Our Elements (RP)

"I'm just passing through....stopped here for a bit to take a break and then I'll be back on my way..."Link had looked towards the way out as he spoke,then turned back to the group when he finished."And you?"
Raven smiled widely. "Same here~ We're actually gonna stay the night in the inn and head out tomorrow~" She was happy to be meeting so many new people that didn't get scared away by her brother.

Doug sighed. Why must she always be so open....? He thought with a sigh a bit annoyed.

Lame post...))
"Oh,really?Hmm..."He smiled and looked at Doug,"You don't talk much do you?And seems you don't like it when she talks to others,since you sigh every time she does and have seemed grumpy ever since you came over."He chuckled,wondering if it was just him he didn't like or everyone.Which ever,he thought it was funny and nice at the same time.
Akala twitched. "Y-yeah... I'm just passing too. Borrowing some money from Doug and Raven,"he chuckled,"Don't mind me. I'm a leaf in the big wind. No big deal,"

(gotta go shower. CLEANLINESS AWAY)
Doug was a bit surprised that this Link could read him like that but instead of showing it he crossed his arms and with a slight glare. He didn't like it when people could take one look at him and know how he was feeling and what he was thinking.

Raven smiled at Doug. "I told you you where being too grumpy~" She looked back to Link. "How did you tell that?" She asked intrigued.
"Well it's written all over his face and actions,he doesn't seem to be good at hiding it."He smiled as he stared at Doug,he now figured this one hated him even more but with the little reaction he got maybe not.Though the glare made Link it feel true,he hoped he didn't make this worse for him and the one in front of him.
Raven started bouncing again. "That's awesome!~ Could you teach me how to do it?" She was bouncing so fast that she was more of a blur then a person.

That's what happens when you excite her... He stopped himself from sighing again and put a hand on her head forcing her to stay firmly on the ground. "Calm down..." He didn't like the idea of her being able to tell what others where thinking, though he didn't think she would be able to manage it.
Link chuckled,he didn't see it as hard to see what people were thinking.He just had to watch them and he'd know right away,though he would always pay attention to every detail since that's what he had to do with everything most of his life."You really do seem the opposite of him,more open and outgoing."
Aka yawned and gave the siblings a nod," Thanks again, I'll get 'cha back the cash when I can," he held up a peace sign, mentally saying 'scout's honor' or something of that matter. He then gave a glance to Link," Oy, if you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing a hood?" He said almost the same question as earlier, but with a more polite tone than his usual snappy attitude.
"Errr....For personal reasons...."That question stumped him,he couldn't just say it was to hide his element or they'd get suspicious.Normally he didn't need it,but his body for some reason had symbols of his element showing all over like tattoos but he didn't know where they came from.One morning he just woke up and they were there,he thought they'd go away in no time but it's already been three days and they haven't even faded off.It was very troublesome.
"Bah. If it makes you uncomfortable, then don't sweat about it," Akala said, giving Link a cocky pat on the head. He didn't show it, but Akala really did respect people's personal feelings, he just dodn't know to show it himself.
Link looked at him,his hood had slipped a bit when he was pat on the head.Of course Link was fast to fix it,he slightly tilted his head as he thought of something."By the way...What are you all?"

Aka's eye twitched slightly," Wait, whaa-?" He said, scratching the back of his head," I'm human, if that's what you're asking," Aka stopped then added," And-and I'm a dude! NOT a she-man, and uh- I-ahmmm...." He sputtered, trying to figure out what the hay Link was talking about.

(btw, I made an rp called Wonderland Madness :3 im not forcin you to join but just getting the word out there~)
Aster was walking through a nondescript forest, eating an apple, and ignoring his surroundings. Well, to be politically correct, he wasn't walking, he was teleporting short distances at a time. He loved the rush that came with the use of his powers. So, he was teleporting and minding his own business. Suddenly, he was in the middle of a field. There were three figures sitting underneath the shade of a tree, and he decide, 'Well, I've got nothing more important to do today. And what is the point of travel if not to meet no people?'. He was about to walk over and when he sensed a huge blade of air directed right at him. He thought, 'Why does this happen to me?" before disappearing out of the wind blade's path. He reappeared next to the three figures by the tree and said, "That sure was a slow blast of wind wasn't it? Pardon me, my name is Aster Wrenfield." He graciously bowed after his introduction, his emerald eyes flashing with mirth even in the sunlight. All in all, he struck a very odd shape in the world.
Link laughed,"No,no,no element."He thought to himself maybe he should have made it a little more clearer,but that would have taken the fun out of his answer.

(Oooo That sounds awesome! xD I would have probably found it right off the bat since i always look for new things to join even though i'm already in like ten haha)

Wale smiled,without even looking he knew who this was.Though he didn't say anything about it,he just watched allen and Sora.Frank on the other hand waved to the stranger with a smile."Hey,yea you gotta watch it around here since a fights going on."He poked up at Allen and Sora,Eran just nodded with Frank's remark.
Akala then stopped having a freak attack and cleared his throat," O-Oh... Yeah, I'm a fire elementalist," he said with a smirk, flicking a little soark over across the room. The little flame wasn't very big, but it left a tiny scorch in the corner. "What about you?"
Registering Wale's face, Aster realized who it was. "Indeed. It has been a long time since we last met... hasn't it Wale? And I see Eran and Frank are healthy as well. I did sense an air elementalist up there, and your presence indicates that it's Allen. How have you all been. Do you even remember?" he asked.
Link then regretted asking the question."Umm...water."He said,it was the only thing he could think of at the time and it just came out.He felt as if he just dug himself his own deep,dark,lonely grave.

Wale smiled and looked at him."It has,I have a feeling I'm the only one that still remembers you fully."he chuckled as Frank stared at him not having a clue on what they were talking about."Eh?We know him?"Eran nodded once again to Frank's question and like Wale he had kept quiet."So you remember too Eran?"Wale looked at him not too surprised and Eran nodded again."Yes..."Frank now felt left out since he was the only one who didn't know."Aww come on...Who is he?.."
"W-water... O-kay, nice," Akala was strangely nervous now. He back up a little bit. He had always been scared silly of water, and now told in his head not to get on Link or Doug's bad side. That would be bad. Very very bad.
Link looked at him confused."Something wrong?You don't like water?..."Well that was normal,he was fire so maybe he did play his cards right.He hoped he did or this might end bad for him.
Aka laughed half-heartedly," Eheh... Not a big fann..." He said quietly, holding back the sheer intention to freak out and set everything on fire. "No problem, no problem," he reassured," Not at all,"
The way he spoke and acted said differently,Link didn't want to scare the guy but it seemed it was too late.Link smiled as he placed a hand on Aka's shoulder,showing his hand and arm where strange designs were but Link hadn't paid attention."It's okay,I don't use it anyway.So no need to worry about it."
Aka sighed," Alright, I believe you, but-" he stopped, glancing at all the strange symbols on Link's hand," are you part indian or something? You got some wicked tattoos," Akala remarked, grasping his hand and holding it up.

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