Our Elements (RP)

Aka laughed a bit at Raven's voracious appetite. He himself was equally starving. He grabbed his food and started eating maliciously. He shoved various food-stuffs into his mouth, chomping eagerly. It had been several days since his last meal, and Akala was very thankful.
Doug sighed as Raven finished her plate off before he could even start his. Glancing at Aka, he realized that he was the only one that hadn't started. "How is it you are so skinny..?" he asked Raven with a frown. He knew she always ate like this and seamed to always will, costing him so much more money. Without waiting for an answer, he started eating at a much slower pace than them.

Raven smiled at her brother. "That's just how my stomach works~" She giggled a bit when she saw that his plate was completely full. "How is it that you eat so slow?~" She asked with a large smile.
''Pwaaaaaahh!" Aka gasped as he had finished his plate. His mouth was spicing hot and he loved the strong sizzle sensation (alliteration!) in his mouth. he threw his arms in the air and said,"Aww man! Thank you guys so much." Akala breathed, patting his stomach in content.
Link walked in and and sat down,staying very quiet and his body and face was covered with a long black hood he was wearing.He didn't get anything but a glass of water and sat there quietly,looking around.

(sending him in finally xD since my others are stuck for now. XP)
Akala noticed Link come in, and scoffed. Something about that person felt different to him. Like that an uncanny feeling you get when someone is sneaking up on you. Akala rested his head on his arms, not seizing to escape his gaze toward Link.
Link felt chills crawl down his spine as if someone was watching him and he quickly stopped looking around and just looked down at his water that was sitting on the table in front of him.He now seemed nervous and hadn't touched his water once since it came,he just kept himself covered by the hood even his hands or feet weren't seen.
Doug noticed Aka's staring and followed his gaze to see the man in his hood and was curious but not to the point of doing anything about it. He continued to eat his pasta glancing at the man every once in a while.

Raven, on the other hand, didn't see the man or that her brother and new found friend had noticed him. "Doug~ Hurry up~" She was very impatient and wanted to go explore the village. Practically bouncing in her chair, she was drawing attention to herself without realizing it.
Link heard someone being very loud and peeked there direction,it wasn't very noticeable because of the hood but he saw them.And noticed Aka was the one staring at him,one of his eyes changed to a bright blue as symbols appeared on it. Then he looked away,now knowing who he was and figured not to get involved with them.
Akala was starled for moment when he noticed Link had seen him. He tried to ignore the strange feeling that told him something was off, but the sensation kept probing his mind. Finally, Aka couldn't take it anymore. He stood up, pushed his chair in with a thud, and walked over to Link. "Oy," he said, almost in a whisper, into his ear, hoping to scare him a bit before talking to this strange man.

Link jumped up knocking his chair down,startled he turned to Aka still not showing his face."W-what??..."He said in an obvious fake deep voice,he wondered what was this dude's deal and what did he want.
Aka crossed his arms. He didn't have much patience, but couldn't help the slight tinge of irratation in his tone," Geez, calm down." Akala said, a bit of a growl. Aka tilted his head, saying," Just sayin' you look like a creeper or somethin' 'cause of that hood of yours, man," he spoke, and tapped his foot onto the ground.
Link stared at him."So I can't wear what I want?"He did not like this one's tone,and this also made him irritated.Though it wasn't visible to Aka because of the hood and he didn't let his voice show it ether.
"I'm not saying anything!" Aka snarled. Then realized his temper was getting to him. He breathed a few times before finally saying," Alright, alright. Sorry about that," He held hid arms up in defence. He sighed. He did it again. Akala kept apologizing a few more times and rested his hands on his hips.
Ildri jumped up and pumped a fist in the air. "YAHOO! Two new guild members in one day! I'm on a roll, baby!" she yelled and began a victory dance. Shui slapped his hands over his eyes, wincing at the horrible dancing.

"Oh, my God, Ildri STOP. You are going to make my eyes bleed," he exclaimed, and Ildri stuck her tongue out in response, pulling her lower eyelid down as she did so. After she retracted her tongue, she struck a pose with one hand behind her head and another on her hip.

"I suppose my sexiness is too hot for some people to handle," she said and chuckled at her own joke. Dropping the hand that rested on the back of her head to her hip, she turned towards the eggs. "Hm... I wonder how we're gonna get these back to the inn...," she pondered, raising a hand to her chin in a curious manner.

"You claimed 'em, you figure it out," Shui muttered, his hands still clamped over his eyes.

Meanwhile, Sora smiled at Allen and pointed to the treetops. "Do you know how to fly yet? It would be a better duel if we could fight in the air, I think," she explained and lowered her hand as she awaited his response.

((Sorry it took me forever to reply.. xP))
( xD I was worried you didn't see me reply.)

