Our Elements (RP)

((Yo, hey, I'm not going to post again tonight, but I'll be on tomorrow. Just wanted to set the record straight before I logged off. SHUI IS NOT A GIRL. 'Kay, g'night everyone~!))
Molara didnt notice the other people around her, the sound of the Hydra's stomping and roaring blocked their movements, this also enabled her to' see' more far then she would like to. The wind was quiet and she could only 'see' a few feet now in each direction, rather then a few yards before she encountered her beastly friend. Molara walked closer to the beast, to get a better 'look' it. She could only see the hydra checking upon its eggs, as should every good dragon parent.
((Bro, I wasn't talking to about your post, I was talking about Dezhu referring to Shui as she, but that has been fixed. (Thank ye kindly, Dezhu ^_^ )))

Shui nodded, holding in his irritation. 'Save it for the fire-breathing monster, man, save it for the monster,' he chanted to himself as he cautiously stalked forward towards the hydra that was now in sight. Only a few yards away from the hydra stood a girl, but Shui didn't see this other person Evan had mentioned. He darted forward as quietly as possible until he was safely hidden behind a tree, only a few feet away from the hydra. He raised his hand and with it flowed the water from his water bottle, floating in the air beside him in a whip-like shape. He looked up as Sora landed in the tree above him, and she nodded to him, signalling that she was ready to cover him if need be.

Shui lunged out from behind the tree and aimed his water whip at the hydra's back, right below the junction of its necks, but was immediately caught by the hydra's tail and flung across the clearing, landing beside the girl he had spotted. "Shit...," he groaned as he rolled on to his side, clutching his aching ribs.

((Poor unlucky bastard.))
Akala noticed the group of people was getting closer. He hissed and hugged his legs, inching closer into the tree he was sitting in. "Tch.." He said in a hushed tone. Aka bit his lip and wished for them to leave gim alone. Aka closed his eyes and hid in his legs, growling inside his mind. He saw the people and noticed they were the ones from earlier. What a coincidence. Akala pulled the branches above him over his body, concealing with leaves. These people seemed to be heading for the hydra. They would definately be interesting to watch. He giggled and and cracked his knuckles. He squeezed his eyes tighter, feeling the soft fabtic of his scark brushing against his face. If he stayed still, they wouldn't notice him.
Molara's blind eyes went wide, she wasnt even looking at him when she spoke "You....Tried to hurt my friend!?!" She moved her hands in a cricled motion before jerking them forward, sending a extremly strong gust of wind directly at Shui, this was definatley enough to toss the average person a good distance. Molara was extremly mad by this point, the air around her started to swirl, similar to that of a beggining of a tornado, though her wind did not reach much higher then the top of her head. "There are more of you arnt there!? Where there is one there are others!" The only thing she could think of is how they might kill this hydra, and worse, its eggs.

(Die!!! > :D )
Aka felt winds rushing around him. He felt his hair being rushed and it whipped around him. Akala looked up. That girl was whipping up some heavy winds. How fun. Aka flet his scarf being blown roughly, thrashing in random directions. He muttered darkly and gasped as his scarf fell off of his neck and down the tree. "N-no!" He said as he sent his arm to grab it, but it was too far away and Aka fell out of the tree onto the ground, landing on his bottom. Akala quickly recovered and lifted his scarf that snagged in a thorn bush. Wrapping it swiflty back around, Aka sighed. No use hiding where he was now, he wa sin plain sight.
Doug walked into the village with a sigh. He didn't like being with people but Raven loved them. The only reason he came along was to make sure that she would be alright and not get in any danger.

Raven smiled at him. "Doug~ Cheer up~" She hugged his side playfully and giggled a bit. "You gotta be less grumpy!" She poked his cheek and let go spinning off of him. "Lighten up!"

Doug smiled a bit he loved his sister's optimism but she didn't know the danger that people really where. He let his smile drop and looked to some of the buildings. "I'm not grumpy..."
(i need to find a rp buddeh .n.)

Akala almost has a spasm attack. If these people saw him, he would be in a crapload of trouble. He scrambled to his feet, almost tripping on the long scarf that hugged his neck. Akala bit his lip as he jumped swiftly away, running in a blur through the bushes, whever he was going, it was far better than here, where they'll probably catch him as prisoner and make him do hard labor. Aka was generally lazy.

