Our Elements (RP)

Akala blinked. This girl, she was so...open to people. "Ahm.. Sure, I guess. Thank you," he sputtered. He had just met her and she was lending him money! She was either so innocent or so gullible, either way, Aka was grateful. "Are you sure you want to lend a complete stranger money, Miss?" He said, baffles to the extremes. Glancing at Doug, and noticing his stink-eye glare, Aka told himself not to get on that guy's bad side. Aka shoved his hands in his pockets," So where are you guys going to eat?" He spoke, fiddling with his fingers around.
Ildri blinked in surprise at the girl. "You're aware that the hydra we slayed was responsible for the massacre of three entire villages, right? It was no innocent creature that we were picking on; it was a bloody thirsty monster that we killed to prevent more truly innocent people from getting hurt. I'm sorry if it was your friend or whatever, but we didn't attack without reason," Ildri explained as she pulled Evan to his feet. Looking behind the enraged air bender, Ildri noticed the hydra's nest and winced. "I see...Well, this is a bit of a problem," she murmured, but a smile soon spread across her face.

"No," said Shui immediately, already knowing where Ildri's logic was headed.

"What? Why not?" Ildri asked with a pout as she moved closer to the hydra eggs. Shui swirled his water into another whip and prepared to grab Ildri with it, need be.

"We have no place to keep a couple of baby hydras, Ildri!" Shui exclaimed, as if the answer should be obvious, which it was.

"Nah, I think we can manage," the blonde replied with a grin and darted forward to the eggs just as Shui shot out his whip. The fire elementalist hopped into the nest, the flames not bothering her one bit. Shui's water, on the other hand, evaporated almost immediately. "Besides, we orphaned them! The least we can do is raise 'em!" Ildri declared and Shui groaned. He knew resistance was futile at this point; when Ildri set her mind to something, that something was pursued to the ends of the earth until she achieved it.

"Do you even know how to take care of a hydra?" Shui asked as Ildri caressed the eggs. She turned to him and smiled.

"Nope, but I think I might know someone who does!" she chirped, and pointed to the air bender. "You, chick whose name supposedly doesn't matter, do you know how to take care of hydra babies?" she asked, watching the girl expectantly.

((Hahaha! [MENTION=3576]Broken Blacklist[/MENTION] - I will force you to join meh guild one way or another!!!!))
"Of course I do you abnoxious murder!" Molara growled at Ildri. She slowly took her spinning sphere of air out from under her to try and stand, which amazingly she was able to do. Though walking would prove to be more of a challange. "So I will care for the Hydra's in their natural habitat. I dont want the reason these poor children are prentless trying to parent them, or use them as some kind of pet. They are to stay here and away from your slavery." Molara knew she was having a big mouth for such a weak physical state, but no way in hell was she going to let killers try and make a fool of her by taking these precious spawn.

(Haha you can only try > :) )
"No problem~" Raven smiled at Aka happy to help. "Of course~ We were just going to eat at the inn! But if you have a suggestion we'd be glad to hear it~" She was getting a bit tired of eating at the inn with the few drunks that decided that they were going to get wasted so early.

Doug sighed knowing how suborn his sister could be when it came to 'helping' others. He noticed that Akala looked nervous. Good... He thought to himself. He didn't want Akala getting comfortable with his sister.
[MENTION=3301]Ember Bare[/MENTION]:

ShizukaAyame said:
Meanwhile, Sora floated down from the treetops until she was safely on the ground beside Allen and Wale. "The two of you would make horrible assassins," she remarked.
"Well we're not assassins now are we,and seems we've done pretty good til now."Wale snapped back at her,paying more attention to the others."Now shoo,you'll ruin the fun..."He said quickly after still keeping his eyes on the others,Sora wasn't one of the ones Wale was keeping an eye on at the time so she was no concern to him.Allen was sitting on the ground facing the opposite way as Wale since he had gotten bored since all the really 'fun' stuff stopped,he waved hi to Sora."nice seeing you again,don't mind Wale...he's always like this when he's studying..."He elbowed Wale in the arm hard.

Eran and Frank had found the two not to long ago and just sat behind them a ways waiting for them to finish what they were up to,Allen and Wale knew they were there they just didn't say anything about it.

(Boom! fixed xD )
Ildri grinned at the air bender, a devious spark shinning in her eyes. "Sorry, little lady, I claim these eggs as spoils of war. I'm taking 'em with me, and there's not a thing you can do about it. You're outnumbered and injured against four elementalists. I might not be known for my math skills, but even I can tell that that means certain doom for you if you try to keep me from my eggs," she claimed, her smile never faltering, though it turned into more of a smirk than a smile. "I suppose the only way for you to keep an eye on the eggs is if you come with us!" Ildri chirped, still petting the flaming eggs.

Sora completely disregarded Wale, not interested in anything he had to say. She was here for one reason, and she would not be side-tracked from that goal. "It appears as though our mission is over, so it is time for our duel," Sora stated, watching Allen expectantly. "Are you ready?" she asked.
Molara hated this girl already, everything about Ildri set off little flames inside. "Very well. You imprudent hag..." She mumbled the last part, not really wanting anyone else to hear it. Molara's legs were weak from the short battle she had with the earth bender, meaning she could barley walk if at all. Instead of forceing her exhasted limbs to strain themselves any longer, she made yet another air seat for her to rest upon. "Dont expect me to become a little member of you travlers though, I am here only to raise the hatchlings. Then I will be on my way." Molara was still faced slightly off form Ildri, talking mainly to a tree form her line of 'sight'.
Akala nodded and thought," There should be a new place down the street. Let's see what they got," he pointed down the long road, indicating a little clean restraunt. He looked back, unbuckling and swinging his axe around," Whatever you guys want to eat, i'm just a tag-along," he snickered, licking his lips.
Allen jumped up excited,now there was something fun to do."Yes!"He could finally practice after so long of not even letting the wind roll slowly to make a nice breeze.He could admit he'd probably be a bit rusty now,but hopefully not for long.Wale just sighed and turned to the two,he had wanted to see this more then anything and now that the other two were here to watch he didn't have to explain it all.Eran and Frank over heard and watched wondering if Allen had lost his mind, they weren't suppose to fight and for a very good purpose.
Raven smiled. "Alright~ Lets go! It'll be a lot better then the inn~" She started in the direction that Aka had pointed with a slight skip not waiting for either of the guys. Her sword bounced at her side a bit occasionally hitting her leg.

