Our Elements (RP)

Evan was walking into the small town when he saw a small group of people walking out of the town. They seemed to have a definite leader and he was interested. Evan had been looking for a guild to join for quite a while, for if he joined a guild he could perfect his earth bending skills. As they walked towards him he gave a polite greeting " Hello my name is Evan and if you don't mind me asking I was wondering if you where all part of a guild."
Ildri, Shui, and Sora halted as someone addressed them. Shui groaned as soon as the guy mentioned the word 'guild,' already having his fill of guild-related weirdness today. Sora glanced at the newcomer with bored eyes before looking away again. She pulled a palm-sized book out of a side pocket and began flipping through the pages until she caught up to where she had last left off. Ildri was the only one of the three to turn excitedly to the man.

Twirling her umbrella around before resting it across her left shoulder, Ildri smirked triumphantly and gave Evan a small bow. "My, my, you have a fine sense of intuition there, my good man! Why, yes, we are a guild. We go by many names, but officially we are the Shadow Slayer's Guild! I am the guild master, Ildri Axel. What can I do for you today? Need an autograph? Have a monster that needs slaying? A maiden that needs rescuing?" Ildri rambled on and Shui sighed, hanging his head slightly in an embarrassed manner. Though, on some level, he was glad that Ildri seemed to be in a better mood now.
Evan looked at the strange group of people and to the person who addressed him and said "Well since you are the leader of this fine guild and I was wondering if I could join." Evan looked at the beautiful girl that appeared to be close to his age expectantly.
Molara accomplished her goal of filling herself with the delicious orange fruit, or more suited to her the round orb that tasted good. She decided to wander for a while to see what wonders awaited her in the forest today. Everday was a exciting adventure, she had no idea what she would run into. A mythical creature? A new plant? All the ideas that popped into her mind excited her, except for one, the idea of meeting another human along her way. Their lack of respect for the land disgusted her and she wished only to stay away from her own race, well the ones that did not respect the land anyway. She was better off on her own with only her own soul and the residents of the forest to keep her entertained.

She pushed off her foot and using the wind as some kind of boost, started to run across the forest grounds. She couldnt 'see' as well due to the wind blowin in her face instead of more around her. This was really the only time she felt completley blind to be honest. Though as if that stopped her.
Ildri grinned wickedly at Evan. "Oh-ho-ho! I see the day has come when people start begging to join my guild!" she exclaimed gleefully, to which Shui snorted.

"I'm still not sure what world you think you live in, but no one's begging you for anything, Oh, great and wise guild master," Shui remarked with sarcasm dripping from his voice, but Ildri completely ignored him.

Instead, she continued her babbling and said, "Well, Evan, it's your lucky day! We were just on our way to slay some hydras, and we're down one elementalist. If you join us and do well on this quest, consider yourself part of the Shadow Slayer's Guild! What element do you bend, anyway?" Ildri inquired, staring at Evan expectantly.
Allen and Wale watched from a distance."What in the hell are they doing?..."Allen stared at Ildri,her mood changed all of a sudden and it was weird.Also what were they talking about,some guild?Maybe that's why they were here,a job.Allen just kept thinking it all over in his head,which he normally didn't do.

Wale shrugged his shoulders."No Idea...Wonder who the new dude is..."Wale looked over at Allen and smiled."Someone just got really into this hmm?"He chuckled.

"Shut up..."Allen glared at Wale,but still couldn't help but wonder who the new guy was now that Wale mentioned him.This got really fun and least this was something to do instead of waiting around for the other two.
"Oh Ildri it is a great honor that you will let me join your guild." Evan looks at her in wonder knowing his goal is finally realized. " I will not disappoint you I am an earth elementalist and have have trained in kung-fu since my childhood. I will beat the crap out of those hydras." Evan gazes up at Ildri like she is his hero.
( I have absolutely no idea whats going on xD )

Aka walked through various shops and little marketers. His scarf covered up half his face as his gaze shifted around until he saw a good number of people. Akala sighed and went along. He liked to stay quiet, but they seemed like a rowdy bunch. Akala bought a loaf of bread from a man in a little cart, and he trudged further down, to where the commotion was. While he was walking, he flicked a little spark on the tip of his finger, singing the bread a bit. He mumbled something and chomped down into the loaf. It was a bit too soft for his taste, but who was he to complain? Aka smiled. Maybe he would follow these interesting characters for a while. Maybe?