Mich to his relief, Aka made it back to the town where he was earlier. As he tried to walk as casually as he cpuld, Akala spotted two people, and the girl was hugging the boy. They looked like a couple. How cute. Yet they seemed to look similar, and so were they siblings? He didn't know. Akala cursed and grumbled as he heard his stomach moan. Oh right. He was hungry. Then his senses perked up. Food. He could smell someone selling hot pies. If he was swift enough, Aka could quickly burn up the little cart and snag the pies before they burnt to a crisp. What a brilliant idea! But he'd have to be fast. If someone were to catch his face he'd be caught for sure. Aka would have to be fast. Giving himself a kick start, Aka ran through the crowds of people, everything fading out of his vision except the pie cart. And a little spark emitted from his red-black axe, which was strapped around his waist. He was about to reach and grab his fire-axe, until he made a mistake. His calculations were wrong, and Aka ran right into the people he saw earlier. (Doug/Raven, haha im desperate xD )
Allen's smile had faded and he almost jumped out to help when he saw they were having trouble,but Wale stopped him by grabbing his wrist."I doubt we'll be able to help yet,"Wale said with a smile."Just wait a bit longer..."He turned his attention away from Allen and back to all the other people around,he wanted to see if they could get back on there feet on there own.Allen just glared back at him,not wanting to wait because what if it would be too late then.But he didn't argue as he kneeled back down to hide again.
Evan stepped out from behind the tree and called to Ildri for help. He bent the earth into three throwing daggers and held them in his left hand. He calmed himself and thought of all his past training. The monks had taught him to stay under control and focus. He took a deep breath in and with one quick motion threw a single knife at the hydra. It stuck into the hydras tail and as quickly as possible he threw the last two mortally wounding the hydra. Knowing that its master or friend would be angry he bent the earth into a staff and prepared for a fight.
Molara whipped her head over to the attacker, she moved in almost a dance like motion, before jabbing her body forward. The wind that she was manipulating shot forward, it was almost serpant like in his movements. Once near enough to the rock bender, she shot in all different directions away form the man. She pulled her arms close to her chest and the air followed her signal, jetting to the man from various directions. Molara's 'vision' was not extremley blurry. All the different noises almost blinded her for real, she hated this feeling but in no way shape of form was she going to stop till they all fled, or died trying.
Evan, prepared for the fight stood like a rock as the attacker lunged at him and belted him with the air. If he were not ready this attack would have certainly taken him down, but instead it just winded him and almost put him out of the battle. Time seemed to slow as he thought about what to do he didn't want to kill the girl, but he couldn't let her kill him and his friends. So once his mind was made up he brought the earthen staff down upon his foes head and she dropped suddenly to the ground unconscious. After he had taken out the girl he himself slumped to the ground breathing heavily but still conscious.
Molara rubbed her head from the impact, she was extremley dizzy from the hard rock hitting her so roughly. She was definatley blind now, not able to tell a single thing that was happening. "L-leave now! Never return, your kind is not welcome here!" Molara couldn't even stand due to her massive concusion. But she did manage to make a sphere of air for her sit on and help her crawl out of the ditch. Her head was bleeding furiously from a gash in her forhead. All she could firgure out was that she had fallen in somthing wet, not having the slightest clue of her injury.
Raven was surprised when the teen ran into her. She smiled at him to show that it was no big deal. "Are you alright?" She didn't see the axe on his waist or think that he could prove to be dangerous.

Doug, on the other hand, glared at the teen and pulled Raven back a bit. "Be more careful." He spoke sternly, he wasn't fond of anyone getting to close to her even if she didn't mind.

"Doug~ Don't be mean~" She smiled at him before looking back at the teen. "Don't mind him! He's just grouchy!"
Shui was hurled back by the strong gust of wind, and headed straight towards a tree. But, before he collided with the wood, Sora blew out a gentler puff of her own and swirled her hands around it before pushing it forward where it caught Shui a foot before he flew face first into the tree. Sora spun Shui around to face the battle again by moving her index finger in a circular motion. "Thanks," Shui called up to the treetops where he suspected Sora was, though he couldn't see her.