Doug sighed following slowly. He didn't like the way Aka smirked after saying what he did. He fingered the money in his pocket trying to think of ways to get out of having to feed another person.
Aka slowed down, until he was beside Doug," Oy, I see you giving me a stink-eyes. Don't worry, I'll pay you back. Cross my heart and all that stuff," he said, still fiddling with his shiny axe that spun around in his hands. Aka wasn't sure if he was sincere or not, but if he managed to get the money he would definitely hand it over. Yet it was hard for him to earn money, and Akala sighed at the truth. Pretending to be curious at their surroundings, he looked at the shops and such around them, feeling slightly uncomfortable with this bitter character.
Doug nodded once a bit glad that that was one promise he got out of this. He decided to relive some of his boredom by bending his water. He opened his bottle of water and used one hand to make spheres in his hand to spin and jump in the air just about his hands.

Raven walked up to restaurant and entered holding the door for both her brother and Aka. "Come on~ The food isn't gonna eat itself~"
Akala smiled at Raven's enthusiasm. He walked in casually, every once in a while glanced over at Doug's water manipulation. Deep inside, water scared the crap out of him. He closed his eyes, and told himself to ignore it. Aka plastered on a half-smile, trying not to freak out about that water and wavered in Doug's hands. Akala looked over to Raven's brother," Water elementalist? Cool," he said, holding himself from throwing a fireball at everything and everyone around him. He sat over at a little table, and picked up a menu.
Doug noted Aka's uncomfortableness to his water and knew immediately what elementalist he was. If not for the scared look in his eye, Doug would be having a bit of fun with Aka. He kept his straight face and nodded once in response to Aka's question.

"He's all fancy with his water but I can do just as much with fire~" Smiles widely and sticks my tongue out at him. She wasn't as observant as her brother and didn't notice the glint in Doug's eye as he returned the motion with a rolling of the eyes.
Aka simply snirted, amused by a happy-happy girl and a bitter boy. Akala blinked through a few pages until he found one that suited his taste. He selection #56, which was a hot spicy dish with chicken and rice. He smirked to himself. He always loved hot foods, and glanced toward the others to see if they saw him as weird of some sort. Akala put his menu down, until he noticed a waiter was coming toward them. Nodding, he told the waiter his choice, saying he didn't need ANYTHING to drink. Akala liked to stay away from as much water as possible, only getting close when he has to. Like in times of great dehydration or when washing. He looked at Doug and Raven, asking mentally what would like to eat.
Raven looked through the menu quickly scanning for nothing really then spies something to her liking. "The steak Diane~" She said cheerfully knowing fully well that the chief will light it on fire before sending it to her. "And a small glass of water!" Getting it just to appease her brother. She would give it to him at one point during their meal and get out of drinking it.

Doug stetted on fettucini alfredo and a side salad with a bottle of water. The waiter took the menus and went to place the orders with the chief. He put the water he had been manipulating in his current bottle and looked to the two fire elementists at the table not wishing to speak. It wasn't that he didn't wnat to it was that he did not know what to say.
Aka stood for a moment, feeling a bit awkward, then spoke," So you guys are fire and water elementalists?" He asked, setting his cheek on a hand. Akala blinked and twiddled his fingers on the table, looking up to see their response.
Raven smiled and nodded. "Yup~" She relaxed and her posture became a bit more slumped. "What about you? What element do you manipulate?"

Doug sighed noting how dense his sister was when it came to body language and hidden meanings. He let his thoughts drift away from the conversation with a bored look and studied the restaurant.
Akala snapped his fingers, and a bright little red flame emitted from the tip. "Flame. It's really neat, no?" He nodded with Raven. He wavered it around, making a little flickering flame jump around. He snickered," I would rather prefer big wild fires," he said.
Raven's expression didn't change but her hand twitched when he said wild fires. She preferred controlled chaos more then burning everything in site. "I think its amazing!" In the right hands! She didn't say it to avoid offending him. "It can be dangerous though!" She said remembering when she accidentally burned her brother.
Akala closed his fist, and the fire burned out. "Yes. That's very true," Aka opened his palm again and a little hissing sound whispered from his hands, indicating a burnt flame. He blinked and noticed the waiter came again, this time with their food. Akala smiled at the waiter and closed up every wild emotion. Aka said a thank-you to him and picked up his plate.
Raven smiled at her lovely meal glad to have some meat in front of her. She quickly began to tear it apart and devour it with such zeal that suggested that she hadn't eaten in days. Her insides seemingly melted with the warm food. Why can't we eat like this all the time?! She thought tossing some more chicken in her mouth. She wasn't even using the fork and knife that the waiter had put in front of her.

Doug only snapped out of his thoughts when his plate appeared in front of him. He glanced at the other two at the table and saw that his sisters plate was almost clear. "Whoa! Slow down!" He said with a small smile. He was trying to make sure that she didn't eat through everything again.

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