Osiel Academy [Inactive]

The sun's brilliant rays beamed in through the window landing on Jack's right eyelid, subsequently, Jack opened his eyes due to the sudden brightness.

He closed his eyes in pain, jumping back a bit to escape the sun's antagonizing rays, "Perfect way to start the day..." He grumbled.

The blonde haired freshman arose, he walked to his shower feeling groggy, but it was like any other morning.

After cleaning up, and dressing into his new school uniform he looked at himself in the mirror before he left, "Let's hope this day isn't to stressful..." And with that he set off out his room, and down the dorm's halls.

As he left the dorm a slight breeze brushed up against him, sliding some of his hair off to the side if his head, he fixed it immediately, slightly vexed by the sudden occurrence.

He sat under a tree near the center of the campus, he got out his phone, and looked at the time, "4:43?" He sighed, he's never been up this early...

"Oh...sorry force of habit." June scratched the back of his head. "I was raised to give people proper terms." He laughed a little. Small talk was nice after freaking out in front of strangers yesterday. "And I'm afraid my sleeping habits aren't the best so I managed to wake up rather early." He played with the strap of his book bag as he spoke. Noticing that sayu glance at her wrist watch June figured that she had someplace to be. He wanted to talk to her but he would have hated to be rude. "Do you have someplace to be mis-" June catches himself. "Sayu..." He giggled at his own mistake. He was surprisingly laid back for some reason. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep.
After drawing a little, Johnny raised his head and looked around. He noticed a guy sitting under a tree and looking at his phone. He got up and walked towards him. He didn't seem to notice so Johnny didn't know if he should bother him. "Hi... I'm Johnny sorry if I bothered you but, do you know anything about the schedule?"
"Ah... Yes. I have a meeting with Ka-- I mean, the Headmaster," Sayu said with a smile. Even after the many years of attending this school, she always forgot to refer to Kai as Headmaster in front of other students. Seeing that she didn't have much time left until the meeting, she turned towards the direction of the Main building before waving to June. "Bye bye, June," she said as she jogged off to the Headmaster's room.

Just before 5, she made it to the doors of his office and knocked a few times. After a moment of silence, the door opened by itself. Kai was seated behind his desk, his legs kicked up onto it. He looked incredibly tired, which made Sayu smile. It was nice that he did his best to wake up for this meeting. "Good morning, Kai. I see you brought the files. Shall we begin discussing the testing?" Kai let out a yawn and simply nodded. "We're going to need a few students, Sayu." Though Sayu knew it was wrong to give the students a power they might not be able to handle, it was for the sake of the Exusians. After all, Karyuudo's seemed to be getting stronger by the generation.

However, the new runes that they would be testing with was especially dangerous. Necromancy, in which spirits from the dead may come back. Revival, in which a human or animal may be brought back to life. Possession, in which you are able to take over a living creatures body, be it a human or an animal. All of these can prove fatal to the users and weren't limited to only the Exusians. These runes only needed blood in order to work, which meant that even normal humans can use it. But if Osiel Academy was able to teach their students a way to use it safely and efficiently, they would have a chance to stand up against any enemy. This was the Headmaster's ultimate goal. To make the Exusians unstoppable.
Maikeru woke up and rolled over looking at the clock on the bedside table. It was just past 5 in the morning. He yawned and sat up stretching his arms outwards. Well this is way too early to be up. I might as well get up and walk around. The day previous had been one big blur to him, everything had happened so fast. He had met a few different people but didn't really talk to anyone particularly long. Maikeru got out of his bed and began to get ready for the day. After he was done he grabbed a piece of bread and held it in his mouth as he headed out the door.

Maikeru found himself walking through the middle of the school admiring the scenery and watching the very small amount of students who were actually up early pass by. Well I guess I will have to see how day two treats me.
Jack looked up at the fellow student, he smiled politely, "I really don't know much about anything....maybe there'll be an announcement later....well, at least I hope, if not we'd probably be running around like mad men."