Link chuckled,"It's fine,it's fine...It's understandable."He spoke now in a higher voice then before,not paying attention to it.He had also slipped up and his face showed along with his tech eyes for only a moment when he looked up at Aka,but he quickly covered it again. This one was interesting he thought,his emotions seemed to get off easily though which could be a bad thing if he didn't watch what he said.

Allen nodded."Of course I can."He smiled and shot into the sky floating right above Sora staring at her face to face."And I'm sure you can."He said before going up higher.Wale sat back to watch as Eran and Frank joined him,"Wanna bet who will win?"Frank just threw out there as a friendly little game.Wale smiled."I place mine on the girl..."Frank nodded."I'll place mine on her too.what about you Eran?"He turned his attention to Eran who sat between him and Wale,Eran just sighed."I call on Allen..."Frank chuckled."At least he has one fan."Eran then glared at him irritated.
"Thanks. Glad no blood was shed," he said half joking and half serious. Aka jolted as he thought he saw something sparkly in Link's eyes. He waved the thought away and said," I'm Akala or Aka. Nice to meet you,"

(srry gotta leave soon)
((Pfft, I saw you. I was just waiting for Dezhu to respond which didn't happen and I wasn't sure how to start the duel. I'm not great at fight scenes. xP I'll try not to be too boring, though. *rolls* I have to do something with Gaiana soon. I think she might pop in on Link & Co.))

Sora summoned a gale to lift her into the sky, and she rocketed after Allen and past the treetops so she was looking down at the forest. Watching the other bender intently, she called to him over the roar of the wind. "I challenged you, so you make the first move," she yelled, her long, platinum blonde hair whipping around her. She was still as she hovered, anticipating Allen's attack.

((Sorry 'bout the shortness.))
Shivers when down Link's back from the comment Aka made,he never thought it would go that far.But when Aka said his name he smiled."Aka?"He chuckled."Nice name.I'm..."Link didn't know if he should say his name or not,it wasn't very common and related to his element so he was a bit hesitant at first."...Link..."

( xD I suck at battle scenes too haha,and I never said a minimum for posts X3 since sometimes mine are short,so I don't care if there one line as long as I don't get stuck.)

Allen sighed,wondering what to do,"Errr....Do I have to?..."He looked over at her hoping he really didn't have to make the first move,he really wasn't good at going first.
Sora blinked in surprise when Allen asked if he had to go first. In all of the duels she had had up until now, no one had ever declined the first move. "I suppose not," she said and raised her arm so it stuck out to her side level with her shoulder. She opened her hand as far as her fingers could stretch and summoned her magic to her fingertips. From her fingers swirled individual gusts of air, and they slowly morphed together. "Get ready," she shouted as a sphere of swirling air formed in front of her outstretched palm. No more than a second after she spoke, Sora launched the tornado like sphere at Allen, using another blast of wind to propel the ball forward at an incredible speed.
Allen quickly raised his hand and swung it down,like a blade the ball was split in two and a gust of wind was sent to Sora. He was fighting another Air user so most of his tricks wouldn't work this time so he had to think quick with this one.With a smile still across his face when he had swung his arm down he had flipped himself and just like his arm he brought his leg down fast sending a blade of wind towards Sora at the same speed she had sent her ball.
Doug watched in surprise as Aka confronted the stranger only to start acting nice once more. He looked down and finished his pasta quickly and called the waiter over so he could pay.

Raven stopped bouncing when Aka walked away from the table. At first she thought that he had only befriended them for the meal and was abandoning them before they even paid. When she saw him start talking to the other man, she let out a sigh and decided to join the two of them. She bounced over a bit excited. "Hi!" She called to the stranger. "I'm Raven~"
Link was startled by Raven when she came over out of the blue and spoke,this was the one he heard before.He smiled and bowed his head to her,"Hello,Your his friend?"He motioned to Aka,and once again his eyes shined a strange blue with symbols as he scanned her over. What a strange girl he thought to himself.
Doug watched as Raven nodded bouncing again. He sighed and handed the money to the waiter with a considerable tip before coming over to keep an eye on his sister. "More like acquaintance." He said with a frown. He didn't like that this stranger kept his face from view but he knew that people had secrets.

"Doug~ Don't be mean~" Raven said poking her brother before turning back to the man in front of them. "This is my brother Doug! He's kinda grumpy~ But he'll grow on you~" She gave him a wide, friendly smile. "So what's your name?"
"L-link..."He stared at them,he never knew this'd turn into a long chat.He seemed nervous now but still looked up to see Doug with his strange blue eyes,this one didn't seem to be a people person.Yet his sister looked to be the opposite,he chuckled.
"Link... cool name," Akala commented and shifted his weight. His free arm grabbed his axe and swung it lazily," What're you doing out in the town like this, Link?" Akala said, snapping his axe back into a think belt with a strap that held his weapon.

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