(changed his real name to Akala X3 think it sounds smexier xD )
"Please don't stroke her ego. We've been trying to kill it for months," Shui said with a grimace as Evan gave Ildri a look of near adoration. Unfortunately, it had the exact effect on Ildri that Shui had predicted. Sora merely continued her reading, flipping the page every few seconds as she scanned over the air bending techniques illustrated on the pages.

Ildri's grin widened and she clapped Evan on the shoulder. "I applaud your enthusiasm, newbie! And now we have a full crew! We have one more member of our guild, but she's sleeping off a hangover right now, so we were missing an earth elemental. But now we're back at full strength, and ready to roll. Hydras, here we come! Don't get killed on your first job, 'kay?" Ildri commanded in a teasing tone and winked at Evan. In the next instant, Ildri took off down the road, parading in front of her group with renewed gusto.

Shui sighed and debated on whether or not it would be more beneficial to kill Evan now or wait until he could stage an "accident" when they reached the hydras. In any case, he would definitely have to suffer for building up Ildri's crazed ego after he had worked so tirelessly to bring it back down to a normal person's level. Putting on the face of a nice guy for now, he turned towards Evan with an exasperated smile and stuck out his hand in greeting. "Well, it seems our guild master has taken quite the liking to you. Welcome to the guild, by the way. I'm Shui, and this one's Sora," he explained as he hiked his thumb over his shoulder to point at Sora who remained enthralled in her book. His other hand remained in front of him, ready to shake Evan's.
Evan was sort of taken aback by Shui's bad attitude, but he had been studying people for years and he could see right through it he knew he had ticked her off but he didn't know what he did. He decided to keep his guard up from now on not trusting his new companion.

Evan ran to catch up with Ildri he really liked her commanding attitude and her spunky personality and wanted to get to know her better. He wanted to start a conversation with her, but didn't know what to say.

He shakily said " So Ildri ummm I've haven't actually put my battle training into play very much so I'm kinda nervou about this battle."

He blushed and looked at the ground knowing he could have come up with a better topic.
( xD your right where Eran and Frank are at least.)

Eran and Frank each carried one bag full of food down the market street,Frank had a smile on his face since they had gotten the apples he wanted.They had gotten the apples,bread,corn,grain,water,and some lettuce and split it up so it wouldn't be hard to carry."Where's Wale and Allen?"Frank asked as he stopped and looked at Eran.

Eran stopped walking and focused on his feet,then the earth all around and the people walking among it.Eran was surprised at where he found the two."there standing not to far from here..."He pointed with his free hand the direction the two were in."That way..."

Frank scratched his head."What?aren't they suppose to be finding a place to stay?...I bet there arguing again."He sighed and he imagined them fighting as always and not getting anything down.

Eran shook his head."No...There not fighting.Just standing there..."Now they both were confused,that has never happened before that they could remember."Oh wait there moving.."Eran added as he felt Wale and Allen begin to walk."Eh???"Now Frank was really curious about what was going on.

Wale and Allen had started following the 'guild' like before,far behind them but not to far to where they'd lose them.
Shui's right eye twitched violently as Eran ran away and he was left hanging. He clenched his open hand into a fist, and shoved it as far as he could into his mouth to keep from screaming his frustrations. 'I'll kill him, I'll kill him, I'll kill him, I'll-' his internal chanting was cut off as a delicate hand grasped his arm lightly. He looked down to meet the gaze of Sora who was staring back at him with a confused expression. "What?" he growled after a moment of silent staring, to which Sora frowned.