He shuddered at that thought, "I'm Jack by the way, nice to meet you." He raised up his left hand for a hand shake, trying not to make it seem awkward.
"Nice to meet you too Jack." as Johnny shook his hand "Sorry again if I bothered you" ending the conversation now would've left them in an awkward silence so Johnny decided to try and make some small talk with a simple question "Do you like it here so far?"
"It's not bad...I mean, it's different from any other school I've been to, but that's probably because we're different, but yeah, I like it, I haven't really interacted with many people yet.." He shrugged, "How about you?"
After a few minutes of small talk, Sayu left Kai's office with a sigh. She had to find students who seemed strong enough to handle these new rune types. If she had been completely honest with Kai, she would have rejected the idea about teaching the students. The risks were too high. However, that could just be Sayu being too nice, which was something Kai often teased her about. But because this was something the Headmaster was so passionate about, she just couldn't find it in her to refuse him. And so, she walked out of the main building in search of students who were capable of Necromancy, Revival, and Possession.
"Same for me, I only know 3 people including you. But I start to like this place, even if it's a school it very quiet and I feel 'free'. Unlike the city which I grew in. Always a lot of noise, couldn't even look at the sky because of buildings and it demoralized me made me lazy." said Johnny as he sat down looking for more people around the area.
"I wouldn't know a lot about cities...I've mostly lived with a tight-knit group of people....I've lived in forests, plains, even a swamp. I'm used to seeing a clear sky, truthfully, the first time I saw the main building I got a little pang, I haven't seen a building that big in a long time..." A small quiver went chasing down his spine as he looked at the building. "But yeah, I get what you mean about the free feeling."
Johnny smiled a little, thinking about what Jack said and then laid back on tree they were under. As he started doing some sketches in his notebook asked Jack "Do you have any hobbies?"
On a normal day Zeth slept in until 5 or 6 a.m..... but this was not a normal day. No, today was the first day of school which meant Zeth's brain had decided that at 3 he would wake up and not be able to get back to sleep. So instead he lay there, thinking about how school was going to be and the new people he had met. At 4 a.m. Zeth pulled himself out of bed, dunking his head under a facet of cold water in the boy's bathroom and spiking his hair before going back to his own room to get dressed and ready for the day. He stood in front of the mirror, admiring his Exusian mark for a moment before heading out the door. He wasn't sure what he planned on doing just yet- he just knew that he needed to be out doing something because sleeping was no longer an option.
After a few moments, Sayu was at the X-Ring once again. By now, the sun had fully risen and the sky was lit up. She glanced around the area in search of a student to converse with and possibly bring in for testing. No matter how much she hated what she was doing, she had to. This was her way of repaying the Headmaster for taking her in. With a loud sigh, she plopped onto the stone ground.
"Yeah...I like to write, read...I like art, although I'm terrible at it, I just appreciate it; I love nature, anything to do with it, maybe because I was was raised around it, or maybe because I just like it...I don't know really..." He laid his head back against the tree, and took a deep breath, "I love old music, music from the 20's, also folk music isn't that bad either...I like reading plays, I've never really seen one, so I use my imagination quite a lot...I have a fear of birds, it's more of a phobia really..I me-" He cut himself off. "Sorry, didn't mean to ramble there..." He blushed slightly embarrassed, he turned his head back down to the earth.
There were good things to getting up early, Zeth decided. Like the color of the sky- something he usually only got to see as blue or inky purple but today was still that just lighting pale color that's not quite orange anymore but the warmth of sunrise was still there. Zeth could feel his tattoo glowing again as he enjoyed the beauty around him. Spotting Sayu sitting on the ground - and wondering to himself if he just had a knack for being where ever Sayu was - Zeth headed over to her, giving her a small wave. "Morning. What are you doing up so early, if you don't mind my asking?" Zeth continued to stand, unsure if he should sit next to her or not.
Frank lied there in his bed staring at the ceiling not blinking and probably not aware that he was even awake. '*Whisper* 1.. 2... 1... 4... 5... 1 -clang-' the noise in his head was so soothing it was a number station that he would listen to sometimes as he was bored in his father's apartment. The voice had gone from German to Swedish to Spanish and all counting different numbers at the same intervals. another voice began to interfere now overpowering the counting voices 'Get up Frank, you have somewhere to be!' after the voice had finished Frank shot up out of his sweaty lying state and threw his sight to the clock '6:03.. six O three... Sechs Null Drei...' he felt the sudden burn on his eyes for being shot open for a good 20 minutes. A loud shout could be heard from his room as he bashed his way to the bathroom. He had no idea why this burst of energy hit him, but it was probably, because he thought he was late for his morning meeting.

