ask that already? I think I did." Lily mutters to herself while easing her backpack on to the floor.
Lily leans back and tries to relax, "Cool! I'm a Fae variety. I think. What are your abilities? And do you have any milk? I wasn't able to get to the cafetri this morning." She says sheepishly and brushes a few loose locks of hair behind her ears.
"Fae, alright," Mai sat in the desk next to her and pulled his feet into the seat, his hands resting around his ankles,"my abilities? Mm...no I don't have any milk, sorry."
Lily sighs, it was unlikely that he would have any but she could still hope, "Markers of what you are, for lack of a better term. I'm a Fae so I can fly. Kind of it. It's still a bit wobbly and I tend to crash into things. Of course it could be much worse, I've only broken a single flower pot. That's something."
Mai nodded lightly, laughing quietly at the flowerpot ordeal. "I see...I'm not sure how I would explain what I can do..er, what did he call it..seasonal embodiment?"
I gesture for him to continue, "Turn into flowers? Snow? Leaves? Wind? Use the powers? Summon animals? You must have so many possibilities!"
"Ahh.." Mai laughed nervously,"summoning animals? No...I haven't found out all that I can do, but I guess an example would be changing the temperature of a room, or using the elements." He intertwined his fingers together and pressed his thumbs against his ankles in thought,"I can also change into an animal, and use certain forms of magic."
"It must be fascinating. And frightening." Lily says sympathetically, "All I've ever done is crash. You have the potential to do so much more! What interests you?"
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"Okay." She takes her hair our from its ponytail and begin braiding and unbraiding it, "It's so nice that classes are starting late today. Gives us a chance to meet new people. I wonder if that was the intention? Are we allowed to eat food in here? That would be great if we are. I might even be able to sneak off to the cafeteria and grab something!"
"Well, I don't know if the school has a policy against it. I guess it's whatever the teacher prefers." Mai said shrugging slightly. He was growing worried about where Damon was, and glanced towards the door as if expecting him to pop up at any moment.
Lily stops braiding her hair and stares at him, "You seem worried. Let's go get a donut. Sugar makes everything better!"
Tora had broken from her search after finding nothing as of the moment, deciding instead to take the opportunity to explore what she can of the building- get a feel for the place, after all she'd be here for a while. Recklessly, she speeds down the hallway, wheels emitting a strange sound as they blade along the smooth ground. Her movement was strangely graceful, not a falter to be detected as she whips up an annoyance of those around as she begins to duck and weave throughout anyone in the hallway as though an obstacle was all they were. She didn't seem to take the fact that "this was dangerous" or "someone could get hurt" to mind, and if she did she obviously didn't give a hint towards caring.


Haru Aoi

Time: 12:10

Location: Class 3

Interacting with @Jaeger BLU


Haru shifted in his seat boredly, as the rain poured down. He pulled out a single ear bud and looked at the only guy sitting in the class. "Hey, how many other kids are in this class." His tone was cold, bored, and disinterested. Mostly he just didn't want to wait for class to start, sitting around was boring and so was learning, but sitting around was even worse.

His feet were on the desk, he used them as leverage to push his chair onto two feet, instead of four. This was slightly dangerous, but should he topple over his chair it wouldn't matter, he'd had worse. The ear bud hung out of his ear, dangling precariously, as a huge white flash of thunder and lightning rang out against the school walls.

"Um, I don't think we're supposed to leave the class," Mai said nervously, massaging his thumbs together. He flinched lightly when thunder struck and looked towards the window. "Geeze."
Lily sighs and slides off the desk, "If you're sure. Although I don't think class started yet. The teacher isn't here yet. At least the weather is wild enough to provide a distraction. Any reason that thunder frightens you?" She asks with interest.
Perhaps I had spoken too soon, that large crack of thunder boomed throughout the air and into Tora's lightly pointed ears, a pure white light flashing throughout the hallway to illuminate and trace over shapes. She flinches sharply, wobbling on her skates before clumsily tripping up with a loud squeak and crash, various peculiar items scattering from her pockets upon the harsh landing. Some way to keep attention off of herself- She wasn't doing very well on that plan so far, the amount of unamused stares she had gotten from random students and unknown staff members were close to countless.

After laying there for a while she draws out a groan and scampers onto her hands and knees, growing slightly frantic in movement as she hastily collects those of what she had dropped. Tora keeps her strange, hazel eyes locked upon the ground, not wishing to glance up incase she had smashed into someone or caused any other disturbance of the sort.

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