"What's got you so riled up? You're not usually so pissy," she remarked and Shui blinked in surprise.

"I...don't really know," he replied, and Sora gave him a look that suggested he had taken a dive off the deep end. "I'm not crazy," he said with a small pout, and Sora smiled a little in return.

"Then stop acting like Gaiana after one too many drinks before she's beat all her rage into Ildri," Sora retorted and Shui snorted defiantly, but his smile was one of amusement.

"Yeah, all right," he said and the two sped up a little to catch up with Ildri and Evan.

Ildri turned her head towards Evan slightly, catching sight of his blush and chuckling. "Don't worry. We'll bail you out if the going gets tough," she reassured her new guild mate. "Besides, they're only hydras. They aren't even full blown dragons!" she said with a laugh, smiling warmly at Evan.

Meanwhile, back at the inn, Gaiana sneezed as she laid on the tiled floor beside the tiolet, clutching her head woefully. "Ugh, one of those bastards are talking about me," she muttered darkly and groaned as her stomach did another flip.
" Thanks for the assurance I'll probably do fine I'm just kinda worried. Ummmm well I was wondering you said that this position I am in is to fill the place of one of your party members I was wondering i after this I could still adventure with you."

He paused and left the moment extremely awkward then said " really would like to spend more time with you. Oh and fight monsters of course."

Eran was kicking himself on the inside saying 'stupid, stupid, stupid why can't you talk to her like a normal person.'
Molara came to a halt shen a smokey smell in the air hit her nose, it was impossable to mistake she had reached her destination. Even though Molara had encountered these creatures before, she had no trouble in 'seeing' them again. Afterall, they were such nice residents of the forest and only took the space they needed to survive. Molara gave a bell like giggle and advances forward, listing to the howl of the wind intensly. "Oh what do we have here?" She twirled to her side and 'spotted' a batch of Hydra eggs. They were so big and resting of what she guessed to be a heated rock nest.

The young airbender hopped into the air and formed swirling ball of air to act as a seat and also to cusion her from the intense heat. Molara spun over to eggs, 'watching' them with delight gleaming on her face. She sweated from the steam boiling her skin, but at least she did not make direst contact with the scorching hot earth sheilding the precious darlings. "Ill wait here till your parents return little ones, I am so happy that i found you, I dont think I have ever encountered Hydra eggs in my days."
"I told you to consider yourself as part of the guild, didn't I? Of course you can stay with us when Gaiana returns! The more the merrier, and we need new recruits for the guild to grow, anyway," Ildri exclaimed and gave Evan a dazzling smile. "Just try not to die when we're facing the hydras," she repeated with a loud cackle.

"What do you think Bozo the Clown is laughing at?" Shui asked Sora in a whisper so Ildri wouldn't overhear. Sora snorted at the nickname, but shrugged in response. "You're not very talkative, you know that?" he muttered and folded his hands behind his head. Sora just shrugged again and flipped to the next page of her book. "....Where are we going, anyway?" Shui asked, trying for the third and final time to start a conversation with the young air bender.

"Don't know. Ask her," Sora quipped. Shui grumbled unintelligibly as he marched forward 'til he was only a pace or two behind Ildri and Evan.

"Oh, great and wise guild master, where are the hydras, exactly?" Shui inquired and Ildri stopped dead in her tracks, causing Shui to run into her back. In one swift motion, Ildri spun around and brought her umbrella down on Shui's head.

"YOU WERE THE ONE WITH THE DIRECTIONS, MORON!!" she yelled as Shui rubbed the bump forming on his head. He blinked as he remembered that he was, in fact, the one carrying directions. "Please tell me you didn't forget them at the inn," Ildri groaned and face-palmed as Shui rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Oops," he replied with a nervous laugh. He backed up slowly as flames sprouted along the rim of Ildri's umbrella. "Hey, now, no need for excessive violence. Put out the flames, Ildri, just put out the- SHIT, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE WAVING THAT!" Shui yelled as Ildri swung her flaming pinwheel of death at Shui who barely managed to dodge to the side and out of harms way.