Finishing his shower he rapidly got dressed in his simple school uniform, brushed his teeth, and made his way to the center of the campus. 'There is no reason to worry, you are NOT late.. probably too EARLY!' he felt defeat as his voices had defeated him again and used him. Frank let out a sight before knocking himself on the bench and letting the cold morning wind dry his hair.
"Don't worry about it. I won't tell anyone. And don't be ashamed, a phobia isn't something you choose it just is there or it develops in time." Johnny like the fact that Jack is so open when talking about him, It was either that he was giving a good vibe either jack was an open person, both cases were good.
Sayu immediately turned to Zeth as soon as she heard his voice and forced a smile, which was something she didn't have to do often. But after today's discussion with Kai, she didn't feel like being happy. "Good morning, Zeth. I was just at a meeting with the Headmaster. What about you? You're up earlier than usual," She said as she pushed herself off of the ground and stood up, dusting off her uniform that got dirty.
"So how about you? It'd be rude for me not to ask." He didn't expect someone to be as nice, and charismatic, his first impression to the student body here wasn't so great.
"I like drawing and sports in general but I really am attracted to things that need logic and a lot of thinking. I like to use my mind but i don't like to memorize stuff. So I like strategy games like chess but if i'm bored I'll try to draw something, or eat" he said with a smile on his face. "Sorry if I don't talk a lot and ask a lot of questions. I'm more of a listener than a talker" Johnny felt that he should add. "Oh, I should start looking for someone that can tell us if we have anything to do today, are you coming?"
Finally finished with her drawings, Hannah tossed the sketchpad aside, tucking the pencil under her hair on top of her ear. She put the sketchbook on her dresser before looking out the window. She decided now would be a good time to head out, but not before brushing her teeth. She attended to her orthodontic needs, the intense mint burning her mouth and causing her eyes to water. 'Great, it look's like you've been crying.' she mentally spat, desperately attempting to rid her eyes of the tears before anyone saw her. She made her way to the top of the staircase before sliding down the stairs of the girl's dorm railing and walking out the front door.

The morning breeze greeted her when she stepped outside, the scent of the morning dew carried by the gentle wind. Hannah let out a soft sigh, inhaling the wonderful scents that the morning brought. Casually she made her way over to the bench that she assumed she would find Frank on, and her assumptions weren't wrong. With a friendly smile she sat beside him, leaning into the bench as she enjoyed the view of the rising sun above the treeline, listening to nature's composition of music as the leaves on the trees rustled and the birds sang. The Academy was quite a beautiful place.

"Good morning." Hannah greeted in a rather cheerful tone.

"Sleep well?"
He smiled a bit, surprised at the politeness, "It wouldn't hurt going,would it? I just hope whoever we find is nice...or to nice, there's an extent of niceness that borders creepiness"
There was something a little bit off about Sayu's eyes and Zeth wondered if he should be worried... but he pushed it aside. If there was something to worry about Sayu and Headmaster Kai would share it with the students, right? Either way, it was a question of trust and Zeth trusted Sayu. "First day of school... I just couldn't sleep anymore! Sayu... I'm here for you if you need anyone to talk to or anything." Zeth added the last part as a whim, smiling at Sayu. Just in case she didn't know earlier, at least she'd know now.

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