"You're welcome," she called back and with the words came a new water bottle, as Shui had dropped his water whip when he was hit by the hydra's tail.

Grabbing the water bottle before it hit the ground, Shui quickly unscrewed the cap and pulled a new water whip out. Noticing that the hydra's movements had been slowed by the damage dealt to it by Evan, Shui charged into action. He morphed the whip into a sharp, thin boomerang of sorts, which he launched at the hydra, manipulating its course so that it cut through each of the heads. As each of the heads fell, a bright ball of fire shot at the stumps, burning them so that the heads wouldn't be able to grow back. "One down one to go," Shui muttered as he watched Evan and the girl's duel. Ildri walked forward with her umbrella still aflame, a victorious smirk on her face and her head held high.

"Good job, Shadow Slayers!" she cheered, and Shui nodded, accepting the older woman's praise. "You, air bender! What is your name?" Ildri called to Molara, who she noted Evan had dealt quite a heavy blow to.

Meanwhile, Sora floated down from the treetops until she was safely on the ground beside Allen and Wale. "The two of you would make horrible assassins," she remarked.
"Thanks," he said, standing up and dusting off some dirt from his clothing. He readjusted his red-and-black axe, for it had been knocked loose a bit. He straightened his scarf, pulling it softly over his chin. Akala glanced over to Doug, noticing that he gave him a little glare. Aka laughed quietly then spoke," No,no it's my fault," he said politely. Inside his head, he hissed and spat, now his raid plan was ruined because of his carelessness, running into people. Now they knew what he looked like. He tried to be as sweet and polite as he could, but his leg twitched before he could stop it. "N-now what might you two be doing?" Aka said, holding back a lash of rage. Now he would have to go another day without food. Great. Just great.
" A little help over here!" Evan called from the ground as he shakily tried to stand. His friends had killed the hydra and helped Shui. He looked over at his friends and they were just standing around looking at him.
Ildri walked over to Evan as Shui started brushing dirt and debris off his clothes. "Sorry 'bout that," she muttered as she held out a hand for Evan to help him up. Looking up at the the girl who had defended the hydra as she did this, she said, "So? Who are you?"
Raven smiled at him and was about to tell him when Doug put a hand over her mouth and whispered in her ear. "I don't trust him..." She almost laughed and pulled his hand away. "You don't trust anyone!" She looked back to the teenager who looked just a year or two older. "We're going to get some food~ Would you care to join us?"

Doug almost face palmed when his sister asked for this random stranger to join them. He didn't understand how she never thought people were suspicious. He crossed his arms and shook his head as a silent sign of disappointment. Raven...
Aka quickly perked up," Food...?" He said,almost to himself," But I don't have any money...sorry about that," he then slapped his hand on his head," Oh, by the way, I'm Akala Frost, from up north, or just call me Aka. Either name is fine I guess," he put his hands in his pockets, rocking on the balls of his feet. Deep inside, his stomach was growling like an animal. No food for days really does things to you, but Aka kept his sanity. He couldn't go all mad on people he just met! Akala glanced at Doug, slightly annoyed at this pessimistic person, but Aka paid it to no mind. The girl, on the other hand, had a much sunshinier personality. Yet that was what made people so gullible. Akala kept his polite good-guy act, just until he could get some food around here.
"My name is not important! The only fact you should be concerned about is that your kind makes me sick!" She was mistakeningly looking a little off form Ildri and her group. Molara was exhasted from that little duel, getting mad always drowned her energy and it didnt help she fell. Molara quickly put two and two together and her rage bursted out of her yet again, "You killed it didnt you! Are you all insane! Life here is not for your game, it is only to keep the balance of life! You must know your prey before attacking it..." She couldnt tell what they had done, but since the ground was not shaking from the large dragons foot steps, and the air not vibrating from its roar she assumed it was gone, or at least going. "You all should leave now, before you do more damage to this yet untouched land."
Raven smiled at Aka glad to know someone other then her brother. "I'm Raven and this is my brother Doug!" She motioned to him as she said his name. "Don't mind his grumpy-ness~ He just doesn't like new people!"

Doug didn't trust Akala. He was watching him to be sure he didn't try anything with his sister. "If you want we could lend you some money?" As soon as Doug heard this escape his sister's mouth his jaw dropped.

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