Sora stepped in front of him as Ildri prepared another strike, holding up a folded piece of paper. "I thought he'd forget, so I grabbed them instead," she explained as she scanned the techniques in her book. "Take it," she commanded and Ildri accepted the folded paper gingerly after putting out her flames.

"I knew I added you to the guild for a reason," Ildri chirped, all smiles and calm again. Spinning back around, the fiery guild master resumed her parading towards the forest that bordered the town. "Onward, my friends! There is gold to be made!" she shouted, releasing a bark of laughter as she marched with an extra spurt of speed.

Shui stood there gaping at Sora's retreating figure before sprinting to catch up with the blonde. "You're evil. You know that, right?" he asked in an accusing tone, and Sora shrugged for a third time, a little smile playing on her lips.
Allen and Wale couldn't help but laugh at this group of clowns,they could only hold it in for so long."Shh..."Wale said still chuckling as he tried to tell Allen to be quiet,"Shut up,you know it's funny."He smiled at him and looked at the group.They stayed hidden well as they followed,this was so much fun that they had forgotten who they were with,each other.
A large ruffle of the trees hinted to Molara that the parents were home. She jumped off her ball of air, landing a safe distance from the almost molten rock that could cook her alive. A large five headed dragon broke through the trees into his nesting grounds, exhaling a loud screech at the sight of Molara. "Hello there!" She gave a kindred smile to the hydra, knowing it was only a greeting sign to her and nothing threatening. Even though she didnt formally know this hydra from anywhere in particular, she new how to not seem like a intruder to the creatures of the forest. Molara bowed her head and walked far away from the eggs so that hydra's mind could be put to ease. "Pleasure to meet you" Molara exlaimed in a low and calm tone, she knew she didnt have to act her mean self infront of the residents, they understood the ways of the wild, they were the wild.
(dangit im so inactive TT.TT)

Akala yawned. He was tired and a bit grumpy. Maybe he would take a walk in the forest. Gulping don the last singed piece of bread, he licked his lips and continued casually. What time was it? He was easily tired, and the bread seemed to contribute to his sleepiness even more. Through the forest, Aka smelled and heard something. The bittersalty whiff punched his nose, and he yanked up his scarf to mask the scent. He also heard a loud thunking noise, like a landing beast. Off in the distance, Aka could see... a hydra? It was rather cute. He wanted to see what it could do. Walking silently, he headed toward the gigantic reptile. When Akala was close enough, he could see a girl infront of it. Was she crazy? Maybe or maybe not. Aka climbed up a branch, and watched intently, careful not to make a noise, in case the girl ((Molara)) heard him. Or worse, the hydra. Akala was definitely skilled in fire magic, especially widespread wildfires. He snickered and watched, his stomach grumbling quitely. Dangit. He had spent the rest of his money on that loaf of bread. Now he was broke. Now he'd have to work... or starve.
Evan stepped back and watched the quarrel take place, for he thought if he annoyed Shui any more she might kill him. Evan was actually wondering earlier where the hydras actually where. he chose not to say anything so he could talk to the beautiful Ildri. As they where all walking around and Shui was looking at the map guiding them Evan looked over at the map in Shui's hands and questioned "So these hydras are do they like live in a cave or do they just live around the forest somewhere? Another question who exactly is employing us and do I get a share?"
((Dezhu, Shui doesn't have the map, Ildri does, so I'm just gonna act like Evan was talking to Ildri.))

Ildri looked up from the map when Evan addressed her. "Hmm? I don't know where the hydras are, precisely, but if we follow the map we'll get to their general location. It'll be like a scavenger hunt from there on out. I don't know who our employer is; Gaiana is the one who handles our job requests. I'm just the one who picks which ones sound like fun. And, yeah, assuming you make it through the quest and stay with the guild, you'll get your cut of spending money," Ildri said with a wink. Shui decided it looked like she had a nervous twitch.
(( sorry about that must have got confused))

Evan nodded in acknowledgment and said assuringly "I will keep my eyes and ears ready to find them I have given up two of my five senses to tighten those two you know." They kept walking along through the forest for a while before Evan said "Did you hear that? I hear peoples voices I think they are hiding in the forest nearby we should tread carefully."
Akala scoffed. Off, not too far away, he could see a group of people. He wasn't close enough to see how many, but a good number. What were they doing out here? They were probably doing a guild job. That would be the only reasonable answer. Aka shifted closer into the tree. He had to conceal himself the best he could. Wearing bright red in the dense green forest wasn't a smart idea, and the leaves were the only thing that could mask himself with. He blinked. Akala hoped they were friendly. If he ran into them, he would have to fight. And right now, his stomach was in no condition for fighting. He could only hope they wouldn't see him. Pulling his scarf even higher up, it now covered all the up until it reached the bottom of his eyes. Aka held his breath. One wrong move...
(('Tis fine.))

Ildri nodded her understanding and the two fell into silence, as did the remainder of the group, until they had reached the forest and Evan spoke up again. "People? I thought we were looking for hydras...," said Shui, his brows scrunched together in confusion. Sora patted him on the arm in a half-assed attempt to be sympathetic.

"We were," Ildri mumbled as she looked around for the source of the voices Evan had mentioned. She couldn't see or hear anyone, but a nearby screech alerted Ildri and the others to the presence they had originally sought out. Ildri smirked and twirled her umbrella around once before opening it and resting it on her shoulder again, but this time the opened tool was lit with red flames. "Looks like we've found our hydra, girls and boys," she announced and turned towards her guild mates. "Alright, here's what's what. Shui, we're using you as bait," Ildri stated and made to continue, but an enraged Shui cut her off.

"What the hell? Why me?" he asked in a hushed hiss. Ildri just stared at him like the answer should be obvious, and Shui sighed in defeat. "Fine, whatever. But if I die, I'm coming back to haunt all of you," he threatened.

"Ooh, I'm so scared," Ildri retorted and ignored the glare Shui sent her way. "Back to the plan. We'll send Shui out to get the hydra's attention first, and then Evan will go in fists swinging. I'll be chilling out behind you guys so I can block all of the hydra's fire attacks with my own. Sora will be hanging out in the trees to give us aerial coverage. By the by, did you bring any water, Shui?" Ildri asked, looking at her guild mate knowingly.

The water elementalist kept a blank expression and responded with a monotonous, "Maybe." Ildri face-palmed for the third time that day before passing a water bottle over to the water bender. "Thanks," he said sheepishly and attached the bottle to his belt after unscrewing the cap.

"Alright, anyone have any questions?" Ildri asked before she gave the signal to march. She looked at Sora and Shui who both shook their heads "no" before turning to Evan. "Any questions, newbie? Speak now or forever hold your peace," she warned.
Evan and Shui started along towards the sound of the hydra. Evan cautiously walked along side Shui always on guard, for now they were alone and he could do what he wanted to him. They came to a stop when Evan said "Wait. Stop. There is not just a hydra up there there is a person. In fact there are two people we should continue cautiously. Actually, you know what I will stay behind you and you do whatever bait does. If you get in trouble with the hydra or the people I will be right behind you."

They both continued forward cautiously hoping not to die.
Allen sighed as he hid behind a rock watching,"Wow.I wonder how this'll go."He chuckled,this was the best part and he didn't want to miss a second of it.Wale smiled."Now you can see how your 'challenge' is."Allen glared at him."Ha...funny...I have a feeling she's not as powerful as your imagining her....She gives off weak signals.."Allen looked over to Sora in the group.Wale just shrugged his shoulders."You never know,she could be pretty good."

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